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Foreign trade brand overseas marketing YouTube video marketing cannot be ignored

Foreign trade brand overseas marketing YouTube video marketing cannot be ignored

With the advent of broadband upgrade and the advent of the 5G era, social media marketing is gradually occupying a leading position, video marketing with strong visuality, fast pace of information transmission and other unique advantages, in the Google network promotion plan of major enterprise brands, video marketing is used as the mainstream marketing strategy, according to the world’s leading network solution provider Cisco (Cisco) predicts, by 2021, the total traffic of global Internet users will be consumed on watching videos.

Friends who have done Google network promotion know that YouTube is the world’s largest video website, with 2 billion monthly active users, more than 30 million users per day, and a total length of 400 hours of uploaded videos per minute, which is also the video social platform with the highest Internet user satisfaction evaluation in the world. Both the number of users and the breadth of coverage are very advantageous, so YouTube occupies an important strategic position in the Google network promotion plan of major corporate brands. It has become the “main battlefield” of major brands going overseas for marketing enterprises.


As one of the most widely used video social platforms, YouTube has a presence in 91 countries and regions around the world, providing up to 80 different language versions, covering 95% of the world’s Internet users, greatly improving the probability of advertising reaching audiences. Official data shows that more than 90% of users will look for new brands or products on YouTube, and more than 50% of users will refer to YouTube videos when shopping. In 2019, YouTube generated an annual advertising revenue of more than $15 billion, a year-on-year increase of 35.8%, which is also the main reason why many brands going overseas use YouTube as the main video marketing channel in the process of implementing Google’s network promotion plan. So why does YouTube bring such good video marketing results to our business? Let’s take a look at the three advantages of YouTube video marketing to help brands expand into the global market.


YouTube’s Top 3 Tools: Helping Brands Expand into Global Markets

1. AI intelligent technology to improve marketing effectiveness.

As the world’s top video social media platform, YouTube is not only a huge group of highly active users, but also relies on Google AI technology to segment users in real time, so as to achieve targeted promotion for the target group. Help brands bring marketing results with wider coverage, higher reach, and better conversion effect at a lower cost.

2. Optimize search engines and increase brand exposure.

Whether you’re looking to generate traffic to your website or get conversions and sales for your content, optimizing for search engine (SEO) and improving your rankings is important. YouTube videos have a high Google weight, which is undoubtedly an important channel for marketers to increase brand exposure and increase brand awareness.

In the process of brand marketing, while using YouTube as a high-quality platform for video marketing, we still need to optimize the Google ranking of our company’s official website, because YouTube, as the world’s top video social media platform, is not only a good video marketing platform, but also a high-quality drainage platform. For most foreign trade marketers, this method is undoubtedly an important channel to increase brand exposure and enhance brand awareness.

3. Output high-quality content and enhance brand awareness.

YouTube videos can show every detail of the product very intuitively, whether it is color, size or function, it will be displayed in front of the audience very intuitively, so that consumers can understand the content and brand more clearly. Therefore, the quality requirements for video marketing content released through Youtube are very high, because the output of high-quality content can not only attract more users to watch, but also make your brand subtly remembered by users, thereby increasing awareness of your brand and attracting more off-site traffic.

In today’s increasingly fierce competition on overseas marketing platforms such as search engines and B2B, it is an excellent choice for Chinese brands to seek the help of high-traffic platforms if they want to gain global popularity. When foreign trade enterprises do YouTube video marketing, they also need to pay attention to the 5 directions that social media marketing cannot be ignored, and you can learn more about the “5 Directions of Social Media that Must Be Paid Attention to” is good at listening to user feedback and further optimizing products, so as to make our products and services better and better.

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