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What is SEO optimization? Knowing about Google can make more people find you!

什麽是SEO?了解Google能讓更多人Find You!

The main factors that affect the SEO of a website

Many people think that the selling point of SEO is ranking, and there is nothing wrong with that, but they pay too much attention to the results and ignore the process. From a literal point of view, everyone can understand that Search Engine Optimization emphasizes optimization, but optimization is not a one-step success, but a gradual meeting of Google’s various requirements. So, do you meet all of Google’s requirements to be ranked first? The answer is no! Even some of Google’s web pages are not 100% optimized, let alone other websites. There are too many factors that affect the SEO of the website, such as concise and accurate code, clear architecture, PC and mobile response, server settings, reasonable internal link building, website access speed, keyword layout, language settings, canonical settings, security certificates, sufficient social media exposure, high-quality external links, content marketing, and a fixed update frequency on the website. Content originality, user experience, visitor behavior, and more all affect Google’s ratings.

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a comprehensive score made by search engines for the optimization of various indicators of the website, this score is calculated in real time, which will affect the natural ranking results, so the search ranking of the website will fluctuate at any time. Getting a good ranking doesn’t mean you can do it once and for all. SEO is like a race with no end in sight, and Google is your judge against countless competitors. You may be behind in the first half, but as long as you keep running according to the rules of the game, you definitely have a chance to catch up in the second half. In addition to technique, this game is also about explosiveness and endurance.

There are a lot of explanations of SEO on the Internet, and there is no need to say much here, this article is just to deepen your understanding of SEO with simple and easy-to-understand examples.

After more than a decade of transformation, Google is getting better and better, and those days of deceiving Google are over. If you want to do a good job in the SEO of your website, please follow Google’s optimization guidelines to improve your website. As experts in teaching SEO, we shouldn’t leave Google’s optimization guidelines to our clients. How each of Google’s rating factors is implemented is what we are all about.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes both on-page and off-page optimization, which is optimized to make a website conform to the rules of search engines, so as to be recognized and rank naturally. Both of these optimizations are the focus of SEO.

Now that there is so much social media, do you still need to do website SEO?

Mobile users should be aware that the search terms they used in apps will appear in your favorite social media apps from time to time. This is actually a recommendation from the media based on your search history, and even if you don’t pay attention to those search terms, the system will continue to recommend them for a period of time. In this social media marketing model, customers are passive and the quality of website traffic is not very good. But SEO is the opposite, it attracts customers to come to the door. What you want to do is rank your products and brands so that customers can search for a full picture of the product details and even customer reviews. Such website visitors are of high quality. Whether you are doing B2B or B2C, SEO is the best way to promote.

PPC is pay-per-click advertising, and it pays off in the short term. It’s like a faucet, as soon as it’s turned on, the flow is endless, but as soon as the faucet is turned off, the water source stops immediately. If you don’t have a certain strength, it will be difficult to withstand high bids, and sometimes you will suffer losses due to malicious clicks, and the traffic will be relatively simple.

SEO is not as immediate as PPC, and it may take a long time to invest in the upfront. However, as long as you improve your rankings, you can maintain your organic rankings for a long time as long as you do SEO updates and maintenance, as well as keep an eye on Google’s latest changes. In addition to increasing brand revenue, SEO can also gain the trust of Google. In the long run, SEO costs less than PPC. If you have a sufficient budget, you can also do PPC and SEO at the same time, use PPC as an aid to drive website traffic in the early stage, and then slowly reduce PPC expenses after SEO improves the ranking of the website.

Comparison of website traffic sources

What is the SEO process like?

一、. Set KPIs

1. Have a basic understanding of the website as a whole.












域名超過一年以上的比新域名更適合做Google seo









2. Know the budget. The budget determines the intensity of on-site optimization and the corresponding cost of the number of keywords to promote.

3. Evaluate what SEO words can be done within the budget according to the above authority of your own website, and set reasonable KPIs.

2. Specific analysis of the website

1. Use Google Search Console to view the performance report of the website, such as the number of impressions and clicks on traffic keywords, the effective indexed pages of the website, error pages, external links of the website, and the applicability of mobile devices.

Google Search Console admin

2. Check the current status of the website as follows:








internal link




image size






Canonical Tag

301 Redirect

若無法避免重複的內容(duplicate content),便告訴搜尋引擎你想要展現哪個版本的URL





H1 Tag

Keywords 分佈

Image Alt Tag


Hreflang Tag





Server Location




2. After the inspection report comes out, you should set the optimization project and evaluate the impact of the optimization project on SEO that cannot be done. You don’t have to do all the content optimization before you do SEO, and optimization isn’t a one-step process. Some optimizations are necessary based on performance during the promotion process.

3. Choose keywords

1. Identify key keywords based on the existing products on your website.

2. Use Google Adwords recommendations to get the extension of the key word.

Google ads keyword search volume query

3. Use tools to look up keywords made by competitors, available tools are SemrushAhrefs, and SimilarWeb.


SEM Rush Competitor Comparison

4. Search engine drop-down menu to expand keywords

Google search pull down list

5. Keywords that others are searching for

Google search Pople also ask

6. Relevant search keywords

Google search related searches

4. The number of keywords depends on whether the pages of the existing website are sufficient, and whether there are corresponding pages, it is generally recommended to have 1-3 keywords per page. Be careful before choosing keywords, don’t pick a bunch of keywords for your product and then find that your website doesn’t have enough pages.

Fourth, website optimization

Optimizing the website and selecting keywords can be carried out simultaneously, because keywords can be implanted in the optimization process, which is convenient to speed up the progress of on-site optimization. After optimization, remember to use SEO tools to check whether it meets the promotion criteria. Not all website optimization projects are done by SEO companies independently, if you want to achieve good SEO results, you also need to cooperate with SEO companies to do a good job of updating the content of your website.

Backlinks are external links. Literally, it means linking in from an outside website, that is, a cross-domain link. It’s like if a country wants to enter the international market, it must first build multiple international routes. The more routes, the more diversified market bridges can be built. When doing backlinks, avoid pornography, gambling links, and spam links. When a backlink page is indexed by Google, it is equivalent to successfully opening a path and adding an effective backlink. However, high-quality backlinks are not something that can be explained in a few words, if you want to know more, please continue to pay attention to the SEO academic area, and some SEO courses will be shared in the future.

AttentionOther topics in the SEO industry:

How to use Google SEO optimization for enterprise websites to develop overseas markets

How to do a good job in content optimization in the process of Google SEO optimization and promotion

Google SEO optimization off-site drainage strategy to bring more traffic to your foreign trade site

Google SEO Ranking Optimization Guide: It’s hard to think about 3 points of ranking

Google will no longer include PC websites that are not mobile-friendly

Great collection of SEO tools:

Keyword Tool :



Google Adwords:

Website architecture and code detection

Screaming Frog:

Google Responsive Detection Tool:

Google Update:

Google Search Console:

Google Analytics:

Google Tag Manager:

Google YouTube:

Google Structured Testing Tool:

Website access speed toolSpeed Insight

Image Editing Tools :

Remove Background Map Tool:

Go to Video Background Tool::

Google Update:

Google Beginner’s Guide:

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在現代化社會裏面,想要做好一個品牌的推廣工作,互聯網的運用是必不可少的,尤其是利用各種搜索引擎的網站優化功能,這是一個非常直接的擴大品牌影響力的方法。 想要在新時代裏做好品牌推廣,互聯網的作用著重突出在無限的擴大了影響範圍,以及涉及到的各類潛在客戶。 尤其是數據時代的,任何的一項數據本身都能夠給品牌帶來巨大的影響力,這就需要有實力的工作人員進行有品質的分析,然後將分析的結果體現在品牌的宣傳工作當中,將網站或者相關的介紹能夠呈現在客戶面前,通過滿足客戶的內隱需要或者外顯需要,來增加產品的銷量或品牌影響力的擴大。 品牌推廣就是一個品牌的影響力擴大過程,很多時候人們接觸不到品牌本身,但是通過互聯網的影響,同樣能夠左右到客戶對品牌的個人觀感。而這種來自於多方面的個人觀感,在後續的購買乃至個人的口碑傳播當中,都會起到一定的影響。



網路推廣就是通過網路進行企業的宣傳,從而給企業帶來網頁的流量等,目的是提高企業的知名度,樹立企業的對外形象影響。網路的推廣做好對於進行網路行銷具有重要的作用。下面我會介紹,網路推廣的幾個技巧。 一、批量推廣 這種推廣方式就是要像病毒一樣快速在人群中擴散,讓更多的人了解這種產品。這是一種非常有效的推廣方式。 二、通過網路廣告和企業資訊的發佈 網友數量非常多,如果可以在網路做廣告,促進可以使人們了解企業,還具有方便,成本低的特點。網路廣告已成為非常受歡迎的廣告方式。另外,企業可以在自己的官網上發佈自己的資訊,促進可以使員工對企業的政策有了解,還有利於外部人員對企業的了解,改變了企業被動宣傳的方式,相對與直接廣告這是一種更為有利的廣告方式。 三、可以通過發郵件的方式 郵寄清單方式是一種行銷方式,通過給潛在的客戶進行郵件的發送,有利於擴大客戶的數量,提高企業的影響力。具有針對性強,靈活的特點,是一種精准的推廣方式。 進行網路推廣對於提高企業的影響力具有重要的作用。並且對於進行網路行銷具有很大的影響。


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大小規模的公司都犯下類似的錯誤,所以要記謹追蹤所有推廣活動並留意核心指標 Mona Elesseily寫於2018年12月6日上午10:40 不論大小公司都有可能在網絡營銷上遇到挫敗。常見的誤解是大公司與小公司所犯的錯誤並不一樣,但真相剛好相反。以下列舉了幾項常見的錯誤和避免的方法。   1.     沒有追蹤所有推廣活動 信不信由你,這錯誤比你想像中更普遍!根據我的經驗,公司未能妥善追蹤網上推廣活動的原因有幾個。第一個頗為簡單,就是追蹤措施本身既費時又麻煩。很多時,為了確保已妥當和準確地執行追蹤措施,竟然耗用了與設計推廣活動相若的時間。 另外,公司可能連追蹤了哪個推廣活動都不清楚。這情況在推廣計劃繁多的公司更為常見。也有公司因為推廣活動和渠道太多,所以無暇理會追蹤措施。很多時,問題的根源是公司沒有既定的系統或程序來優先執行追蹤措施。若果制定了有關的追蹤程序和採用了標籤管理系統,追蹤便自然變得容易了。 一般公司所犯的錯誤有幾項。在審查追蹤措施時,我們經常發現它們雖然存在,但卻有漏洞。以下是一些常見的缺失: 沒有追蹤來電 致電到公司的客戶,比在網上隨便搜尋公司資料的客戶更認真。若不明白客戶來電能帶來多少生意,便有可能誤用了推廣預算。至於追蹤來電的措施,市面上有很多選擇。 沒有追蹤即時對話 即時對話也是銷售來源!按我們的客戶來說,差不多每八個即時對話中,便出現一個花錢的客戶。針對這情況,我們會追蹤每個信息並記下有多少人會在即時對話後成為客戶。 沒有追蹤離線轉換 利用像Google「親臨門市」那樣的間接指標,或更理想地滙入離線的銷售資料,集中優化實際的銷售活動。坊間也有像Hyllo.io那樣提供軟件/硬件解決方案的公司,助你追蹤門市客戶流量並將有關數據與實際銷售的情況結合起來。 沒有計算流動裝置的轉換 這是無法做足100分的一項,但也值得一題。眾所周知,隨着裝置的轉變,流量分配也跟着改變。一個好的例子就是客戶在流動裝置上進行搜尋,然後用電腦進行轉換。結果,流動轉換帶來的流量便看似較少或比其他裝置昂貴,箇中原因是你沒有看到整個轉換的過程。所以,在部署你的「追蹤」計劃之前,記得先考慮這個因素。  ...


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