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How to perform web analytics

How to perform web analytics

Website analysis is to analyze the behavior of visitors to a website, through the analysis of the enterprise to obtain information about the web page, so as to better business layout, to help enterprises understand how to expand click traffic, in short, to help enterprises understand or improve the impact of enterprises to visitors. So, how does a business conduct web analytics?

1. Look at the security of our website

If the security of a website is not good, it cannot have a good protection of the information of the website, and it is not conducive to the security of the website, which has a very great adverse impact on the future work of the enterprise.

Second, it also depends on the speed of the website

If the speed of the website is fast, the user’s user experience will be good, and if the website is opened for too long, it will not be conducive to the user experience. In addition, it depends on whether there are 404 pages and whether the functions of the background of the website can operate normally.

3. Optimize the off-site search of the website

Internal and external links should be done well, if done well, it is conducive to the increase of search volume for search engines, and at the same time can improve the speed of the website’s network cable being found, thereby improving the ranking of the website.

We all want to do a good job in website optimization, but website analysis is the premise of website optimization, and it is also very important to do a good job of analysis. Only when the analysis is in place can adjustments be made as needed for better optimization.

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