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YouTube launched the “Creation Incentive Program” The best time to lay out overseas network promotion

As a user-generated content-driven platform, YouTube has nearly 2 billion registered users worldwide, making it the short-form video platform with the highest monthly active users. At the same time, YouTube is also the favorite social platform of the younger generation, and in a recent survey, YouTube bloggers have become a career that young people aspire to, so YouTube has launched a variety of monetization channels to stimulate the creative motivation of new YouTube bloggers. This incentive will lead to the emergence of more new users on YouTube, providing more high-quality content for the platform, and now is the best time for enterprises to deploy overseas network promotion.

YouTube创作激励计划 促进博主创作热情

One of the incentive methods: the video playback traffic reaches the standard to open the profit channel

Generally speaking, the most direct way to monetize revenue is through traffic, that is, playback, and the most critical conditions for monetizing YouTube videos are:

Requires more than 4000 hours of video playback in the past year

More than 1000 fan subscriptions

Only channels that meet these two conditions can be opened for profit, and the activation period needs to last a week to a month of manual review.

Incentive method 2: Google Adsense affiliate advertising commission

When monetization is enabled on your channel, you can turn on ads for your video. Ads are served through the AdSense auction, Google Ad Manager, and other YouTube-sold sources.

It is clear that YouTube’s revenue incentive has always been one of the online platforms with a higher unit price at home and abroad, as a large website that has become famous, YouTube needs good quality works to support daily drainage, and creators get affiliate advertising commissions from Google Adsense by uploading video works, and the unit price of the same advertisement is more than 1 times higher than the domestic unit price, which shows the high sincerity.

Youtube推出创作激励 正是企业布局海外推广的最佳时机

In addition to the incentive program, what other direct monetization methods are available on YouTube?

Fans tip

Usually if you have a high fan viscosity and a good foundation, you can consider relying on fan rewards or fan payment and other monetization methods. However, unlike most domestic platforms, the YouTube platform does not have a tipping function. At this time, you need to find other tipping platforms, add your tipping links to your videos, and let your fans go to the tipping platform to tip you.

Merchants cooperate to bring goods

If you have become a relatively well-known YouTube blogger, you can cooperate with merchants to carry out branded video sales. Compared with the high requirements of domestic regulations in this regard, YouTube is much more relaxed, and YouTube bloggers can add your own mall promotion or sales links and QR codes below the video.

If you have reached the level of one million fans and have a large-scale fan group, you can even directly sign a brand endorsement, and your influence as a YouTube blogger is close to star effect. In the process of overseas network promotion, enterprises can also take the initiative to find bloggers with high industry relevance to advertise and promote your products to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results!


The above points are just the more common ways to monetize revenue, in fact, there are far more channels. However, whether it can be realized and whether it can get more revenue, in fact, the core still depends on excellent content: high-quality output and more traffic, so you can realize it no matter how you can monetize.

However, it is not difficult to see that YouTube is well aware of the importance of online operations, so it is necessary to launch a creative incentive plan on the whole platform, and the wave of the younger generation is quietly coming, and many YouTube bloggers rely on online marketing to create huge value, which is also a trace of the Internet.

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p>網路宣傳,顧名思義就是借助網路這個大平臺,進行推廣活動,從國家至個人,有形產品乃至無形產品都進行有力度的宣傳,借助互聯網遍及千家萬戶,大城小縣的優越性,產生家喻戶曉的效應。 這樣的網路宣傳模式,投資成本相對較低,靈活性很高,產生的影響更是廣大深遠。接受者可以主動運用搜素引擎工具關注到自己相匹配的資訊,也可以被動地被商家廣告甚至病毒常現所干擾。 當然,對於豐富多彩的互聯網世界,的宣傳載體也是五花八門的。諸如,Facebook,郵箱,討論區等,觸及任何一個,你都毫無疑問並毫無例外地參與到這個宣傳模式當中。就這樣,主動選擇此模式的,只要賣點突出,表現方式多樣,內容上加強創新,就能更好地吸引接受者,影響接受者,以網狀撒開,搶佔市場,促進消費,達到理想甚至超預料的效應。這,就是有效的網路宣傳模式。



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