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What is the specific work content of Google SEO promotion of foreign trade websites?

Since the development of the Internet, Google SEO has become one of the most mainstream promotion channels for foreign trade enterprise websites, and the natural ranking of keywords in search engines is improved through google seo technology, so as to obtain organic traffic!


1. SEO keywords

In the process of Google SEO promotion of foreign trade website, the link of screening keywords is the top priority, which is directly related to the time of results, and has been able to achieve the expected KpI! In this link, many foreign trade enterprises have fallen into a misunderstanding – that is, directly do the core words with high traffic, and will not think about why this word is chosen from a strategic point of view! Analyze and confirm from many aspects!

2. Website architecture

At the beginning of the design of many appearance enterprise websites, they only pay attention to whether the appearance is good-looking and whether they meet the aesthetics of Western users, but they ignore several major elements of SEO: clear website architecture, code introduction, responsive architecture, etc.Google has made it clear earlier that responsive websites will get priority ranking opportunities, which has also been mentioned in our previous article “How to do foreign trade website optimization to get a good Google ranking?”, and friends who are not clear can also review it!

3. Website content

The content of the website should be original as much as possible, and it should be written around keywords or products, reduce the irrelevant content on the website as much as possible, and reasonably lay out the content of the section, which can improve the ranking of the website in the search engine, increase the exposure, and obtain more organic traffic.

4. Link optimization

By optimizing the internal and external links of the website, the keyword ranking of the website can be improved in the search engine, for example, we need to pay attention to the relevance of the link in the external connection optimization!

Google SEO所需要做的基本內容

The above is the basic content that Google SEO needs to do, every job needs to pay attention to details, these are the factors that affect search engine rankings, do a good job in every link, in order to promote the ranking stably! Of course, to do a good job in SEO, we have to do much more than that, if your business website needs to develop a more perfect google seo solutions, you can contact our overseas marketing experts through the contact information at the bottom of this site, we will provide you with 1-to-1 service, to provide you with efficient and executable promotion plan.

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