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Welcome to the Age of YouTube: How to Rank Your YouTube Videos in 2021?

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Website SEO has been a widely adopted online marketing strategy in recent years. However, SEO is not only available to websites, but also YouTube videos. From unboxing to product demos and comparison, videos have become a primary way for consumers to discover and research on new products. YouTube is the most popular social platform in Hong Kong – in fact, 86% of internet users are YouTube users! YouTube videos can help your brand reach thousands of target customers. YouTube SEO is a video optimization strategy that can boost your video rankings on YouTube with the potential added benefit of bringing your videos onto the first page of Google search results. In this article we will discuss the benefits and tips for YouTube SEO, and how to determine whether it is a right marketing strategy for your brand.

Why YouTube SEO?

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world – more than 40% respondents say that they have purchased products that they discovered on YouTube (Source: Think With Google). Like Google, YouTube uses algorithms to rank search results and suggest videos to users. By optimizing the content and related information of your videos (e.g. title and introduction), YouTube SEO helps YouTube’s search engine understand your video’s content and how it relates to the searched keywords, thus improving your videos’ YouTube search result rankings and maximize the potential reach of your videos.

From YouTube Ranking to Google Search Ranking

YouTube SEO can boost video rankings and views. It can also potentially help your videos get on the first page of Google, thus reaching the vast audience on Google. In recent years, Google search results have become more and more diverse and include various formats of search results like images, videos and product introduction according to the user’s search intent. YouTube videos are also included in the search results of certain types of keyword searches as shown below:

Search Ranking

Google search results: keyword – “youtube seo”

When searching “youtube seo”, the second search result is a YouTube tutorial video on this topic. Some keyword searches even display videos as the first search result, e.g. “keto bread”:

keto bread

Google search results: keyword – “keto bread”

Of course, not all keyword searches in Google will include video search results. Google will first examine whether the searcher of a particular keyword will be interested in viewing video results. As users who search for “keto bread” are usually looking for recipes and prefer to watch videos, Google will include videos on keto bread recipes at the top.

Is YouTube SEO the Right Strategy for Your Brand?

YouTube videos have a huge potential – but it is also costly. To find out whether YouTube SEO is a good fit for your brand, you can consider (1) the demand of industry-related videos; and (2) the Google search results of your industry-related keywords:

Video Demand for your Industry

If the demand for YouTube videos related to your industry is high, YouTube SEO might be the right strategy for your brand. Here are some typical high-demand video categories:

● Beauty – such as makeup tutorials, unboxing videos of cosmetic products, product demos and comparison, etc.

● Food & beverage – such as recipes, unboxing of kitchenware, product demos and comparison, restaurant taste-tests, etc.

● Consumer electronics – such as product unboxing, demos and comparison, gaming videos, etc.

● Hotel & tourism – such as staycation vlogs that have been very popular since the pandemic.

Use the filtering function of YouTube search to find out the highest view count of industry-related videos. After entering your industry-related keyword, you can sort the search results by view count. Using “staycation HK” as an example:

staycation HK

Click “filters” in the top left corner, then choose “view count” from “sort by”. YouTube search results will be sorted according to view count in descending order:


YouTube search results: keyword – “staycation HK”; Sort by – view count

If you applie this filter when searching, beware of the region, category and relevancy of the videos in the search results, as they may include videos from other Chinese-speaking regions, or videos that are less relevant to your industry/product, like music videos.

The average view count of the top 10 videos related to the search term “staycation HK” is up to 313,000, indicating a high demand for online videos in the hotel industry. Also, the region, category and content of those videos are all directly related to local hotels.

Google Search Results of Industry-related Keywords

We mentioned above that YouTube SEO comes with a potential bonus of getting your videos onto the first page in Google. If the search results of your industry-related keywords in Google include videos (especially at the top), there’s a fair chance that YouTube SEO will help your brand reach more target audience. Leveraging industry knowledge, or use online tools like Google Ads, SEMRush or Ahrefs to find out industry- and product-related keywords with a high search volume, and see if their search results in Google include videos. For example, the first page of the search result of “staycation HK” includes YouTube videos:

YouTube videos

Google search results: keyword – “staycation HK”

Another example is “airfryer”:


Google search results: keyword – “airfryer”

And “foundation recommendation”:

foundation recommendation

Google search results: keyword – “foundation recommendation”

Your potential pool of industry-related keywords will probably be huge. It may include branded keywords, keywords including your product terms, or product-related keywords that do not include product terms. If you have limited time and resources, conduct keyword research from the searcher’s perspective and focus on keywords whose searchers will likely to be looking for video search results.

YouTube SEO Tips

Lastly, below are some tips to improve your YouTube video rankings:

● Optimize your video title, description and tags by including the targeted keywords or other directly or indirectly related keywords naturally (i.e. avoid keyword-spamming)

● Add subtitles – subtitles help YouTube to understand the content of your videos

● Add timestamps – Timestamps are like the table of contents of a book. They allow the audience to grab the main points of your videos instantly, enhance user experience and assist YouTube in understanding your video content (watch YouTube’s official tutorial video for more details)

more details

● Maximize audience engagements – besides content relevancy and view count, audience engagement is also a key factor of video rankings. Strategies to promote interaction include making the videos more entertaining to prolong the average view time, adding polls or call-to-actions (like giveaway, lucky draw, etc.) to encourage more comments, likes and shares from the audience.

YouFind provides integrated digital marketing services covering search engine, online advertisements, social media, etc. We are dedicated to constantly bringing you the latest marketing news so stay tuned.


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誠如前文所說,未來的網紅趨勢,會開始由炙手可熱的關鍵意見領袖(Key Opinion Leader,KOL)漸漸傾向微型意見領袖(Micro-influencer)。但無可否認,KOL仍是大眾追捧和期盼的對象。 早前有個調查訪問了數百位小朋友,近四成受訪者表示渴望成為KOL,希望更多人認識自己、在眾人面前展現自己的才華,就像ben sir、達哥這樣。或者不少人更會認為,成為KOL的好處,是輕易得到品牌的贊助,包括金錢上和產品上,形成名利雙收的效果。 然而,在KOL風光背後,其代價往往是需要更小心處理個人言行和道德行為,始終他們就像半個公眾人物般,只要稍有不慎,便足以隨時在這個網絡營鎖新時代中製造出「關公災難」。因為在社交媒體盛行後,網絡上所有各個小眾能迅速團結起來,於某個熱話上集中討論,化成巨大的力量。 例如最近一對本地著名的KOL夫妻宣布離婚,結束十年長跑,在眾人還有談論非常可惜之際,已有不少「連登」網民極速起底,發現原來故事背後還涉及第三者,讓事情變得更加一發不可收拾,出軌的一方被迫刪掉自己的Facebook帳號,暫時結束她的KOL身分。 又例如年前一位「日本通」的香港KOL於日本居酒屋的失禮行為,被老闆放到網上公審,其後迅速發酵,被香港網民炮轟他是「香港人之恥」,即使後來他見事態嚴重,後來親自到店內道歉,才勉強平息事件,但這件事已對他的形象造成重大衝擊。 事實上,要成為令人一直心悅誠服的KOL,在日常處事和於網絡游走時,必需同時看重道德、法理和人情三方面,在三者間取得平衡才可,畢竟在如今賣家主導的市場環境下,網民的媒體互動往往扮演關鍵的作用。成也網絡,敗也網絡。 KOL必須以更高的審查標準應付平時的一言一行,而如果真的觸發了災難,切勿怠慢及以硬碰硬,需及時交代事件及表現出「人情」的一面,化危為機。當然,更重要的是從錯誤中學習,避免下次「關公」的到來,這樣才能紮實地以KOL身分發光發亮。  


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社交網絡巨頭Facebook近月指出,俄羅斯在之前的美國總統選舉中,透過Facebook買下超過3000則廣告,而Facebook估算至少有1000萬人於當時看過有關廣告。鑑於這種情況,Facebook發表聲明,稱會增聘1000名員工審查提交的廣告,防止俄國或其他政府利用同樣方式干擾他國選舉的公平性。 這種假廣告的影響力之所以如此廣泛和巨大,其中一個重要因素是由於Facebook正確判斷用戶的偏好,增加了他們對假廣告的信賴度。 Facebook的厲害之處,在於它見到你喜歡點讚、評論或分享某類型的內容,就會給你更多該類型的動態更新,例如你是「黃絲」,經常留意在Facebook上的有關資訊,它就減少為你提供關於「藍絲」的資訊。 同理,在美國大舉期間,當用戶有了某種政治取向,自然會收到更多有關這方面的廣告,也會主觀上喜歡和相信當中的內容。因此,當他們見到這些假選舉廣告,便會間接動搖了其政治判斷。 另一方面,其實Facebook早已接管了新聞媒體的生態系統,成為不少大眾接收社會資訊的主軸。在Facebook盛行之前的時代,大眾往往依賴傳統媒體接收社會資訊,但自從Facebook愈來愈盛行,大眾的依賴性早已轉移到Facebook那邊。正因為Facebook已經佔據了媒體資訊分發的主導位置,所以一旦出現大量假廣告,這便足以影響整個線下的生態。 從選舉假廣告一事看來,Facebook和整個社交媒體暴露了一個重大問題:網上媒體資訊欠缺一套嚴謹的監察及管制系統。近年我們看到不少「內容農場」的假消息和假新聞充斥於各大社交平台,正是最佳的鐵證。還記得嗎?不久之前Facebook出現了一宗假新聞,是藝人余文樂和阮小儀「公開戀情」,轟動全城,結果二人需要紛紛出來澄清事件。 事實上,自從愈來愈多失實的資訊充斥在網絡上,外國已有不少人已經回歸到像時代雜誌此類傳統媒體那邊,罷看和不相信其他網絡媒體資訊,因為前者始終有完善的內容管制,相比起來更有公信力。這無疑對社交媒體的發展造成重大衝擊。 另一邊廂,Facebook即將投放大量資源審查內容及廣告,這代表其資訊的自由度很快會收緊,影響的層面或會涉及一些真廣告及消息。在兩種情況加起來之下,社交媒體會否守住媒體資訊分發的主導角色,還是拭目以待。  



試問網路行銷時代什麼最值錢,答案只能是“創意”,好的創意如同強心劑,一針下去讓網路沸騰,瞬間炸開了花。只有創意沒有助推力怎麼能行?移動網路助你一臂之力。所謂“無移動,不行銷”,2016是移動網路的天下,拋棄了它你的行銷走不遠。玩轉“創意”和“移動網路”,你基本上掌握了網路行銷的趨勢。 網路行銷的目的是把有效資訊推送到消費者眼前,而好的創意能加深消費者的記憶,引起一系列後續步驟。赤裸裸打廣告的時代已去,現在的網路行銷玩的是頭腦風暴,是新穎。可能它只是一個段子,但經過加工,在網路上進行推廣,就能迅速蔓延。所以,想要做好網路行銷,新穎別致的創意是必不可少的。 移動互聯網的發達得益于智慧手機的盛行,它的影響力不容小覷。不管是上班族也好,還是普通的農民工,都有沒事兒刷手機的習慣。如果網路行銷能夠好好的利用移動網路,那效果就會事半功倍。當然,它只是一種推廣推廣途徑而已,想要你的網路行銷收穫累累必須得下功夫,走心的網路行銷策略才是王道。



p>網路宣傳,顧名思義就是借助網路這個大平臺,進行推廣活動,從國家至個人,有形產品乃至無形產品都進行有力度的宣傳,借助互聯網遍及千家萬戶,大城小縣的優越性,產生家喻戶曉的效應。 這樣的網路宣傳模式,投資成本相對較低,靈活性很高,產生的影響更是廣大深遠。接受者可以主動運用搜素引擎工具關注到自己相匹配的資訊,也可以被動地被商家廣告甚至病毒常現所干擾。 當然,對於豐富多彩的互聯網世界,的宣傳載體也是五花八門的。諸如,Facebook,郵箱,討論區等,觸及任何一個,你都毫無疑問並毫無例外地參與到這個宣傳模式當中。就這樣,主動選擇此模式的,只要賣點突出,表現方式多樣,內容上加強創新,就能更好地吸引接受者,影響接受者,以網狀撒開,搶佔市場,促進消費,達到理想甚至超預料的效應。這,就是有效的網路宣傳模式。



由於近期中國積極發展「一帶一路」的發展策略,所以於剛過去的11月就於捷克舉辦了「中國投資論壇」,希望可以藉此推動兩地的經濟發展。而小弟有幸被邀請,代表香港IT界出席「中國投資論壇」,而從中亦看到了一些捷克IT發展跟香港相同之處,可跟大家分享一下。 談到捷克IT界可能大家也不是太過熟悉,但其實捷克也不乏一些有名的IT公司,例如做Social Media Analytic的Socialbakers及防毒軟件AVG等等,由此可見捷克也有一定的IT人材。但為甚麼它們在國際IT界上未有一定的地位呢?這是由於它們沒有一個像美國矽谷的成熟平台去讓人才交流,而政府機構亦沒有積極配合IT發展,以至IT界沒有足夠的支援去作發展。而其實反觀香港也有着差不多的困境,人才們不是外流發展就是閉門造車,沒有太多的機會去跟其他方面的專才作交流,而資源上的配合亦不足。如果想要發展資訊科技,以色列是絕對值得借鏡的一個國家。 以色列的國民研發支出佔國內生產總值的比重是世界第一高的國家,它們積極發展跨行業之間的技術交流,這是它們成功的其中一個最重要元素。它們會把技術於在軍事、國防、醫藥、工業各領域間自由轉換,從不同行業的專才身上學以至用,再投放於本業之上。加上它們的計劃於大學科研階段,就已經會與不同的企業合作應用,而於商業應用之中尋求可改進的地方。這樣多方面的交流及商品代前試用,造就了不少成功的例子,例如「藥片攝影」這技術是讓病人通過吞服帶有微型攝像鏡頭的小藥片來幫助醫生獲取整個體內的情況,取代了傳統照胃鏡帶來的創傷,這就是就是把軍事國防的火箭技術融入醫學科技當中的例子。如果香港想要開展科技發展的話,必需要加強各方人才的交流,以達置人才互通的理想發展環境。  


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