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Google SEO has a knack for making the number one version out of reach


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes both on-page and off-page optimization, which is optimized to make a website conform to the rules of search engines, be recognized, and rank naturally. Both of these optimizations are the focus of SEO. The following will explain the T&D (Title and Description), Keywords, and website updates of internal site optimization.

Distinguish between site categories before optimizing, as different types of sites have different on-page optimization methods. The three common types of websites are: informational websites, B2B corporate websites, and B2C merchandise websites.

Google’s T&D requirements for all websites are the same, i.e. 60 words for Title and 220 words for Description.

Let’s take a look at the precautions for T&D, Keywords, and content update and optimization of these three types of websites.



Informative websites are content marketing, and some third-party platforms that introduce brands or products are informational websites, such as news or advertising. We all need this kind of platform when we do brand marketing, because it is a third-party mass information network, which attracts visitors to understand the brand or product information with a large amount of high-quality content. These sites usually share the user experience and opinions of a brand or product from a more objective and neutral perspective, or report some corporate news.

Information website T&D: Title and Description need to be engaging to attract visitors to the website, so T&D optimization is particularly important.

1. Use interrogative sentences in the title to fit the searcher’s mind. Because searchers search for information with some questions, they will search for questions directly in the search engine.


2. Quoting titles with numbers, e.g., 5 methods, 10 paragraphs…., 6 …


3. Use exaggerated adjectives, such as best, fast, easy, which people will want to click on because they want to solve their urgent needs quickly and efficiently. Of course, the content of the article should be in line with the title to provide readers with a consistent and good reading experience, if your article “does not live up to its name”, it will inevitably make people feel cheated.


Keywords: You can choose keywords in the form of questions, that is, the keyword is a phrase interrogative sentence. These types of keywords can be headlines in their own right. Google likes this kind of question, and it forms Google’s featured snippet (i.e., Google Snippet). Google Snippet is more powerful than organic results, and it can show images, videos, and text. However, not all keywords can form Google Snippet, and keywords with question form, such as: how, what, why, etc., have a greater chance of forming Google Snippet


There are also noun keywords, such as: smd board. A website that wants to rank for this keyword can start by explaining what an SMD board is and what it does. (What is smd board) A surface-mount device or SMD is an electronic device for…


How to get keywords:

1. People also ask

People also ask

2. Related searches

Related searches

3. Ahrefs(SEO工具)


Information website update: In terms of content arrangement, we need to share the user experience from the perspective of consumers. The effect will be better if there are authoritative experts, celebrities, or accounts with a certain amount of traffic to share. At the end of the article, you can recommend articles from authoritative platforms, link to authoritative platforms, and selflessly contribute to readers, and Google will also like this spirit of dedication.

The underlying code updates are for search engines. If a media site is frequently updated with articles, the homepage and category pages can be updated frequently at the code level. And what we want to pay attention to is the update of the article page. Take this interface as an example: after I publish this article, basically this page will not be updated. Every time Google comes to this page, the content is this article, which means that this page can’t be updated. But we need to make the article page like this also update, what should we do? You can start with “Related Recommendations”. There are four recommended articles under this article, and if the four articles are fixed, this page cannot be updated, so we want to make these four recommended articles change frequently.


We can set substitution rules for “related recommendations”, such as sorting by number of views, or ranking by articles with up to the same hashtag as the article above, or by when the article was published. If you want to replace by when the article was published, you need to pay attention to how often the site publishes new articles. If your site is updated at an erratic rate, sometimes without new articles for a long time, the four recommended articles at the bottom of all your articles page will be the same and cannot be updated. If this happens often, search engines will think your site is unstable. In order to cater to the search engine’s requirements for fixed, periodic updates of the website, we can use a program to reorder four articles at regular intervals to update the article page regularly. B2B or B2C websites generally have blogs, and you can also refer to this update model.



Many B2B websites are engaged in export trade, and the biggest difference in SEO from other types of websites lies in the selection of keywords and landing pages.

B2B business website T&D: B2B keywords are often concentrated on one page, for example, I introduce a certain product on a page, and this product can be expanded into many SEO terms. This makes it difficult to design titles, especially in English. Because the English character is relatively long, the two characters together are already almost 60 characters.

When we choose the Landing Page for SEO keywords, the general difficulty words will choose the main structure of the website menu, because these pages are the bridge of the whole website. All pages of the website will have menus, and they are also the pages with the highest frequency of search engines, so we chose these pages as the landing pages for SEO key words. If a page has several words, but the SEO standard is that a page has no more than 3 keywords, how can you write multiple words in a title without more than 60 characters? For example, in the following example, when our keywords contain relationships, we sometimes have more than 3 keywords on a page. In this case, one long keyword contains several short keywords. We usually edit these words into a short sentence, although some words are separated, but the whole title contains keywords, which can also be used for SEO.


B2B Business Website Keywords: What exactly are the keywords that SEO does and where do you get them? We can use professional tools like SEMrush and ahrefs (for a fee) to refer to competitors’ websites. When choosing SEO keywords, I recommend using SEMrush because it shows the keywords that multiple competitors are doing at the same time, allowing us to compare the same and different keywords. SEMrush also shows competitors’ rankings for different keywords and external links, which is very valuable for reference.


B2B websites, such as targeting long-tail words, can more accurately target customer groups, because B2B customers are not ordinary consumers but wholesalers. This type of customer already has a certain understanding of the product or brand they want to buy, and they want to search for product model, product performance, and product parameters when searching for keywords, so they will directly enter long-tail words. Although the search volume for these words is not large, they are searched for by a very precise customer base.

B2B business website updates: When updating the content of a B2B website, you can’t share the user experience from a third-party perspective like a media platform, so as not to give people the impression of selling and boasting. B2B website content can actually write about the functionality and features of some products. How-to guides and FAQs can be used as updates to the website. At the code level, these sites are usually updated in the blog section or corporate news section. For tips on updating these sections, you can refer to the information website update method I mentioned above. It’s worth noting that you need to call updates to the homepage for blog or corporate news, so that the homepage is updated regularly. Whenever you upload a new article, the homepage will show you the new articles (usually the most recent three to six articles).


When updating a blog or news, you can build an internal link for your SEO landing page. (See image below)

更新博客或新聞時可以適當為SEO Landing Page搭建內部鏈結


T&D for B2C merchandise websites is easier to design than B2B websites. B2C keywords are generally product pages, and usually one page per product, unlike B2B websites that use the same page for multiple words, so there is no need to deliberately use multiple keywords when designing B2C website titles. A Description can be a simple introduction to the product. For example, when the product on the B2C website is a large number of models, the Description can be generated by extracting part of the model content. For example, the description of the product page combines the model name, the brand of the product, the price, and the estimated delivery date into one sentence. The descriptions of all product pages are combined in this way, so that the descriptions of the product pages are not duplicated.



1. Brand name + product


2. Product + Performance


3. Product + Model


4. Product + Parameters


B2C merchandise website updates: Updating this type of website requires a program to reorder the products on a weekly basis, as each reorder is an update for search engines. In addition, customer reviews are also part of the website update, so it is recommended to create a comment section for the website.


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谷歌SEO排名優化做好這4點 有效提升您的網站排名

大多數的外貿企業都擁有獨立站點,但是谷歌SEO排名優化做的好的並不多見,試想一下如果外貿企業獨立站點谷歌SEO排名做的好,您的網站頁面或店鋪出現在Google第一頁搜索結果中,無需投廣告即可獲得可觀的流量並達成一定的轉化! 我們知道要想在Google中獲得好的排名,有兩種途徑,分別是: 1、做Google推廣點擊付費,這種方式比較燒錢! 2、通過對企業網站的網站架構、網站代碼、網站內容以及關鍵詞布局的調整和優化,使網站更加符合搜索引擎SEO標准,從而在搜索引擎中獲得更好的關鍵詞排名,無需花多一分錢即可獲得好的排名以及精准的流量! 那麼究竟要怎麼做才能夠提升企業網站在谷歌搜索引擎中的排名呢?以下4個搜索引擎優化要點可以幫您提升網站排名! 一、選擇合適的關鍵詞 在做google seo排名有之前,選擇合適的關鍵詞是很關鍵的一個環節!這裏有個常見的誤區,那就是很多的企業在一開始選擇關鍵詞的時候,直接選擇核心詞,例如“衣服”、“教育”、“奶粉”等搜索量特別大的行業核心詞,這類詞又叫泛詞,雖然看起來搜索量特別大,但是卻很難有排名,如果在做谷歌SEO排名優化一開始選擇這類關鍵詞,不僅耗費大量的資源都無法做出排名無法給網站帶來流量,還會讓上司或領導質疑你的能力!最佳的策略應該是“產品名稱+核心詞”的做法比如“雅培1段奶粉”這種詞,在谷歌SEO排名優化的過程中就相對好做一點,而且帶來的流量都是精准流量,當長尾詞有一定的排名的時候,我們就可以選擇一些核心詞來做了,通過長尾詞帶來的流量帶動核心詞的排名提升! 簡單來說,選擇關鍵詞需要講究策略,先選擇一些長尾詞來做,然後用長尾詞帶動核心詞的排名提升!這樣既有排名又有流量! 二、關鍵詞布局 在網頁上面合理的布局關鍵詞,通常布局關鍵詞的位置包含以下幾點: 1、網站標題 2、網站MATE元標簽 Keywords、Description 3、圖片Alt標簽 4、H1、H2、H3等標簽 5、產品名稱和產品描述、介紹等 三、網站內鏈優化 我們要知道內鏈優化最大的作用就是減少用戶的跳出率,增加用戶在網頁裏面的停留時間,其次就是增加蜘蛛的爬取深度和頻率,很多人只記得其中一點,因此在做內鏈的時候,一通亂加,這樣顯然是錯誤的!內鏈優化需要注意頁面的相關性,也就是說相同類型的頁面才能夠添加內鏈,這樣頁面之間的相關性就高了,除此之外還需注意內鏈的出現需要自然性!避免出現的太過生硬影響閱讀和用戶體驗。 四、站內互動有助於排名的提升...


【You Find Awards | You Find榮獲「Best Use of Digital」】

終於得咗喇!心情仍然好興奮同激動!尋晚You Find憑住 淘大 AMOY 麵醬campaign獲得《Marketing Magazine》頒發嘅「MARKies Award 2018 – Best Use of Digital」! 攞獎對其他人嚟講可能已經係例行公事,但對於You Find係一種肯定,肯定咗You Find十多年嚟由新蒲崗嘉時默默耕耘到觀塘彩虹工業,再奮鬥到觀塘聯僑,一步一步嘅成長里程碑。 我哋衷心感謝每一位路上遇到過嘅客戶、多謝每一位新舊Youfinders,無論甜酸苦辣,都係You Find成長嘅印記。今日只係一個起點,未來我哋會繼續保持創意同競爭力,提供更多專業、創新嘅市場營銷策略方案,期待同更多新舊客戶緊密合作,締造雙贏商機,一齊散發光芒!


谷歌SEO排名優化過程中 如何保持谷歌排名的穩定性

SEOer都知道,做谷歌SEO排名優化並非是一朝一夕的事情,而是一個長期工作,需要不斷地優化和積累,最終才會有好的排名!在做谷歌SEO排名優化的過程中,常常會遇到排名穩定一段時間之後又開始下滑了,短時間內的排名波動其實是正常情況! SEO排名每天都會有變化的,因為競爭無處不在,你松懈了,別人努力了,別人的網站排名就有可能超越你,我們用大量的時間來優化網站並提高網站在谷歌裏面的排名,當排名上去了之後,同樣還得花時間來維護這些排名,保證其穩定。 今天優易化就來和大家談談做谷歌SEO排名優化過程中,如何穩定排名,從哪幾個方面來穩定谷歌SEO排名? 一、主機檢測 網站服務器的穩定性是非常重要的,如果網站服務器長期不穩定,除了影響用戶體驗之外,還會影響搜索引擎的抓取,會導致整個網站排名下降,甚至是被降權,所以定期檢測網站服務器的穩定性是非常有必要的,盡量到知名的IDC服務商處購買服務器,售後有保障。 二、內容檢查 如果網站運營一段時間後,排名下降了,這個時候就要警惕了,一方面可能是權重下降了,也有可能是網站內容原創度不高,或者網站的更新頻率降低了,看看排在你前面的網站,觀察下別人的內容是怎樣的,以及更新頻率是怎樣的。 三、鏈接檢查 每個網站的URL層級結構都是不同的,但是有一個共同點就是不能太長,保持網站清晰的目錄層級結構以及良性的網站內鏈結構是非常有必要的,引導蜘蛛爬取的同時還能夠增加收錄,如果你的網站內斂建設很差,而且目錄層級很深,會導致你的網站收錄不佳,而且甚至有可能某個頁面還是孤立存在的,這對谷歌SEO排名優化十分不好。 四、改版檢查 在很多公司,網站優化就僅僅是負責網站優化,而產品部則是負責網站的用戶體驗,有時候可能會出現網站局部改版的情況,從而導致網站的排名短期下降,這時候我們需要及時跟進,確保舊的鏈接能夠及時的301重定向到新的鏈接,確保網站不會產生過多的死鏈。 以上幾點僅僅是谷歌SEO排名優化過程中所需要注意的幾點,谷歌SEOer可以多多了解哦。


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