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What are the reasons for doing SEO promotion (ZMOT) for brands, and how to do brand marketing and word-of-mouth management well?


How did search engines develop? First of all, of course, there must be useful users. They search for answers to their questions online and use search engines to gather information. A search engine is like a think tank where you can find any knowledge. But where does this information come from? Not Google, of course, but other online users. The content they create may be about a brand, a business, a person, an organization, and so on. In any case, the purpose of their creation is to build a relationship with demand and increase potential customers.

So, how does a search engine pick the most appropriate answer? Of course, it is based on its unique computer system. Of course, this is a major trade secret, so it will not be made public. In short, it has a way of revealing what you want to know.

Today let’s talk about the whole process of search and what is the relationship between the brand and the user’s search. Google is the world’s most trafficked website, processing more than 3.5 billion searches per day, and 84% of respondents use Google three or more times a day (Reference:。 Google is synonymous with the Internet because it satisfies humanity’s insatiable thirst for knowledge. A deep dive into Google’s search statistics can help you understand user behavior, internet search trends, and how to optimize your website and resources. Online searches are common, but do you know the details of how they go and what role does Google play in the process?

As an example, I woke up one morning with a toothache. I would love to know the cause of my toothache, but I didn’t want to go to a doctor because they were expensive and might require me to do a bunch of useless tests or even recommend a variety of treatments. Even though tests and procedures are inevitable, I still have to find a doctor with a reasonable fee and a good reputation. And so my search began. The first is to search for “causes of toothache”, and the answers on the Internet are “periodontal disease causes toothache, tooth sensitivity causes soreness, gum recession causes toothache, wisdom teeth cause toothache, toothdecay causes toothache”. I’ll see which symptoms are more similar to mine. If I find that wisdom teeth are more likely, I will start a second round of searches for “what to do with wisdom teeth” and see that most of the people’s advice is “tooth extraction”. Once I have decided that I want to have a tooth extracted, I will search for “which dentist clinic has the best tooth extraction”, “area name + tooth extraction price” or “where tooth extraction is painless”. There will be a lot of “XXX dentist clinic is good”, “XXX doctor extraction does not hurt” or “XXX tooth extraction is cheap” in this search result, specific to the name of the brand or person. Once I had this brand information, I had to choose between multiple dentist offices or dentists. The fourth search is “XXX Dentist Clinic” or “XXX Dentist” to find out other people’s reviews as a reference to decide on the clinic and doctor for tooth extraction. The search process is repeated about four times to find the ideal answer. All four searches were conducted through search engines to find answers. This example is believed to paint a picture of the experience of many people today.

Throughout the search process, Google will provide you with a lot of fairly accurate answers. It’s very important for businesses to prioritize the answers you prepare. If you want to increase your brand’s market share, you need to do a good job in your brand’s content marketing, have a good understanding of the industry, know people’s search habits, including questions at different search stages, and then create content for these problems. You can use text, images or videos, and most importantly, present the answer in an innovative way from the searcher’s perspective and motivation. But in what capacity do you need to publish content to earn trust? A third party, of course, just as most people tend to trust user reviews and opinions. These after-use impressions are very important and will affect your branding. In the SEO industry, it can be called zero moment of truth, which showcases your brand and products through user opinions and reviews. This type of marketing emphasizes the “third party” rather than yourself, which helps customers to let their guard down and get to know your brand.

So, where do third parties have to publish their impressions before anyone can see them, so as to help your product? Google has a set scoring criteria for platforms, and media platforms are really brands. Publishing articles on well-known platforms is definitely easier to get high rankings than ordinary small platforms, because they are more authoritative and can get high recognition and evaluation from Google.

Brand marketing (ZMOT) content can be published on some popular paid messaging platforms (advertorial). You may wonder why you should spend money on other messaging platforms when there are free social media platforms, because they usually have stricter editorial checks, will review your article, and then express it from a more neutral point of view, reducing the color of the ad to make it easy for readers to accept. In addition, popular information platforms are more authoritative to Google, so it is easy to rank. Although free platforms can be promoted through posts, they are usually published on private social accounts, which is not authoritative enough for search engines, and it is difficult to get good rankings unless you are a well-known person or your account has a certain amount of traffic. Also, many free platforms are limited to groups and can’t be shown to people outside of the group. Some free platforms can’t do a good job of SEO content optimization because of their own rules and restrictions. Therefore, the advantages of choosing an information platform (advertorial) are definitely greater.

When you have a negative online review for your product, the first thing to do is to review it to see if there is really a problem. Reviews from others can actually help you identify deficiencies and improve the quality of your product or service. Once there are improvements, you can proactively communicate with the complainant to see if you can delete or modify the online review, and remedy the situation by replying. As the saying goes: the tree is a big wind. When your brand is slightly well-known, you should beware of malicious attempts to smear your brand. The work of word-of-mouth management must not be neglected.

How to do a good job in brand marketing (ZMOT) and word-of-mouth management?

Think about it, when someone searches for your brand online, what do you want them to see? Usually, the top search results are the official website or their own social media accounts, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc., if users want to know about your brand reputation, they will definitely not choose your website or social media, but check what others say about you. Since the first page is all their own information, users will naturally turn to the second page and start to see mixed results. At this point, users have a much better chance of seeing a negative review than a positive one. It’s human nature, even if 100 people praise your brand, but as long as a few people criticize it, people want to see the negative reviews. As for whether you will read the good reviews after reading the negative reviews, it stands to reason that there is not much chance. For this kind of dilemma of good things not going out and bad things spreading thousands of miles, businesses are really helpless. Negative reviews are very likely to hit your business hard Some foreign experts have done a survey:

1. 88% trust online reviews as much as they trust a friend’s recommendation.

2. 80% of people will look for other brands after seeing negative reviews about one brand online.

3. Customers with a poor experience are two to three times more likely to post a negative review than a customer with a good experience.

4. If there are no positive reviews to offset, it will take up to 30 new customers to cover the loss of a negative review online.

5. 12 positive reviews are needed to offset the impact of a negative review.

Some researchers have pointed out that people tend to pay attention to negative information rather than positive information. From an evolutionary or survival point of view, the purpose of devoting energy to analyzing negative experiences is to improve the ability to survive.

Don’t let negative information drive away your potential customers. Through brand marketing (ZMOT), we can use third-party platforms to publish some positive content, and then use SEO promotion to enter the first few pages of search results, so that potential customers can access these brand information. As long as the information is released from the perspective of a third party or a consumer, it will not cause objection. Merchants should always pay attention to online public opinion, and may also need a professional public relations company to be responsible for checking, regularly collecting positive and negative reviews on the Internet for data analysis to understand the market situation.

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社交網絡巨頭Facebook近月指出,俄羅斯在之前的美國總統選舉中,透過Facebook買下超過3000則廣告,而Facebook估算至少有1000萬人於當時看過有關廣告。鑑於這種情況,Facebook發表聲明,稱會增聘1000名員工審查提交的廣告,防止俄國或其他政府利用同樣方式干擾他國選舉的公平性。 這種假廣告的影響力之所以如此廣泛和巨大,其中一個重要因素是由於Facebook正確判斷用戶的偏好,增加了他們對假廣告的信賴度。 Facebook的厲害之處,在於它見到你喜歡點讚、評論或分享某類型的內容,就會給你更多該類型的動態更新,例如你是「黃絲」,經常留意在Facebook上的有關資訊,它就減少為你提供關於「藍絲」的資訊。 同理,在美國大舉期間,當用戶有了某種政治取向,自然會收到更多有關這方面的廣告,也會主觀上喜歡和相信當中的內容。因此,當他們見到這些假選舉廣告,便會間接動搖了其政治判斷。 另一方面,其實Facebook早已接管了新聞媒體的生態系統,成為不少大眾接收社會資訊的主軸。在Facebook盛行之前的時代,大眾往往依賴傳統媒體接收社會資訊,但自從Facebook愈來愈盛行,大眾的依賴性早已轉移到Facebook那邊。正因為Facebook已經佔據了媒體資訊分發的主導位置,所以一旦出現大量假廣告,這便足以影響整個線下的生態。 從選舉假廣告一事看來,Facebook和整個社交媒體暴露了一個重大問題:網上媒體資訊欠缺一套嚴謹的監察及管制系統。近年我們看到不少「內容農場」的假消息和假新聞充斥於各大社交平台,正是最佳的鐵證。還記得嗎?不久之前Facebook出現了一宗假新聞,是藝人余文樂和阮小儀「公開戀情」,轟動全城,結果二人需要紛紛出來澄清事件。 事實上,自從愈來愈多失實的資訊充斥在網絡上,外國已有不少人已經回歸到像時代雜誌此類傳統媒體那邊,罷看和不相信其他網絡媒體資訊,因為前者始終有完善的內容管制,相比起來更有公信力。這無疑對社交媒體的發展造成重大衝擊。 另一邊廂,Facebook即將投放大量資源審查內容及廣告,這代表其資訊的自由度很快會收緊,影響的層面或會涉及一些真廣告及消息。在兩種情況加起來之下,社交媒體會否守住媒體資訊分發的主導角色,還是拭目以待。  



面對資料外洩的醜聞,朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在聽證會中表示了Facebook沒有透過咪高峰來竊聽用戶說話內容,藉此更精準的方式替廣告商鎖定目標客群。但有趣的是,Google沒有為此作出任何回應。 最近有人為此進行直播實測。沒養狗的實測者首先顯示在沒提及「狗玩具」之前,網頁上所有廣告均與此無關,及後他對咪高峰自言自語,當中提及「狗玩具」、「絨毛玩具」、「Kong(狗玩具品牌)」及「紅色黑色」。 結果當他再瀏覽網頁,便發現全部廣告馬上變成狗玩具,當中更包括紅色及黑色的絨毛狗玩具和Kong的廣告,這足以證明了Google有進行語音辨識系統的竊聽。另一邊廂,隨着有「史上最嚴格個人資料保護法」之稱的歐盟一般資料保護規定(GDPR)將於5月尾實行,這為Google添上一重不明朗因素。 因為GDPR是一款極具人權保護色彩的規範,企業若未有得到用戶的明確同意,與第三方分享用戶資料,那麼可能面臨2,000萬歐元(約2,500萬美元)或 4%全球營收的罰款。 眼見GDPR生效在即,Facebook已經吸收了是次的教訓,決定與多個大數據中介公司終止合作關係,並非下令所有部門重新檢視手上得到的數據,評估是否有必要獲取它們,以及數據能否改善Facebook提供的服務質素,防止遭受巨額罰款。 可是,Google對於竊聽一事沒有甚麼行動,甚至選擇沉默應對。市場上的營銷者雖然對於Google暫時抱有樂觀態度,但假如事件發酵和爆發,這會否引起像Facebook這樣的聲譽受損,仍是未知之數。  



近日最受大家爭議嘅一定係Facebook於個別國家進行測試,將「News Feed」分為「Personal Feed」及「Explore Feed」;Personal Feed會出現喺主要嘅Timeline上,入面只會顯示家人及朋友嘅News Feed及Sponsored Feed;而Page Feed則移至Explore Feed嘅Timeline上,換言之如果Page Feed想出現喺Personal Feed上就要付費於廣告。Facebook希望用戶嘅Personal Feed Timeline上只會出現朋友嘅更新,但此舉將會令Page Feed嘅Organic Reach下降,大家或需要透過廣告嚟增加接觸目標客戶及曝光率! 雖然是次實行測試嘅國家係塞爾維亞、玻利維亞及斯里蘭卡,而Facebook亦表示並無意將測試功能真正推出市場。但網上亦有聲音表示呢個做法令品牌將大量資源投放於平台上嘅廣告費,忽略內容質素。但同時亦有KOL表示支持,認為能夠將有內容、有質素嘅專頁內容篩選出嚟, 無論如何我哋必須未雨綢繆,提升專頁內容嘅質素以留住「慣性收視」,令一班「Loyalty Fans」主動緊貼專頁嘅更新!長遠而言就要根據品牌需要而考慮其他內容平台,例如用戶數目不斷上升嘅Instagram及LinkedIn,了解唔同平台嘅獨特性,針對自己品牌嘅目標客戶需要而建立唔同平台,咁就可以減少Facebook作出重大改動時對品牌嘅影響。


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隨着流動裝置的普及,亞太地區智能手機用戶超過10億,帶動社交媒體如Facebook、Youtube、Twitter、微博、WeChat等高速發展,這些平台的成長亦為品牌和消費者的互動提供了更多機會。 最近國際市場調查機構Kantar TNS的Connected Life研究發現,Instagram在香港滲透率達70%、Snapchat亦有46%,對比2015年有明顯增幅,從數據可見香港人對新事物的接受程 度高,兩款主打以手機直接分享生活照片、影片的社交平台越來越受歡迎,也反映港人追求富美感而真實的視覺化表達方式。 新平台的興起為品牌提供更多機遇,然而社交媒體的玩法多端,各自的目標受眾(Target audience)亦不同,所以沒有「睇到老」的一本通書,用戶人數增長未必代表有龐大的客戶群。假如品牌沒有了解每個平台的特性及發展趨勢,就盲目推出 廣告,可能會弄巧反拙、浪費金錢。 以Instagram為例,Instagram是個分享高質感照片的分享平台,香港地區用戶以年輕、擁有高購買力和學歷的在職女性為主。 Connected Life調查就提及有23%用戶會主動忽略品牌的貼文或內容,33%用戶在意被網絡廣告的訊息追蹤或打擾,更有近半數16至24歲的香港 Instagram用戶傾向於信任朋輩或不認識的用戶分享,多於品牌的廣告硬銷,所以品牌應該考慮如何針對Instagram的特性,從而提升用戶的接受 程度與互動體驗。 在這一方面,筆者覺得可口可樂香港的Instagram做得不錯,他們能因應Instagram的風格及用戶對千篇一律的產品推銷圖的抗拒,從圖片的色 調、構圖、濾鏡等方面入手,結合文案製作出繽紛、吸睛、真實而人性化的貼文,營造出一個活力繽紛、吸引人追蹤的品牌形象。 面對不斷推陳出新的社交媒體,Instagram、Snapchat的興起不代表可以取代其他原有的平台,正是由於不同社交媒體有着不同的特性,新興的社 交媒體反而增加了讓品牌有更多樣化去宣傳的渠道。所以品牌宜有策略地因應產品特點及對象去選定最合適的社交平台,為品牌賦予個性,提升品牌形象,與客戶/ 潛在客戶建立長遠而忠誠的互動關係。  



作为一家专注于提供搜索引擎优化服务的公司,其中包括saas建站、外贸推广以及SEO推广等服务。优易化提供的多种服务均旨在为客户提供专业的、高质量的服务体验,从而帮助客户实现业务目标,提升市场竞争力。以下是关于这些服务的更多信息。 seo服务1:外贸推广 外贸推广主要指帮助客户开拓海外市场,通过对客户产品进行定位和策划,结合专业的外贸推广技术,协助客户在海外市场建立品牌和销售渠道。 seo服务2:SEO推广 随着互联网的迅速发展,越来越多的企业开始意识到网络营销的重要性。而其中,SEO作为提高网站在搜索引擎上排名的一种技术,被认为是网络营销中的一项重要手段。 seo服务3:saas建站 saas建站是基于开源技术的建站系统,其核心技术是saas,这是一种CSS预处理器,可帮助开发人员更轻松地创建复杂的CSS样式。通常情况下,saas建站是基于WordPress开发的,该开源内容管理系统提供了一个强大的平台,使得开发人员能够快速开发高质量的网站。 saas建站的主要优点之一是其灵活性和可定制性。由于saas的灵活性,它能够满足各种不同的设计需求,实现完全自定义的网站设计。此外,基于WordPress开发的saas建站具有WordPress的优势,包括强大的内容管理、易于使用的后台界面以及许多可用的插件和主题。 另一个saas建站的优势是它可以快速地开发高质量的网站。由于saas的灵活性和可定制性,开发人员可以更快速地创建具有高质量设计的网站。此外,由于WordPress提供了大量的可用插件和主题,开发人员可以快速地添加各种功能和特性,从而缩短了网站开发时间。 WordPress建站 WordPress建站是一个流行的选择,可以帮助那些想要建立自己网站的人。这个开源平台提供了一个简单而强大的方式来创建一个令人印象深刻的网站,但即使使用WordPress,设计和建立一个成功的网站仍然需要专业知识和技能。这就是为什么许多人选择使用优易化的WordPress建站服务。 在考虑建立网站时,选择使用WordPress作为建站平台是一个明智的选择。WordPress是一款免费且开源的软件,它可以通过官方网站下载并安装到您的主机上。安装后,您需要关注网站的设计方面,因为设计直接影响着网站的外观和用户体验。有多种选择可供您选择,您可以使用现成的WordPress主题模板,也可以聘请设计师为您设计一个独特的网站。 一旦您完成了网站的设计,您需要考虑添加各种功能和特性,以提高网站的交互性和功能性。WordPress提供了大量的插件和小工具,可帮助您实现各种功能,例如社交媒体分享和搜索引擎优化等。这些插件和小工具可以帮助您更好地满足用户需求,提高网站的使用价值。 建立一个成功的WordPress网站需要考虑许多不同的内容和因素,其中包括: 域名注册:域名是您的网站在互联网上的唯一标识,需要选择一个容易记住且与您的品牌相符的域名。您可以通过注册网站提供商或域名注册公司来购买域名。 主机服务:主机是您的网站所存放的空间,可以让您在互联网上托管您的网站。共享主机、VPS主机或专用主机等不同类型的主机服务可以根据您的需求来选择适合您的主机。 网站设计:网站设计是一个至关重要的步骤,因为它直接影响您网站的外观和感觉。您可以选择使用现有的WordPress主题模板,也可以雇用设计师为您打造一个独特的网站。 插件和小工具:WordPress还提供了丰富的插件和小工具,让您能够添加各种功能和特性,比如社交媒体分享、搜索引擎优化等。 内容创建:为了提高网站的流量和排名,您需要始终更新网站的内容。内容的创建也是非常重要的,通过定期发布有价值的内容可以吸引更多的访问者,并在搜索引擎上获得更高的排名,还可以与您的读者建立互动。这包括撰写文章、上传图片和影片等。 除了这些基本要素之外,还有其他的因素需要考虑,如网站设计、内容管理、网站安全性等等。使用优易化的WordPress建站服务可以确保您的网站建立和维护方面都得到专业的支持,以便您能够专注于您的业务发展。…



上文提及早前筆者參與Google於倫敦舉辦的雲端會議,了解其突破性的雲端技術發展。於未來的日子,Google將會大力發展虛擬伺服器技術,期望佔據更大的雲端服務市場。 Google的四大服務:雲端存儲服務、運算引擎、開發和運行應用程式的引擎、數據分析的 BigQuery及機器學習工具,能支援不同企業的需求,節省成本,因此吸引不少科技創意公司的注意。 風靡一時的Pokemon Go就是受益於此服務的一例。它能容納大量玩家同時在線,實歸功於Google的虛擬伺服器。Pokemon Go上架後,它的虛擬實境的趣味性和強大的社交潛力,一度吸引大量玩家下載,令開發商始料不及。原設的伺服器本來無力應付蜂擁而至的玩家,但後來幸得Google迅速組建虛擬伺服器,最終轉危為機,助任天堂一舉翻身。 另外,今年Snapchat亦以20億美元與Google簽約,成為雲端平台的最大客戶。Snapchat很有機會透過Google度身訂造的App引擎,享用其打造軟件的工具和服務,並且有效應對不同的流量變化,大大增加Snapchat的競爭力。 從前創業往往需要龐大資金及專業技術,使香港不少有志創業的年輕人止步,但如今創新科技推陳出新,打破了固有局限。Snapchat的創辦人正是成功例子,他有創新意念、技術、市場觸覺及認知,最終即使沒有強大資金也能跑出。有意創業的年輕人應多了解全球技術發展,積極求變,方能突圍而出。  


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