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There are several key points in the marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites

1. Common misunderstandings in the promotion of foreign trade websites

Myth 1

In the process of marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, many people will have such a wrong cognition: “there will be orders if there is traffic”! Although this sentence seems to be no problem, but it is not the case in practical application, and sometimes we will encounter the embarrassing situation of traffic without orders! Therefore, in the procedures for marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, we not only consider how to drain traffic! We also need to further consider how to improve conversion! Because whether it is the leader or the boss who ultimately looks at the transaction volume.

Myth 2

When establishing a website, the company only considers two factors, that is, the role of art design and website, and ignores the necessary elements required for website promotion, such as URL, product and service layout, resulting in the final website is not useful, the style is good-looking but the loading speed, and the code structure is not optimized at all!

Key points for Foreign Trade Website promotion

Key points of foreign trade site promotion: Key points of station construction

At the beginning of the construction of the foreign trade website, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

1. Conciseness of website architecture and code

2. The URL level should not be too long

3. The layout of products and services is reasonable

4. The user experience is excellent

5. The website loading speed is short, no more than 5 seconds

Foreign Trade Website promotion

The key points of foreign trade website promotion are site positioning

Before the marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, we need to find the correct positioning, because with the increasing popularity of the Internet, the way of marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites is also changing with each passing day.

How to position and promote foreign trade websites?

1. Analyze market demand according to the company’s products and services

2. Build a fast and clear conversion channel, so that users can maximize the transaction after coming in

3. According to the analysis in step 1, customize the promotion strategy for different platforms

Key points of foreign trade website promotion – keyword layout planning

Traditional corporate websites are basically homepages, products, content pages, after-sales service, about us, contact information, these major sections, easy to make people have visual fatigue, users will lose interest in an instant when they come in, so at the beginning of the construction of the website, we must take into account the website promotion, for the follow-up website promotion to lay the ground!

Therefore, usually we need to plan the core keywords and related content display on the core pages of the homepage, product page, and service page, so that the page can get a good ranking in the search engine!

Through the above content, I hope to provide some help for your website in the promotion process, of course, if your website needs to be systematically diagnosed or develop a comprehensive promotion plan, you can also contact our overseas marketing experts to provide you with one-to-one service through the contact information below the official website of Youyihua, and you will not tailor an efficient brand overseas plan!

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 根據香港工業貿易署的資料顯示,在2017年3月,香港的中小企業約32萬家,佔本港商業單位總數98%以上,並且為接近130萬人提供了就業機會,約佔香港總就業人數(公務員除外)的46%,可見中小企對本港經濟發展擔當着重要的角色。中小企的成功,除企業本身的創意及努力,其背後的合作夥伴亦功不可沒。是次由《信報財經新聞》及亞洲公關有限公司首度聯合主辦「香港中小企卓越營商夥伴2017」頒獎典禮暨「中小企營商方向與發展契機」講座,目的除為表揚一眾中小企營商夥伴的卓越表現,更加希望能建立一個理想平台,讓中小企業及其營商夥伴互相交流,攜手共創佳績,為香港再添動力。 已於6 月23 日圓滿舉行的「香港中小卓越營商夥伴2017」頒獎典禮,旨在讚揚一眾中小企營商夥伴的卓越表現。頒獎典禮分別由《信報》執行董事及商務總裁葉倩林、亞洲公關行政總裁鄭燕華致揭幕辭,並邀得前香港商務及經濟發展局副局長梁敬國,JP 擔任主禮嘉賓及致辭。接着由《信報》執行董事及商務總裁葉倩林聯同亞洲公關董事總經理凌冠華、執行董事凌以徽,以及行政總裁鄭燕華致送感謝狀予主禮嘉賓及一眾評委兼頒獎嘉賓。  助中小企迎接每個機會及挑戰 《信報》執行董事及商務總裁葉倩林致辭時指出,中小企是香港經濟發展的中流砥柱及重要基石,隨着全球經濟發展及科技進步,加上中國的經濟國策,例如大灣區未來發展,為中小企帶來眾多商機,同時也帶來很多挑戰。很多中小企都表示,他們不能單打獨鬥,而是需要得到不同黟伴在背後支持,令他們可以專注於自己的範疇,提高生產力及競爭力,爭取更高成就。 葉倩林認為每間成功中小企背後都有其營商夥伴, 透過「香港中小企卓越營商夥伴2017」活動,各得獎機構除樹立良好榜樣外,亦是大家學習的好機會,激勵中小企為香港經濟作出更大貢獻。她期望可與中小企共同努力,並協助他們迎接每一個機會及挑戰。 中小企間的互相支持很重要 亞洲公關行政總裁鄭燕華致辭時表示,亞洲公關與《信報》首度合作主辦「香港中小企卓越營商夥伴2017」,強強聯手,為業界作出貢獻。 鄭燕華認為,中國不斷轉型,全球經濟邁向大數據時代,香港內部也必須轉型,而在這個大環境中,中小企舉步為艱,需要很多支持及各種最新資訊。大企業支持中小企的同時,中小企之間的互相支持亦十分重要,她希望透過業界資訊的流通及聯繫,為業界提供更多資訊,獻一分光一分力。 政府以不同途徑支援中小企 擔任主禮嘉賓的前香港商務及經濟發展局副局長梁敬國,JP 致辭時表示,坊間以中小企為主題的頒獎禮不少,卻鮮有以夥伴為主要對象,突出了這頒獎禮的特別意義。 梁敬國指出,政府在不同方面有不同措施支持中小企,主力針對中小企提供協助的是工貿署,該署透過支援與諮詢中心,為中小企提供中小企貸款保證計劃,金管局則有中小企融資擔保計劃等。他特別提到,立法會已通過把出口信用保險局給中小企的保證額由450 億增加至550 億,為中小企提供較高的額度。梁敬國了解到中小企中的出入口、批發及專業人士為數眾多,額度的提高,這類機構及人士尤其受惠。 至於「PASS」專業服務協進支援計劃,助專業人士向國內或海外推廣他們的服務,甚至提供服務予大灣區、一帶一路沿線地區的客戶。梁敬國認為,中小企可發展成大企業,尤其服務性的小企業靈活度極高,例如目前已有小企業在緬甸開設辦事處,毋須太高費用即可在新市場開始一個新的網絡。此外,中小企亦可向創新及科技局申請20萬元,用作改善公司的IT 系統,提升公司的效率及生產力。...


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