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The specific production process of web design

The specific production process of web design

Every company’s official website hopes to convey more corporate information to the Internet that browses the web, including its own corporate culture, products and services. This requires the web design of the official website to be very well done, and then optimize and innovate the details on the basis of meeting the habits of most online web browsers. Let’s take a look at the specific production process of web design.

First, decide on the theme of your website. To know what the basic content of the website is, it is necessary to achieve fine positioning, and the content and specific text descriptions should also be concise and in place. Don’t try to make a big and comprehensive website, this kind of website with a particularly wide coverage is often the least distinctive of its own.

Secondly, after determining the theme of the website, it is necessary to choose the domain name, the domain name is the business card of the website in the Internet, the domain name is well chosen, and the recognition will be qualitatively improved, which is very important, so it is worth spending a little money to register a domain name suitable for your website.

Finally, it is necessary to use website builder software to generate web pages, from the most basic HTML editor to FLASH interaction.

After these are ready, the most important work is to determine the style of the website interface, the website interface is the first impression on the Internet, and often determines whether the web design is viewable, so we must pay attention to the interface layout and rationality and whether the content to be displayed is what you want to see on the Internet.

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