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How do foreign trade enterprises do overseas network promotion?

Overseas network promotion as one of the most important business channels for foreign trade enterprises to lay out overseas markets, so how can we do a good job in overseas network promotion?


1. Use overseas search engines to do a good job in overseas network promotion

The overseas search engine here, we usually refer to the three major search engines of Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Among them, Google’s volume is the largest, so far the Google search engine has covered 250 countries around the world, has 113 international domain names and supports 109 languages, and it can even be said that Google can promote your products and brands to most of the world’s markets! This is why in the process of overseas network promotion, it is mainly Google SEO and Google SEM are the main reasons too!

In the process of overseas network promotion of the website, as long as we do a good job of google seo, then Bing and Yahoo will also have better performance, because no matter which search engine, their core standards will not change, that is, user-oriented! As long as you can do a good job in the construction of website content, as well as the layout planning of products and brands, and reasonably arrange pages and content sections, the website ranking will not be bad.

Then Google SEM we need to pay attention to optimizing negative keywords, try to use long-tail words for budgeting, because long-tail words can bring us target users, and we also need to build beautiful and relevant landing pages, which will help increase conversion rates.

2. Overseas network promotion through overseas social networks


In the process of doing overseas network promotion, social network promotion is an indispensable promotion channel, of course, social media network promotion is also divided into two kinds, one is free promotion, the other is paid promotion! At present, the mainstream foreign social media is mainly Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram as the mainstream! Free promotion form, mainly is to share and reply with product or brand information, or then pictures, videos to show product and brand information. The form of charging is to open an advertising account on these three platforms, and accurately deliver your product or brand to users who need it through advertising. Among the three giants, Facebook has the highest conversion rate and higher accuracy of the ads.

3. Email promotion


By investigating the user’s preferences, classify the user, and then send customized emails to users with different preferences, (remember not to send them in bulk, it may be regarded as spam), time permitting, it is best to send one-to-one, the content of the email is as concise as possible, clearly point out the topic, and bring product introduction or service introduction, etc.!

The most important thing to do overseas network promotion is to understand the psychology of the audience, don’t do meaningless promotion, blind push, massive net promotion is extremely inefficient. The core of promotion should be to establish a brand image, so that users can think of your brand for the first time when they need it, or when users see your brand name, they will know what kind of product or brand you are, and know what you do. In this way, promotion can be more handy. The efficiency of promotion can be improved.

Of course, if you want to find an overseas marketing expert to customize an overseas network promotion and marketing plan for your brand or product, you can also contact the overseas marketing experts of Youyihua through the contact information below this site, and we will provide you with 1-to-1 24-hour professional services. Escort your brand and products to the sea.

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疫情之下“宅經濟”的崛起 跨境電商如何布局海外網絡推廣營銷市場

眾所周知,受疫情影響很多國家或城市已經實行了封城的舉措,這項舉措的實施,直接導致了線下消費市場(商場、餐飲、電影院)等受到嚴重打擊,甚至很多門店直接倒閉歇業,面臨疫情的巨大沖擊,和線下相比,線上消費迎來了巨大的變革,“宅”在家裏的人們推動了線上消費的逆勢增長,也使跨境電商企業對布局海外網絡推廣營銷市場增加了信心。 從海外零售商數據顯示,部分國家“封城”期間除了口罩、洗手液、額溫槍、防護服等防疫用品搜索量攀升成為當下熱銷產品,居家辦公用品、室內運動器材、寵物用品等也成為人們大量采購的產品。 “宅經濟”下的跨境電商:用戶、銷量激增 Wish:新注冊用戶數量大幅度增長 疫情之下,歐洲電商需求升溫,新用戶消費力顯著上升。據相關數據顯示:3月1日前後半個月中,部分歐洲國家Wish新注冊用戶首日消費明顯上升。2月1日至3月15日期間,冰島新注冊用戶較2019年增長超7倍,關鍵詞搜索數量增加超13倍。 亞馬遜:有望額外增加40億美元收入 因疫情影響人們紛紛居家隔離,亞馬遜幾乎成為美國人民在生活和工作中不可或缺的企業,消費者紛紛前往亞馬遜平台購買醫療用品和生活必需品。美國銀行在一份投資者報告中表示,受疫情爆發影響,盡管管理疫情的額外成本可能會對利潤造成削減,但亞馬遜在今年可能還會額外獲得高達40億美元的收入。 除電子商務業務外,在人們大量轉向在家辦公時,亞馬遜雲計算業務也開始面臨著更高的需求。Zoom、Netflix等視頻會議軟件及流媒體軟件等,有許多都依賴亞馬遜雲計算業務支撐。 2003年的SARS疫情,成就了一批以阿裏巴巴、京東等為代表的在線購物平台。此次疫情後,“互聯網+、5G”等新模式預計將推動“宅經濟”的崛起。那麼對於跨境電商來說,怎樣才能夠把握好“宅經濟”的發展機遇,實現業績跨越式增長呢? 重視海外網絡推廣策略,為企業品牌塑造、整合營銷,打好基礎 面對海外陌生的文化和經濟環境,以及用戶需求和行為的差異,如果沒有真正深入地了解當地文化和熱點話題,洞悉當地市場的網絡行為和營銷趨勢,就無法讓品牌緊跟當地潮流,實現對目標用戶的精准營銷,如何讓客戶接納並信賴中國品牌,是廣大跨境電商面臨的最為現實的問題。 跨境電商的市場潛力如此巨大,企業要想從激烈競爭之中脫穎而出,就必須制定精准的海外推廣策略,這不僅有助於幫助企業快速獲取海外用戶、提高訂單率、搶占市場先機,還可以高效地做好產品在海外的推廣和品牌建設。 面對國內中小企業在海外推廣中遇到的各類問題及困難,優易化擁有超過10年線上市場營銷的經驗,透過專業的數據分析及優化,結合全球化思維和本土化營銷的方式,為跨境企業提供高效、便捷的一體化海外推廣服務。 疫情困境,既是挑戰,也是機遇;提前為營銷策略做布局,將可能成為品牌不可多得的機遇。如果您的企業或品牌有出海營銷的計劃,可以聯系優易化海外營銷專家為您定制專屬的海外網絡營銷方案!


BAIDU SEO一直不甘落後的姿態

Baidu這個搜索引擎工具能有這麼大市值和這麼響的聲望與它的SEO有著不同尋常的聯繫,換而言之,它們是相互影響,共贏互利的,baidu seo是形勢所趨,時代所需。 在競爭激烈的經濟轉型過程中,越處於風口浪尖的網站越是要努力創新,不斷優化自身機制,贏得最多的訪客,把握最多的流量,穩住最多的點擊率,這才能一直利於不敗之地。我們可以看到baidu seo就是在市場競爭中扮演了這樣一個積極的角色。百度的管理者和研究者,利用訪客流量的數據和外部鏈接情況作出相應的調整,運用專業的技術來規劃關鍵字,使得百度快照搜索排名一直靠前,保持優化的持續性。 由此,越來越多的商家願意投入更多的資金來參與,以更好地實現行銷目的,助你最快地創造出最大的經濟利益。誠然,baidu seo所做的努力不是我們看個人的消費習慣就能讀懂的,所有的綜合數據也非燈盞時間能了解。 事實永遠擺在眼前,大眾所趨就是最好的證明。Baidu seo永不停步!


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