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Develop a digital marketing strategy that best suits your company in 2021

Develop a digital marketing strategy that best suits your company in 2021

In the age of digital fragmentation, it takes you and your audience six to eight online exchanges to get a lead. Traditional marketing tactics, such as advertising, have been ineffective against savvy consumers, who gather information from various sources before deciding to buy a product. As a result, today’s online consumer journey has become increasingly complex and difficult to master!


To develop the best digital marketing strategy for your company, we first need to unpack the online customer journey of your target customers. With the help of big data, we can find your online opportunities:

 How much demand does your product actually have online, and how do your target customers search for relevant information (e.g., the most frequently used keywords)?

What third-party platforms (websites, discussion boards, etc.) do they go to to collect information, and what are their opinions or concerns about your product?

After answering the above questions, we can analyze the shortcomings of your current digital marketing strategy and the gap between your market share and your competitors.

YouFind has launched a new consulting service to help you unravel the online consumption patterns of your target customers, grasp online business opportunities, and develop the most effective digital marketing strategy for customers.

Want to understand today’s spending habits and prepare for the coming year? Download our report to learn 10 online spending data you need to know and key insights from your marketing plan for 2021!

WhatsApp our professional consultants to learn more


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