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How does the IG algorithm work?There are four “signals” that determine the ranking of your IG Post


Social media, like search engines like Google, regularly updates its algorithms to ensure that it can push content that users are really interested in and improve the user experience. Recently, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri wrote an article* on the official website to explain the algorithm of IG. The following is a summary of the main points of the article and the implications for Marketers.

Instagram’s calculus mechanism

Mosseri begins by pointing out that there is no single “Instagram algorithm”! Instagram decides what content to push based on different “signals” from users, publishers, and post content. Different pages within Instagram (including Explore, Stories, Reels, etc.) have their own unique algorithms based on the user’s intentions and habits. For example, Instagram knows that people want to see their friends and people they follow in their feeds and Stories, so it pushes the latest posts from people they follow. On the contrary, users like to use Explore to discover new information, so the algorithm mechanism of Explore is different from that of Feeds and Stories.

Top 4 “Signals” That Affect Posts on IG Feed Rankings

Instagram collects thousands of signals to determine what to push – including users’ interests and usage habits, information about the publisher, when posts were uploaded, and more. Here are the top four “signals” that affect the content of your feed and Stories, in descending order of importance:

(1) Post information – including the basic information of the post (such as upload time, video length, etc.) and popularity (such as the number of likes) of the post

(2) Publisher information – Instagram uses this information to determine whether a user will be interested in the publisher’s content (e.g., a record of the user’s interaction with the publisher’s content)

(3) User Activity Records – based on the user’s past activities (e.g., posts that have been liked), to derive content that may be of interest to the user

(4) User’s interaction with others – Determine whether a user will be interested in his post based on the user’s past interaction with an individual publisher

Instagram’s primary purpose in collecting these signals is to infer whether a user will interact with a post or not, so as to decide whether or not to push the post. What Instagram wants to know most is: Will users spend time browsing content? Will users like, comment and bookmark this post? Will users click through to the publisher’s profile? In summary, the more likely a user is to interact with a post, the higher the post’s ranking.


The key to ranking is to increase user engagement

To improve your IG Post rankings, start by convincing Instagram that your audience has a good chance of engaging with your posts. In addition to the content and popularity of your post, it also depends on your audience’s past interactions with your brand. To increase brand engagement on Instagram, Marketers can consider the following:

(1) Carousels have a 3x higher engagement rate than regular posts

According to Hootsuite’s research, carousel posts have 3x higher engagement rates and 1.4x higher reach rates than other posts. Carousel posts also provide users with more information, increasing their incentives to share and favorite posts. For advertised products, carousel posts give users more confidence and intent to buy by giving users a multi-faceted view of the product details, while for informational posts, carousel posts can also provide more detailed information.


(2) Produce diversified content

Brands post on Instagram at an average frequency of 1 per day. To keep your audience fresh about your brand’s content, you need to constantly explore new themes, angles, and ways to create content. Marketers can experiment with different types of formats (single-image posts, IGTV, Stories, etc.) to see which genre and format reflect best. In addition, certain types of posts, such as instructional videos and giveaways, are more likely to attract viewers to collect and interact.

(3) In addition to brands, audiences are also content creators

Brands should see Instagram as a platform to communicate with their audience, rather than sending messages out unilaterally. While it’s important to encourage viewers to share and bookmark their posts, brands can also use content from their viewers to drive engagement. When a viewer posts a post that hashtags your brand, you can share his post on Stories to resonate with other viewers. There are also many interactive elements in Stories, such as polls and open-ended Q&A. Marketers can also collect topics that the audience likes through these interactions.

*Mosseri’s article also explains the calculus mechanics of Explore and Reels, and readers can read the original article here if they are interested.

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在上篇文章,我們探討了社交媒體監測的重要性,而這次則延續上篇的討論,談談品牌於網上聲譽的管理。 管理好網絡上的品牌聲譽,需要從三部曲入手:一是起底(Monitoring),找出究竟網民怎樣談論品牌和為何對此不滿;二是洗底(Repair),淡化和優化過去和現在的網上劣評及醜聞;三是露底(Reveal),進一步做到品牌心目中期待的形象,如值得信賴、強烈值得推薦等等。 關於起底,關鍵就是我在上篇專欄裏深入討論的社交媒體監測,從監測中看出網上討論品牌的主體、範圍和優劣之處是甚麼,找出啟示。 至於第二部曲洗底,品牌需要考慮哪些內容是需要淡化,例如於評論中滲入一些正面的新觀點,指出品牌做了甚麼彌補工作。在洗底過程中,我們最優先淡化的,是近期發生的負面新聞或醜聞,然後逐步淡化社交平台上的劣評,包括討論區和Facebook的討論內容。 以海天堂為例,三年前《蘋果日報》曾報道海天堂將疑似發霉龜苓膏,經處理後出售,其後更引發大規模的網上討論。假如海天堂欲正視問題,應該首先淡化這些《蘋果》的負面新聞,使它們較難搜尋,然後再處理其他網上討論內容,因為後者在搜尋的層面,會有滯後出現的情況,即使當下搜尋不到,也不等於之後無法搜尋,所以它們亦不能置之不理。 最為理想的狀態,就是在洗底完成後,當我們搜尋該品牌時,率先得出的結果是自己的廣告、官方網站、維基百科資訊、品牌的Facebook專頁及相關短片,然後是一些正面的新聞及討論。 來到第三部曲露底,品牌需要透過第三方的網上言論,相對婉轉地向消費者顯示正面的品牌形象,當中不外乎兩個方法,包括建立口碑(Word of Mouth)和KOL的宣傳──從行內名人的正面意見中重塑品牌形象。 歸所周知,後來海天堂在醜聞爆出後,推出廣告,以老闆吳耀明與盧海鵬對談的方式回應指控,試圖修補品牌形象,但不被網民接受,負評如潮。若然海天堂透過KOL重拾消費者信心,相信效果更理想。 儘管網上言論是複雜和難以完全掌控,但我們還是需要積極和持續地管理品牌形象,不然的話,當問題和危機爆發之際,往往難以扭轉劣勢,事倍功半。  



自2015年起,香港網民眼見不少機構均爆發各類型的公關災難,於是有創意地將「公關」二字倒裝成「關公」,稱之為「關公災難」,更不時笑稱「畀關公抖下得唔得」。其實大部分的公關危機,往往是突如其來和難以預測,而我們總不能等到危機發酵了,才作出相應的部署,卻需要於事前做好準備。 這類危機通常分為三個初期階段:一是潛伏階段,只在少數認知的層面;二是衍生階段,方始得到廣泛認知;三是擴散階段,事情被迅速於網上廣傳。我們必需在這段時期之內作出適當的行動,若然拖延至危機完整發醇,那麼之後便很難力挽狂瀾。 近年甚為廣泛的反面教材,莫過於宏利保險職員以五百至七百元,請人拍三條「上太空」的短片,作為公司晚宴之用。後來事情被迅速廣傳,甚至成為各大品牌二次創作的題材。 其實在這段關鍵期間,即時性的媒體監測(Instant Media Monitoring)扮演着非常重要的角色,因為它可以在「關公出現之前」,盡早取得或會傷害和影響品牌的負面消息和資訊,例如在網上找出相應的關鍵字,讓我們發現到底有何潛在威脅,方便作出針對性的部署。坊間有不少優質的社交媒體監測服務,例如慧科(Wisers)會提供這類的正負情緒分析。 假如當時宏利透過這些媒體監測取得有關的資訊,分析其社交平台的數據,評估問題的嚴重程度,調查及找出究竟甚麼因素構成這個潛在的公關危機,接着通過與事情之中的對象接觸和對話,取得更多的了解,於行動升級前已經採取適當行動,那麼事情便能在擴散階段前平息。 然而,宏利沒有意識問題的嚴重程度,未有及早監測、分析和行動,以致事件後來如此一發不可收拾,對品牌形象造成某個水平的傷害。不過,這也正好印證,即時性的媒體監測的確極為重要,防患於未然。 其實處理公關危機,成功之道往往就是反應夠快,其餘的一切只是其次。快速、高透明度、懇誠和具建設性,正是現今我們面對危機時,最需要學習的公關技巧。  


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今時今日,網紅的影響力可謂無遠弗屆,當他們在自己坐擁龐大的粉絲群的平台上推廣商品,往往能在瞬間做到一傳十、十傳百的效果,直接刺激產品的銷量,因此難怪廣告商會願意每年投放數以億計的費用贊助一些Instagram KOL及YouTube巨星,令營銷界上出現一種嶄新的網紅經濟。 正因為網紅行業有市有價,這亦造就了一些「教人如何成為KOL」專門學科的誕生。在中國,義烏工商學院(YWICC)近年便開設了一門「網紅系」的大學課程,專注孕育KOL。課程的內容非常廣泛,包括表演、化妝造型、公關禮儀、美姿美儀、舞蹈、台上貓步等等,而期終考試更加入「30秒擺出15個甫士」的考核部分。 不過,雖然如今這類KOL培訓課程已經愈來愈多,但其實孕育炙手可熱的KOL,卻不是想像中那麼容易,背後往往需要不少天時地利人和的配合。 例如韓國歌手PSY,縱然他在2014年憑著《江南Style》一曲一炮而紅,成為全球知名的網絡紅人,但其實他經歷了十多年的努力和嘗試,加上韓風效應、音樂上掌握大眾心理,才得到現在的成就。 至於香港有意躋身KOL界別的年輕人,雖然未必能完全借用PSY的成功伎倆,但若要成為網紅,賺取數以千計甚至數以萬計的網紅收入,不是沒有法則可循。關鍵是找出大眾喜愛而尚未普及的創作方向,持之以恆發展下去,吸引愈來愈網民的注意,並定期分析數據和作出改良,那麼成為出色的網紅也並非遙不可及。  


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什麼是搜索引擎優化? 搜索引擎優化,網站優化,又或者SEO,是指利用各大搜索引擎的不同規則算法,幫助自家網站提升在各大搜索引擎內的自然排名。 SEO是Google搜索引擎營銷的最主要手段之一,在互聯網外貿營銷的競爭中作用突出,因此長久以來,受到廣大用戶的追捧。 什麼是SEO? 官方解釋SEO=Search(搜索) Engine(引擎) Optimization(優化),三個單詞的縮寫,即搜索引擎優化。利用搜索引擎的規則算法提高網站在有關搜索引擎內的自然排名。讓其在行業內占據地位;SEO包含站外SEO和站內SEO兩方面;為了從搜索引擎中獲得更多的免費流量,從網站結構、內容建設方案、用戶互動傳播、頁面等角度進行合理規劃,使搜索引擎中顯示的網站相關信息對用戶來說更具有吸引力。 SEO的優點 成本低 利用seo來給網站做谷歌排名優化,不僅提升網站的排名,還能增加搜索引擎的友好度。企業除支付相關人員的費用外,一般不需要投入其它費用,成本很低。 流量精准 通過SEO優化的網站,排名結果都是自然排名。一般點擊的都是精准客戶。 用戶體驗好 seo人員通過對網站機構、布局、內容、關鍵詞等要素的合理設計,讓網站符合搜索引擎的規則。對瀏覽網頁的用戶有著極優的體驗。 後期排名穩定 用正規的谷歌排名優化手法做好了排名的網站,真實可信度非常高。只要維護得當,排名的穩定性非常強,所在位置數年時間也許都不會變動。 節省廣告成本 上期有說到,網站質量分+競價金額=網站排名,我們可以通過對網站進行谷歌排名優化來提高網站質量分,以減低廣告競價出價的金額。 SEO的缺點 需要周期...


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