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Google SEO Optimization Off-page Drainage Strategy Bring more traffic to your foreign trade website

In addition to obtaining Google organic traffic through Google SEO ranking optimization, the other thing is off-site drainage! Although in the previous article “Google Ranking Optimization and Promotion Guide: Do a Good Job in 3 Aspects and Rank Must Be Good”, Youyihua has mentioned on-site SEO optimization and off-site SEO optimization, but it is only a part of off-site drainage, of course, there are more ways and methods to promote our website, so that more people can see and understand our products and services, so what should be done? Let’s take a look at the Google SEO optimization off-site drainage strategy carefully prepared by Youyihua for everyone!


1. Use large platforms and social media to drive traffic to the website

For example, Facebook, YouTube, instgram, snapchat and other large social media platforms, with the rise of various social media platforms, the Google search engine has also increased the weight of social media platform results display and social media a lot, with the search engine algorithm constantly updated and iterative, the display results are becoming more and more accurate, in other words, the user experience is getting better and better, so the importance of social media is self-evident! Adding a share button to your website and sharing your website content to large social media platforms can improve your website’s ranking, attract traffic, and at the same time make your website’s ranking quickly improve in Google!


2. Use a large-scale Q&A platform to do word-of-mouth marketing

For example, the foreign version of Zhihu Quora, we can find some questions related to peace shooting on the platform to reply, and the way of reply is to highlight the professionalism as much as possible, and establish a professional and authoritative brand image for our own brand! Or post the content of the website with the question in the reply process to guide others to your website! You can also ask yourself questions and answer questions to create professional responses.


3. Establish brand-specific channels on Facebook, YouTube, instgram, and snapchat

Like Facebook, YouTube, instgram, snapchat can establish exclusive brand channels, used to publish and share some brand-related content, establishing a positive and authoritative brand image is also a very important link, through the company’s exclusive social media channels, users can intuitively understand our product information, but also provide traffic for the website.

In turn, we can also introduce some information from platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, instgram, and snapchat on our website to increase the interactivity of website content and promote the drainage of the website.

Fourth, ensure the quality of the connection, “win by quality” rather than “win by quantity”

In the first two steps, both involve the publication of external links, it should be noted that we only need to leave high-quality and readable content and external links on large platforms to guide users to visit and browse your website, instead of blindly sending external links, more spam external links will affect the authority of your website! It would be counterproductive.

The above is the Google SEO optimization off-site drainage strategy provided by Youyihua’s overseas marketing experts, in fact, it can be summed up in one sentence: make full use of high-weight large-scale social media platforms to increase the exposure of our brand, promote the website brand and services while directing traffic to the website!

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一條出眾的網絡廣告首先要做到的就是要準確的描述出廣告要傳遞的內容。要有非常明確的目標性,把這種目標通過廣告中的圖片,文字以及色彩傳遞給廣大消費者。除此之外,還應該為自己的企業品牌樹立正確的品牌形象,一個企業的形象是會影響到他的產品在消費者心中的地位的。 只要有了品牌,網絡廣告語的策劃就顯得非常有必要了。通常我們隨口都會說出一些著名的廣告語,這些都是已經深深的刻入我們的腦海中了,這種廣告語的創作一定要符合品牌的形象以及主題,同時最好非常精簡,最好控制在六到七個字之間。 網絡廣告整體可以分為策劃,設計以及發佈三個方面,每一步都要切合消費者的口味以及互聯網的特點,廣告要鮮明有特點,而且廣告發佈的時間也要合適。做到這些,才能吸引更多消費者的目光。


善用數位審計(Digital Audit)的大數據,創出無限機遇

只要妥善管理大數據,就能了解消費者和對手的習慣,以針對性地進行市場策略。然而,很多企業卻沒有渠道得到,或是未能善用大數據,最終空有數據,卻欠缺分析。 數位審計(Digital Audit)可以有效為企業分析海量的網絡數據,把任何一點的小資訊,逐漸構成大數據,再抽絲剝繭地尋找對企業有商業價值的數據。 但資訊難以分辦真假,而且每分每秒亦在更新,數位審計怎樣把各個平台的資訊有條理地獨立出來成為數據呢?又怎樣把數據化成機遇? 某些數碼營銷公司把龐大的數位審計大致分為三種精細的審計,分別是品牌審計(Branding Audit)、商業審計(Business Audit)及平台審計(Channel Audit)。 三種審計能全方位搜羅任何相關的小資訊,組成企業所需要的大數據,再分析競爭對手或自身行業的表現,讓企業可知己知彼,進行最適合的策略。 網絡圖片 澳洲天然水公司「Water3」在早年想改變澳洲市民的喝水習慣,計劃推出過百部自助補水站及「Water3」水瓶,以取代即棄塑料瓶裝水,進行全新型態的營銷。 但貿然推出,難免過於冒險,因此他們需要了解消費者的心態,後來經過三個月的全方位數位審計: 從搜尋引擎洞察消費者購買瓶裝水的過程; 從社交媒體了解消費者的喝水習慣; 從消費者身上了解怎樣的瓶裝水最受歡迎; 從各個網絡平台分析競爭對手與行業趨勢; 從四方八面得到資訊後,企業憑藉這些數據,發現轉型能帶來更大的利潤! 由於澳洲市民愈來愈注重環保理念,對於塑膠產品反感,而「Water3自助水計劃」則大幅減少塑料瓶裝水製造,減少海水污染,以保護海洋生物,預計可受到澳洲市民歡迎,能夠佔有市場一席位。 在數位審計的輔助和預測下,該企業決定採取行動。這全新的環保喝水理念一推出便引起澳洲市民注意,雖然一時間難以引起消費者的轉變,但在推出後,「Water3」水瓶的搜尋率每月穩健增長,顯然有些人的消費模式正漸漸轉變,前景非常明朗。 該企業利用數位審計得出大數據,加以分析,藉此成功轉型並脫穎而出,可見不論轉型發展,或是調查競爭對手,數位審計也值得企業一用。...


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大小規模的公司都犯下類似的錯誤,所以要記謹追蹤所有推廣活動並留意核心指標 Mona Elesseily寫於2018年12月6日上午10:40 不論大小公司都有可能在網絡營銷上遇到挫敗。常見的誤解是大公司與小公司所犯的錯誤並不一樣,但真相剛好相反。以下列舉了幾項常見的錯誤和避免的方法。   1.     沒有追蹤所有推廣活動 信不信由你,這錯誤比你想像中更普遍!根據我的經驗,公司未能妥善追蹤網上推廣活動的原因有幾個。第一個頗為簡單,就是追蹤措施本身既費時又麻煩。很多時,為了確保已妥當和準確地執行追蹤措施,竟然耗用了與設計推廣活動相若的時間。 另外,公司可能連追蹤了哪個推廣活動都不清楚。這情況在推廣計劃繁多的公司更為常見。也有公司因為推廣活動和渠道太多,所以無暇理會追蹤措施。很多時,問題的根源是公司沒有既定的系統或程序來優先執行追蹤措施。若果制定了有關的追蹤程序和採用了標籤管理系統,追蹤便自然變得容易了。 一般公司所犯的錯誤有幾項。在審查追蹤措施時,我們經常發現它們雖然存在,但卻有漏洞。以下是一些常見的缺失: 沒有追蹤來電 致電到公司的客戶,比在網上隨便搜尋公司資料的客戶更認真。若不明白客戶來電能帶來多少生意,便有可能誤用了推廣預算。至於追蹤來電的措施,市面上有很多選擇。 沒有追蹤即時對話 即時對話也是銷售來源!按我們的客戶來說,差不多每八個即時對話中,便出現一個花錢的客戶。針對這情況,我們會追蹤每個信息並記下有多少人會在即時對話後成為客戶。 沒有追蹤離線轉換 利用像Google「親臨門市」那樣的間接指標,或更理想地滙入離線的銷售資料,集中優化實際的銷售活動。坊間也有像Hyllo.io那樣提供軟件/硬件解決方案的公司,助你追蹤門市客戶流量並將有關數據與實際銷售的情況結合起來。 沒有計算流動裝置的轉換 這是無法做足100分的一項,但也值得一題。眾所周知,隨着裝置的轉變,流量分配也跟着改變。一個好的例子就是客戶在流動裝置上進行搜尋,然後用電腦進行轉換。結果,流動轉換帶來的流量便看似較少或比其他裝置昂貴,箇中原因是你沒有看到整個轉換的過程。所以,在部署你的「追蹤」計劃之前,記得先考慮這個因素。  ...


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