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“Riding the Wind and Waves” Twitter × 36Kr takes you to redefine the brand to go overseas!

“Riding the Wind and Waves” Twitter × 36Kr takes you to redefine the brand to go overseas!

2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, all walks of life are facing severe tests, brand going overseas has become a breakthrough for many enterprises, what opportunities will enterprises usher in? On June 17, 2020, 36Kr and Twitter jointly held a CMO summit titled “Riding the Wind and Waves, Leading the Future” to discuss the new development trends of the domestic and foreign markets from multiple aspects such as brand going overseas, games going overseas, and technology going overseas.


This event invited many industry leaders, such as Twitter, economists, Chuxin Capital, CICC, and 36Kr games, to deeply analyze the current situation of the global market in various industries with data and cases. At the event, Alan Lan, Managing Director of Twitter Greater China, said that China has countless excellent innovative content and brands, and more and more companies are choosing to bring high-quality products overseas, and in the process of going overseas, overseas online and offline users have different habits of obtaining information.


How to grasp the habits of online users and get news and the latest developments?

Twitter shares where their strengths lie. As the world’s leading social service platform, Twitter has now become the entrance for people to get news or new things, and nearly 40% of users log in to Twitter every day to get new technology or information. In Japan, for example, Twitter users have seen a 65% increase in the frequency of their use of the platform, the highest growth rate among all social channels.


The epidemic has caused enterprises and consumers to shift more purchase channels to the Internet, and how to efficiently use the Internet and social media to expand their own advantages, capture the hearts of consumers, and thus open up their own brand to go overseas is worthy of breakthrough and innovation for Chinese enterprises. At the same time, Alan noted: “The pandemic has developed into a global crisis, but if we overcome this node, the crisis will turn into a turnaround. We hope to leverage Twitter’s advantages in overseas markets and explore with all walks of life to help Chinese brands continue to succeed overseas.” ”


During the meeting, Miao Miao, managing director of Chuxin Capital, believed that the sudden epidemic in 2020 had a great impact on the global economy. In the context of such global trade, enterprises in various fields have begun to accelerate the process of online; In the medium and long term, the general trend of going overseas remains unchanged, and e-commerce and ecological chains are still promising, especially for emerging markets, which will develop more rapidly than traditional industries going overseas with the characteristics of high efficiency and high penetration rate. Compared with Europe and the United States and other regions with more mature markets, such as emerging markets such as the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia, it is worth increasing market research efforts for brands and enterprises in the planning of brands going overseas.

In addition, the “video” of social media has opened up new ideas for online promotion, and the rise of online celebrities, live broadcasts, and small videos has generated more business opportunities for the use of short videos and games.


The main content of this CMO summit jointly organized by Twitter × 36Kr, if your company or brand is interested in brand going overseas, or needs to customize brand overseas strategies and solutions, you can contact our brand marketing experts who are easy to use. Or you can understand more brand overseas marketing information:

1. Enterprise brand going to sea “Foreign trade enterprise brand going to sea, active marketing is the key”.

2. Foreign trade brand going overseas information “6 key points for foreign trade enterprise brands to go overseas and establish independent sites”.

3、YoutubeOverseas Marketing“Foreign Trade Brand Overseas Marketing YouTube Video Marketing Can’t Be Ignored”.

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