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The digital transformation of traditional foreign trade does a good job in these three points, and customer orders do not have to worry

The digital transformation of traditional foreign trade does a good job in these three points, and customer orders do not have to worry

Affected by the epidemic, the offline marketing activities of foreign trade enterprises have been generally affected, and the opportunities for face-to-face communication with customers have been greatly reduced. When foreign trade enterprises are faced with the dilemma of order cancellation, a large loss of overseas customers, and the suspension of offline exhibitions, some companies seize the opportunity and respond quickly to quickly transform their business from offline to online digitalization, win business opportunities for themselves, and grow against the trend.

In the same epidemic period, why are companies that have deployed digital marketing methods in advance almost unaffected, and even have more resources than usual in this marketing environment? Jason, an overseas marketing expert and senior consultant of Youyihua, will take you to have a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the epidemic on the foreign trade industry, the development trend of foreign trade marketing, and what changes can be brought by digital transformation to foreign trade enterprises:

Online breakthrough digital transformation of traditional foreign trade

The traditional marketing methods of foreign trade enterprises are to open up the market by participating in exhibitions and visiting customers. The global epidemic has made us clearly see the shortcomings of traditional methods. Compared with traditional marketing methods, digital marketing is a high-efficiency, low-cost marketing channel, which can reach transactions and close orders without leaving home. Therefore, under the epidemic situation, it is imperative to break through online and digital transformation!

Efficiency Upgrades: Improve marketing effectiveness with digital transformation

Build your own brand independent website, use search engines and social media to attract customers and inquiries, and create close contact with customers through digital means, expand new business opportunities, obtain new orders and business development. Realize efficient marketing where people sit at home and customers come online.

If you haven’t established your own brand site, or you have your own foreign trade brand enterprise site but the ranking effect is not ideal, you can take a look at Barry, a marketing expert from Youyihua, who explains to you “6 key points for foreign trade enterprise brands to go overseas and establish independent sites”, which will help you build a better foreign trade enterprise site.

Seize the opportunity for digital transformation to deploy overseas markets in advance

In the Internet era, we all know that whoever has a wide coverage and fast information dissemination may be the first to win business opportunities. And most people are at home during the pandemic, which is a very good time to promote your corporate brand. Use digital layout in advance, open up overseas markets, and achieve global marketing without leaving home.

The three axes accelerate the process of digitalization

At present, for the majority of foreign trade enterprises, the biggest problem is to obtain customers and orders. In the last issue, we mentioned how to build a good brand independent station, after the independent station was built, we began to need to drain traffic for our site and bring inquiries.

There are many ways to get traffic, but which ones are suitable for the foreign trade industry? There are not many tricks, use these three axes well, and bring you a magical effect.

The first axe is to do a good job in the SEO optimization of foreign trade enterprise websites

In the process of foreign trade enterprise marketing and brand going overseas, the Google SEO ranking optimization of the official website of foreign trade enterprises is a very important part, foreign trade enterprises can continue to improve the search ranking of the website in related keywords by formulating keywords, optimizing web pages, and increasing external links.

The second board axe, PPC paid promotion

Through paid advertising, expand brand influence and quickly increase product attention. PPC is one of the powerful ways to increase brand exposure when our brand has not yet acquired customers steadily in the early stage.

The third board axe, SNS media marketing

Through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social platforms, expand the social circle, accumulate fans, and respond to customers’ questions online, precipitating loyal user traffic. The operation of social media is often a powerful weapon that many foreign trade companies despise, in fact, if the operation of social media is good, it will bring many powerful loyal customers to your brand!


If you want to get orders, the key is to drain traffic, whether online or offline, one thing has not changed: foreign trade enterprises must work hard to attract more traffic. In today’s digital age, brands can only truly unleash the power of data with the help of technology, so companies must pay attention to the marketing power of online promotion channels such as official websites, Google Ads, Facebook, and YouTube. For foreign trade companies that have not yet deployed social media and Google, it is time to take action!

The challenges brought about by the epidemic will inevitably become a new opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises to go overseas digitally. You can check the “Under the epidemic, how can foreign trade enterprises save themselves through online marketing?” explained by Jason, a marketing expert of Youyihua? 》You can also leave your contact information on our official website, so that the experts of Youyihua brand going overseas can tailor a brand overseas plan for you.

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