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Google SEO optimization helps foreign trade enterprises to promote, save costs and improve ROI

Friends who understand Google SEO optimization know that if a foreign trade company wants to promote its brand and services to the world, then Google, which occupies 90% of the global search engine market, is the best channel that must be selected, and if you want to achieve the highest ROI at the lowest cost, then Google SEO optimization is a must promotion method! So is Google SEO optimization reliable? What are the usual ways to do Google SEO optimization? Next, Youyihua will explain to you one by one!


1. Is Google SEO optimization reliable?

Of course, it is reliable, but the only disadvantage of Google SEO is that the effect is slow, and the benefits are still great in the long run, Google SEO optimization as the best way to promote foreign trade enterprises with low investment and high returns, is the best choice for many small and medium-sized enterprises to improve ROI! Here you may have questions, why is it the best choice for small and medium-sized enterprises? So how do big companies do it? In fact, while large enterprises do Google SEO optimization, they also do ppC! Because the operation of large enterprises cannot only rely on Google SEO optimization to bring orders and transactions!

Google 谷歌SEO優化

2. Several forms of Google SeO optimization

Google SEO optimization forms can be broadly divided into two types, namely “white hat SEO” and “black hat SEO”. “There are still a lot of people who are eager for quick success, some companies and even bosses for short-term interests, quickly get ranking, and even advocate the practice of black hat SEO, there is a market for demand, so we sometimes see “3 days on the home page of advertising” on the Internet, here I want to tell you that Google Google SEO optimization is reliable, but black hat Google SEO optimization is unreliable, because even if the ranking can go up in a short period of time with informal means, it will still be unstable after all. Youyihua has been engaged in Google SEO optimization and promotion for more than 10 years, and it is a formal way to do SEO for customers, because the ranking made by formal methods has the characteristics of stability and durability! After all, it is necessary to look at the long-term for customers.


3. What issues need to be paid attention to in the implementation of Google SEO optimization?

1. Site architecture: The website architecture is equivalent to the foundation of a house, and only a good architecture can support an excellent site and lay a solid foundation for Google SEO optimization in the future.

2. Keyword layout: In terms of word selection, we should pay attention to the selection of keywords that can bring traffic to customers, and we need to analyze the words that are not competitive but have traffic, in addition to the core words, we should also choose some long-tail words, and these keywords need to be distributed in the Title, Description, Content, picture alt tags, picture title tags, tag tags, and the keyword density should be controlled at the same time.

3. Website URL: The URL link level of the website should not be too much, if the level is too deep, some pages will be difficult to be crawled by spiders, and it should be noted that the URL of each layer must be meaningful, and do not put some empty directories into the URL level.

4. Website content optimization: In the process of Google SEO optimization, website content is very critical, your website content can clearly solve the user’s problems, and whether your service can be clearly described for the user to determine whether it can solve his problems, whether you need to buy your products, etc.! Through big data and AI algorithms, the Google search engine knows what kind of content users like, and if your website content meets these conditions, then it will rank better.

5. Site optimization: Add links to the keywords that appear in the article as much as possible, or add links to related articles to guide spiders to crawl many times.

More tips on Google Google SEO optimization:

Google SEO Optimization Off-page Drainage Strategy Bring more traffic to your foreign trade website

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