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6 key points for foreign trade enterprise brands to go overseas to establish an independent site

6 key points for foreign trade enterprise brands to go overseas to establish an independent site

In the process of foreign trade enterprise brand going to sea, the establishment of overseas independent sites is an indispensable link, on the one hand, foreign trade enterprises can display products through the enterprise site, on the other hand, they can also accept customer inquiries, so more and more foreign trade enterprises realize the importance of establishing an independent site of enterprises, to create an excellent foreign trade enterprise site, can attract more customers, so that more customers can find your products.

Foreign trade enterprise brand going overseas – 6 key points to establish an independent site

How to build a perfect foreign trade enterprise site? In our years of experience in network promotion, an excellent and perfect foreign trade enterprise site, appearance and strength coexist, from the design to the content layout, not only to attract traffic, display corporate culture and high-quality products, but also to make people pleasing to the eye, so today the operation expert Barry of Youyi will share with you, how to build an excellent enterprise site? Help everyone build a high-quality independent station more quickly and avoid detours.

(Barry, Operational Expert)

Determine the core content of your website What you most want to show to your customers

For example, first of all, we should clarify whether the nature of the website is an e-commerce website or a brand display type website, different types of websites have different design structures, and only by clarifying the core goal of building a website can we facilitate the next optimization.

The design style of a foreign trade business website is very important

For customers who do not use countries, different styles can be designed, from the font style, design scheme, color tone, typography design in line with the aesthetic habits of foreign customers, is the first step to promote the order.

Clear content Creative copywriting

High-quality content It is necessary to introduce the business and products concisely, so that customers can quickly locate the information they want. If there is an excellent creative copywriting to embellish, it will achieve the icing on the cake, and the real advertorial case can stimulate customers well, cause customers to resonate, and then achieve benefit transformation.

The website page is uncluttered and the core products are prominently displayed

The page is tidy, highlighting the core product display position, and increasing the number of inquiries, because the time for customers to stay is usually not long, so we want customers to find the information they want in the shortest possible time to achieve the purpose of inquiry.

Track website visitor trajectories in all directions and increase conversion rates

If there is no foreign trade inquiry for every 500 IPs, then it is necessary to check and reflect, whether there is a problem with the design, or there is a problem with the content and product orientation, here, we can use many website plug-ins, such as: Google Analytics or related statistical tools, to analyze the browsing trajectory of visitors and find out the problem.

SEO-optimized website

The last step is also the most important step, foreign trade brand building is the top priority, after having a corporate website, we also need to promote the corporate website, which involves some knowledge points and content of foreign trade website promotion, such as the website’s SEO optimization settings, site optimization and so on! When helping the website to promote in the later stage, you can save time and energy and improve work efficiency.


The key is for the enterprise brand to go overseas and an independent site

Seeing this, does it help you build your independent station? Of course, in the process of brand going overseas, it is not enough to have only one independent station platform to display, we also need to have other high-quality promotion channels, welcome to contact us to tailor a brand overseas plan for you!

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