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There are several key points in the marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites

There are several key points in the marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites

1. Common misunderstandings in the promotion of foreign trade websites

Myth 1

In the process of marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, many people will have such a wrong cognition: “there will be orders if there is traffic”! Although this sentence seems to be no problem, but it is not the case in practical application, and sometimes we will encounter the embarrassing situation of traffic without orders! Therefore, in the procedures for marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, we not only consider how to drain traffic! We also need to further consider how to improve conversion! Because whether it is the leader or the boss who ultimately looks at the transaction volume.

Myth 2

When establishing a website, the company only considers two factors, that is, the role of art design and website, and ignores the necessary elements required for website promotion, such as URL, product and service layout, resulting in the final website is not useful, the style is good-looking but the loading speed, and the code structure is not optimized at all!

Key points for Foreign Trade Website promotion

Key points of foreign trade site promotion: Key points of station construction

At the beginning of the construction of the foreign trade website, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

1. Conciseness of website architecture and code

2. The URL level should not be too long

3. The layout of products and services is reasonable

4. The user experience is excellent

5. The website loading speed is short, no more than 5 seconds

Foreign Trade Website promotion

The key points of foreign trade website promotion are site positioning

Before the marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, we need to find the correct positioning, because with the increasing popularity of the Internet, the way of marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites is also changing with each passing day.

How to position and promote foreign trade websites?

1. Analyze market demand according to the company’s products and services

2. Build a fast and clear conversion channel, so that users can maximize the transaction after coming in

3. According to the analysis in step 1, customize the promotion strategy for different platforms

Key points of foreign trade website promotion – keyword layout planning

Traditional corporate websites are basically homepages, products, content pages, after-sales service, about us, contact information, these major sections, easy to make people have visual fatigue, users will lose interest in an instant when they come in, so at the beginning of the construction of the website, we must take into account the website promotion, for the follow-up website promotion to lay the ground!

Therefore, usually we need to plan the core keywords and related content display on the core pages of the homepage, product page, and service page, so that the page can get a good ranking in the search engine!

Through the above content, I hope to provide some help for your website in the promotion process, of course, if your website needs to be systematically diagnosed or develop a comprehensive promotion plan, you can also contact our overseas marketing experts to provide you with one-to-one service through the contact information below the official website of Youyihua, and you will not tailor an efficient brand overseas plan!

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