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When does a website use a canonical tag and a 301 redirect?

Content duplication is a problem that many websites face. When we find duplicate content on our website, should we use a 301 or a Canonical?


1. What is Canonical Tag?

Canonical Tag is a URL that tells the search engine when there is a page with duplicate content on the website that it wants to appear in the search results, and adding this tag is equivalent to declaring to the search engine that there may be duplicate content on the page, but indicating the version that the search engine should crawl. This can avoid confusion for search engines, and thus avoid being hit by search engines that have duplicate content on the website.

Canonial tag is added to the head section of the website, and the writing is:

<link rel=”canonical” href=”” />

Which pages are processed with Canonical Tags?

Canonical Tags are suitable for duplicate pages that need to be retained or duplicate pages that are automatically generated by the CMS system. Canonical Tag is recommended in the following two situations:

1. Online store website

The same product on the website of the online store often comes in different colors or different sizes. If a piece of clothing has red, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo, and purple, then the product will have 7 pages of different colors but the same other data, and these pages are all the pages that you want to show people. When Google crawls these pages, it will determine that these 7 pages are duplicates, and duplicate content is not valuable to Google. At this time, we can add a Canonical Tag to these 7 pages to designate one of the pages as the main page, so that Google can identify the relationship between the seven duplicate pages.

2. Forum

The forum system also often has duplicate pages. When we post on a forum, several identical pages are generated (for example, the posting URL of a forum usually has a viewthread, achiver or thread), and many times we don’t even know how many URLs a post will generate. At this point, we don’t care about how many unknown URLs a post will generate. We only need to add the Canonical Tag to the posts in the backend of the website, so that several pages of the same post will be added with the same Canonical Tag at the same time, pointing to the page we specify.

For example, if you add three identical pages, this is telling search engines that you want the version of the URL to appear in the search results.

Part 2: What is 301 Redirect?

A 301 Redirect is a way to permanently transfer URLs, usually in a .htaccess file. The characteristic of this method of processing is a “perpetual” transfer, where “permanent” means that the domain name is for the duration of your purchase. When the website does a 301, it will automatically jump to the new page when it opens the original page. The corresponding “temporary” transfer method is Redirect 302. We usually use it when the site is in the middle of a temporary adjustment. And we often use Redirect 301 in our SEO optimization. 301 is written as follows:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

Which pages should be processed with a 301?

The 301 is suitable for disposal of waste pages. Since these pages may have already been indexed by search engines, if they are deleted directly, it will be detrimental to the SEO of the website. Especially when we need to scrap a large number of pages at once, it will lead to the shrinking of the website structure. If this is the case, it is recommended that these pages be processed in batches. Because a large number of scrapped pages in a short period of time can cause significant fluctuations in website rankings. Moreover, if Redirect 301 is used properly, the discarded web pages can also be “recycled”, which is both “environmentally friendly” and “healthy” for the website!

1. The products of the online store are removed from the shelves

Product pages should not be deleted when our products are removed from the shelves, because these pages are likely to have been indexed by search engines and have a certain authority (Domain Authority). Deleting pages outright wastes the value of those old pages. It is recommended to do Redirect 301 to the corresponding category page or the corresponding new product page of the product.

2. Website Transfer

When the website of domain name A needs to be transferred to domain name B, since the domain name of the website has become a new domain name, after the website transfer is completed, it is recommended to make domain name A 301 to domain name B, so that domain name B can get the authority of the website from domain name A. In addition to helping to rank your B domain, this also saves you from having to start from scratch to promote your website.

In other cases, you can choose either a 301 or a Canonical Tag. For example, when the website has a Blog section or a news update section. For example, when we want to revise some old articles, there is a tricky problem. Since most of the blog page uses the title of the article as the URL, if we want to change the title, we will change the URL of the article and generate a new URL. However, the newly generated page is not weighted. To maintain authority, we can transfer the old page to the new page with a 301. Another option is to keep both the old and new pages of the same article, and add the same Canonical Tag to both pages, telling search engines that the old page is the main page and the new page is a subsidiary page of the old page.

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Finally, a reminder to everyone: 301 rewrites need to be used with caution. After we do 301, if we want to cancel and restore the old URL, even if we can access the old URL normally, it is difficult to restore its weight. This also means that we won’t be able to reinstate the old rankings for keywords that we were ranking for.

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想要做好一個網站,為網站引導流量是非常關鍵的一步,讓別人知道你的存在才能夠有機會成功,如果別人不知道你的存在,那麼網站本身就不具備任何意義。 就是一個最優的擴展網站存在的影響方式,它可以通過關鍵字的引導,將目標群體在第一時間注意到網站的存在,網站的流量得到了增加,而且網站的影響力隨之擴大。 最重要的一點在於網站可以依靠關鍵字優化,將網站本身想要達到的目的,以及有同樣需求的客戶穩定下來,產品行業在網站的宣傳當中獲得了新的發展管渠道。 在現代的社會裏面,任何一個行業的市場行銷或者宣傳工作者,都不可能不會使用網站SEO的相關技能,但是如何將優化做得更好,更加有效,卻將會是一個長久的發展問題。優化活動想要做得不錯只需要努力,但是想要做到最好,確實需要工作人員一番絞盡腦汁才行。



受疫情影響,本年市道低迷,企業品牌可謂輸了一整年,但臨近年尾,不如趁聖誕節在網絡平台上搞搞新意思,打出「疫」轉勝,扳回一城! 為何偏偏選在聖誕節?在2019年,Facebook委托市場研究公司 YouGov於全球31個市場進行有關節日消費的調查,有 61% 和 64% 受訪者表示,較常在節日中發掘新商品,和在節日大減價購物。 證明在普天同慶的大日子,消費者較願意消費,你只需留意三個重點,就可以讓銷售倍增: 1.優惠方式 -從以上調查可見,消費者會被「聖誕大減價」、「聖誕折扣」等促銷字眼所吸引,企業品牌應推出聖誕專屬優惠,例如運費減免、限時特價、限定商品組合、折上折等。 2.宣傳手法 -推出優惠後,若無人問津就白費心機,因此企業品牌必須進行大量宣傳。根據Facebook 調查,香港消費者於節日期間,最希望在企業品牌的 Facebook 及Instagram 帳號中看到最新優惠的內容,可見社交平台是宣傳節日優惠的重要渠道之一。 3.時間安排 -想好優惠,選好平台,就要計劃活動時間。企業品牌應把時間劃分為「預熱期」和「衝刺期」。在「預熱期」,企業品牌應作出節日優惠預告,營造活動氣氛,以吸引消費者留意;在「衝刺期」,企業品牌應把握時機,把最吸引的優惠統統推出,引發消費者的購買慾。 留意以上三點,企業品牌就可以作出最後衝刺!想知道如何把「節日營銷」發揮得淋漓盡致?立即點擊以下連結,YouFind正推出獨家聖誕行銷優惠,讓我們助您把握聖誕行銷佳期,獲取更多生意吧!  



網路行銷就是企業利用互聯網進行行銷,是網路推廣的繼續。利用網路進行行銷像普通的行銷一樣都是為了實現企業盈利的目的。但是網路行銷並不是網上銷售,不等於電子商務。那麼,企業如何實現網路行銷的成功? 一、有一個準確的市場定位 首先就是判斷自己的產品是否適合網上行銷,一般標準化,不容易的發生變化,消費者容易識別的產品比較好進行網上行銷。另外就是消費者比較信任的大企業的商品品牌比較容易受到歡迎。然後就要看網站上的競爭對手的實力,比較確定行銷目標。 二、可以利用適當的方式進行宣傳 可以利用搜尋引擎上的排名,可以利用BBS微博博客等進行行銷。可以同時進行免費廣告與有償廣告的投入。最後可以與傳統的媒體行銷廣告進行宣傳配合,這樣會大大加大成功率。 三、贏得客戶的信任 網路行銷可以說是虛擬的,所以自己的行銷必須是真實可靠的,必須符合真實情況,不可以誇大產品實際。 網路行銷其實就是一個綜合的網路建設,品牌的形象創立很重要,對於要在網路銷售的企業,必須掌握一定的網路行銷方法。


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