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Understanding ZMOT: The Zero Moment of Truth in Consumer Decision Making

ZMOT, or Zero Moment of Truth, is a term coined by Google to describe the crucial moment when a consumer researches a product or service online before making a purchase decision. This moment occurs before the traditional First Moment of Truth (FMOT), which is when a consumer encounters a product in-store. In the digital age, consumers have access to a wealth of information at their fingertips, and they often turn to search engines, social media, and review sites to gather information and make informed decisions. As a result, businesses must optimize their online presence to ensure they appear in these…


How do I create original content?

There are countless pseudo-original article tools on the Internet, and these tools are undoubtedly used to replace the words that can be replaced in an article by using the principle of synonym substitution to generate a pseudo-original article, which is a trick to create content, which can greatly save the labor cost required for original content creation, and it is often used for website updates. But the source of pseudo-original content is not the original subject matter after all, it is like a TV series that has been remade, and it is difficult to surpass the classic impression left by…


What are the channels for foreign trade website promotion?

lthough the epidemic situation in many countries has been controlled to a certain extent, the current foreign trade market is not optimistic, many foreign trade enterprises to develop overseas customers The main channel is still foreign trade website promotion, but many foreign trade enterprises do not know how to do foreign trade website promotion? One of the main channels for foreign trade website promotion – SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as one of the main extrapolation channels, is also one of the most cost-effective customer acquisition channels, and is a common extrapolation channel used by many foreign trade companies! Through…


How do foreign trade enterprises do overseas network promotion?

Overseas network promotion as one of the most important business channels for foreign trade enterprises to lay out overseas markets, so how can we do a good job in overseas network promotion? 1. Use overseas search engines to do a good job in overseas network promotion The overseas search engine here, we usually refer to the three major search engines of Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Among them, Google’s volume is the largest, so far the Google search engine has covered 250 countries around the world, has 113 international domain names and supports 109 languages, and it can even be said…


What is the specific work content of Google SEO promotion of foreign trade websites?

Since the development of the Internet, Google SEO has become one of the most mainstream promotion channels for foreign trade enterprise websites, and the natural ranking of keywords in search engines is improved through google seo technology, so as to obtain organic traffic! 1. SEO keywords In the process of Google SEO promotion of foreign trade website, the link of screening keywords is the top priority, which is directly related to the time of results, and has been able to achieve the expected KpI! In this link, many foreign trade enterprises have fallen into a misunderstanding – that is, directly do the…


Several ways to promote the foreign trade website Google

There are four common ways to promote Google SEO on foreign trade websites: Creative promotion of current affairs hot content: according to current affairs hot spots, create content for promotion based on their own product information. This approach is very demanding for creators. Real-time dynamic update promotion: Insist on updating new content every day to ensure that users always see the latest and highest quality content. Mobile Internet promotion: the website must be responsive, the current mobile Internet usage rate has exceeded the PC side! Responsive website makes our foreign trade website promotion work more and more convenient. Related content promotion: Combined…


【Big Data: The Key for HKTVmall to Achieve its First Profitable Year】

Despite economic decline, HKTVmall announced an interim profit of $109 million in the first half of 2020 after previous 4 years of making a loss. Business volume has increased by 113.6% annually, representing an unprecedented success for the company. After failing to secure a free-to-air television licence 5 years ago, Ricky Wong, CEO of HKTVmall refused to give up. Instead, he embraced digital transformation and left behind old ways of thinking, outdated equipment and technology. Instead, he focused on building a citywide digital shopping network for Hong Kong. Rick’s effort paid off 4 years later. During a recent interview with…


【YouFind Recap | Like 定 嬲嬲?利用大數據分析,令品牌轉危為機!】

多謝大家踴躍支持!今次YouFind x SocialMind嘅免費講座吸引到好多PR同企業傳訊嘅業內人士出席,相信大家都更了解Social Listening(社媒聆聽)嘅重要性,幫品牌防範公關災難於未然,更精準同有策略去配合推廣。 再次感謝出席參與嘅每一位,希望大家活用Listening、Reflect、Reveal呢個品牌聲譽管理三部曲啦!歡迎繼續Like實我哋FB,留意更多Digital Marketing新資訊!


【YouFind 日常 | YouFind Team Building X Annual Dinner 2019】

快樂不知時日過,話咁快又一年啦!上星期五又舉行咗 #YouFinders 嘅年度盛事 — YouFind Team Building X Annual Dinner 2019! 隨住公司嘅「昇華」,各部門之間都需要更多溝通同接觸嘅機會,於是老闆今年再次邀請咗專業導師團隊精心設計Team Building活動,俾大家一個認識同反思嘅空間。緊接住Team Building仲有年度重頭戲YouFind Annual Dinner,所謂「Annual Din一刻值千金」,今年老闆派錢亦唔手軟,難怪喺YouFind Got Talent嘅環節,每條team都施展渾身解數,大家嘅賣力演出更加將熾熱氣氛推至全晚嘅高峰! 感謝每一位參與同事展示"Work hard, play hard"嘅生活態度,2019年繼續同公司一齊「昇華」啦!


【YouFind Recap | 「FB or IG?」免費講座】

多謝大家嘅支持!再一次嘅座無虛席,證明除咗search之外,Social media亦係另一個商家必爭之地。相信大家聽完我哋嘅案例分享,都會更了解FB同IG各自嘅特點,而對於品牌選擇FB定IG平台亦會有更深入嘅想法。 唔想錯過我哋更多精彩嘅seminar?記得Like實我哋FB,緊貼Digital市場最新資訊!


【YouFind 日常 | #YouFinders 的快樂聖誕】

【YouFind 日常 | #YouFinders 的快樂聖誕】 #MerryChristmas! 話咁快又一年,憑住大家嘅努力,搬office後嘅第二個聖誕party已經人強馬壯、迫爆You Cafe,睇嚟好快又要搵新office啦??! 交換完聖誕禮物、品嚐過聖誕到會、大玩Group game,當然唔少得萬眾期待嘅重頭戲 — 聖誕大抽獎,恭喜晒各位得獎者!「普Team同慶」完就正式收工放聖誕~祝大家 #聖誕快樂,過一個浪漫聖誕!


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