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所謂早plan早行動,港鐵「’Train’出光輝每一程」暑期計劃每年為中學生設計獨特嘅學習旅程,包括工作體驗、生涯規劃工作坊同學習體驗營,有興趣知多啲同報名就click入 www.trainforlifesjourney.com!
#Train出光輝每一程 #MTR #港鐵 #中學生 #暑期活動 #中三至中五 #我的志願 #實習 #jobtasting #secondarystudents #TrainForLifesJourneys
What is your aspiration in life? While there are many different jobs in the world, the most important thing is to start planning your future at an early stage and pursue your goals by equipping yourself.
Act now! MTR’s “‘Train’ for life’s journeys” summer programme offers secondary school students job-tasting experiences at MTR, career-and-life planning workshops and fun- filled activities at an adventure camp. Visit www.trainforlifesjourney.com for more information and enrolment.
LINK: https://www.facebook.com/mtrhk/photos/a.478848920150/10161766317865151/?type=1&theater