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There is so much social media, why do I need to do website SEO?


Social media does not directly affect a website’s ranking in search engines, but it has a positive impact on SEO. The two complement each other, so we shouldn’t compare which works better separately. The Social media platform itself is recognized by Google, so when we search for a brand on Google, Google prioritizes the brand’s social media platform. Social platforms are channels for businesses and consumers to understand and communicate with each other.

Consumers want to know a brand’s reputation before they buy a product, and social media provides exactly what they need. If a brand presents product information from the perspective of a third-person user in social media, it can effectively increase your brand awareness, authority, trust and consumer engagement. These are all things that Google values.

Is it okay to only do social media and not SEO?

Before answering this question, think about when we use social media and when we use search engines? It’s not hard to notice that social media content is usually entertainment that satisfies people’s curiosity, not information that we desperately need. On the contrary, when we have a problem that needs to be solved urgently or something that we need to know urgently, we must rely on search engines to search for it.

Generally speaking, social media provides entertainment that enriches our lives, and it fails to reach the people who really need it. Because users see information passively and randomly, social media is not effective at converting traffic. SEO can accurately push information to people who really need it through people’s search behavior, and it is very effective to bring traffic conversion. People’s lives go by over time, and when you search for the same question in a search engine at different times, it pushes you the most recent information of the moment, not the old information you saw before. This is not the same as social media. When we see information of interest on social media, we usually keep following that account, otherwise we will soon never find its information again. Therefore, the information that social media usually focuses on is relatively one-sided and easily outdated. It can be seen that SEO is more effective than social media in converting traffic into business. Despite this, SEO lacks emotional interaction with consumers and is not like social media, which allows businesses and users to build friendly relationships.

The combination of social media and SEO is the most effective way to get the most out of both

In addition to having its own search function, social media can also rank well in search engines. As long as the content of a high-quality post meets the search engine optimization standards, it will also be favored by search engines, after all, SEO has never been limited to corporate websites. The advantage of social media platforms is that they share user experiences that resonate with people who share the same interests. When social media and SEO are combined, they can complement each other’s strengths and create a perfect marketing mix – one that maintains consumer engagement and ranks well in search engines. Actions that drive up the search engine rankings of social media posts (i.e., doing unofficial SEO) are called ZMOT or UMOT.

How can SEOs take advantage of social media?

The biggest advantage of social media is the sharing of content. Attract visitors by posting high-quality content on social media, and use high-quality backlinks to SEO pages to get traffic to your website. Similarly, website content, in turn, can be used to spice up and enrich the website by means of social media, such as YouTube. The video is more clear and concise than a long text. For example, we can’t clearly explain a series of tie actions in words, but if we use a video, we can show each step in less than a minute. The text content of the website is easy to read by search engines, and the video content is easy for viewers to watch. Understanding the characteristics of different social media can help us with SEO. Social media can help SEO if you do the following seven things:

1. Gather trending topics: This will help you identify keywords, target people, and choose social platforms

2. SEO Content Optimization: Add keywords to Title & Description when posting, and set tags with brand names, keywords, or their extensions

3. Backlink to website: Add a link to your website to your social media posts. This can not only serve as a drain, but also give authority to the website.

4. Share: Share your posts on different social media platforms to increase your brand’s exposure.

5. Establish relevant topics: Continue to build some relevant topics for posts, and even repost and share other people’s popular related topics, after all, the nature of social platforms is communication and sharing, so don’t be stingy with linking other people’s posts.

6. Encourage people to respond and review: Both positive and negative reviews can be valuable and help businesses listen to people’s ideas and improve the quality of their products or services.

7. Increase followers on social media accounts: Expand brand exposure and credibility. You can do some gifts, discounts, and discounts to attract the attention of others. When people want to attend an event, you can direct them to the website to fill out a form to participate in the event, which can also get information about your customers. The traffic to the website is naturally introduced.

Doing a good job on social media needs to be like making soup, first decide what soup to cook, what soup ingredients need to be used, control the heat of the soup, and then put the soup ingredients in order…… The moment of boiling was a turning point, and we can’t expect social media posts to be evergreen. A post may only be noticed for a short period of time and then forgotten. Posts don’t have a long lifecycle, so a topic needs to have multiple posts and know when and how to prioritize them.

Creating a brand is inseparable from social media to expose it. When people want to know more about a brand, they naturally search for its word-of-mouth. We need to create rich information across different media based on the questions others might ask, so that people can get to know you more fully. The impact of a brand on SEO is also very important, Google will learn about a brand and judge its credibility through some big and well-known social platforms. If a product does not have a brand effect, it is difficult to win the trust of Google, and if Google does not trust you, it will not recommend you to people, which is also a manifestation of Google’s tendency to be humane.

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上文提及早前筆者參與Google於倫敦舉辦的雲端會議,了解其突破性的雲端技術發展。於未來的日子,Google將會大力發展虛擬伺服器技術,期望佔據更大的雲端服務市場。 Google的四大服務:雲端存儲服務、運算引擎、開發和運行應用程式的引擎、數據分析的 BigQuery及機器學習工具,能支援不同企業的需求,節省成本,因此吸引不少科技創意公司的注意。 風靡一時的Pokemon Go就是受益於此服務的一例。它能容納大量玩家同時在線,實歸功於Google的虛擬伺服器。Pokemon Go上架後,它的虛擬實境的趣味性和強大的社交潛力,一度吸引大量玩家下載,令開發商始料不及。原設的伺服器本來無力應付蜂擁而至的玩家,但後來幸得Google迅速組建虛擬伺服器,最終轉危為機,助任天堂一舉翻身。 另外,今年Snapchat亦以20億美元與Google簽約,成為雲端平台的最大客戶。Snapchat很有機會透過Google度身訂造的App引擎,享用其打造軟件的工具和服務,並且有效應對不同的流量變化,大大增加Snapchat的競爭力。 從前創業往往需要龐大資金及專業技術,使香港不少有志創業的年輕人止步,但如今創新科技推陳出新,打破了固有局限。Snapchat的創辦人正是成功例子,他有創新意念、技術、市場觸覺及認知,最終即使沒有強大資金也能跑出。有意創業的年輕人應多了解全球技術發展,積極求變,方能突圍而出。  


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多謝大家嘅肯定!YouFind Director Mr. Jeffrey Chu上星期五(12月7日)出席由《資本才俊》及《資本企業家》合辦嘅「CEO x Entrepreneur of the Year 2018」暨「非凡品牌大獎2018」頒獎典禮,獲頒「非凡數碼市場策略品牌」大獎! 2018係YouFind踏入新里程嘅重要一年,搬到新Office之後,我哋更專注推動企業品牌嘅數碼轉型,亦開始推出自家免費講座,同業界人士分享交流行業趨勢同最新資訊,成績斐然。 今次獲獎對YouFind嚟講絕對係一個認同及激勵,我哋會不斷努力,2019年繼續為大家提供更多專業、創新、全面嘅市場營銷策略方案,再一次衷心感謝大家嘅支持!


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