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Baidu knows that “Du Niang” has become indispensable to life

Baidu knows that “Du Niang” has become indispensable to life

Panda is a native of Hong Kong, and his first trip to the mainland was when he was sent by the Hong Kong headquarters to a Beijing subsidiary on a business trip. One of the things that Panda often hears during this trip is to find Du Niang. Panda has been confused for the past few days. Until one day, a colleague in Beijing wanted to take Panda to eat Beijing’s famous delicacy Peking duck, and when he saw his colleague directly take out his mobile phone and type “where is the most authentic roast duck in Beijing” in Baidu, he immediately found the information he needed and went straight to his destination with Panda. Panda finally solved the doubts in his heart, it turned out that “looking for Du Niang” is such a thing, and “Du Niang” is known by Baidu. Panda thinks this way is very interesting, so he has nothing to do to ask all kinds of questions on “Du Niang”, and every time he can quickly find the answer, some of them have no answer on the same day, and they will also get a lot of replies from enthusiastic netizens the next day. Panda then learned that Baidu knew that it had become an essential part of the daily life of mainland people.

The user index is high, and enterprises are scrambling to do promotion

Baidu Know is an interactive search-based Q&A sharing platform in China, where users ask questions based on their own needs and encourage other users to answer them through a reward system. Let the user’s tacit knowledge become explicit knowledge, and form a new information base through the precipitation and organization of answers, so as to realize the community of search engines.

Today, China’s Internet industry is divided into three parts by BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent), and Baidu, as the world’s largest Chinese search engine, has long had an incalculable number of users. Only the mobile phone Baidu we know has already broken through the staggering 500 million mark in 2014, and Baidu, as one of Baidu’s most important products, knows that although there is no evidence, its influence can also be imagined. Nowadays, more and more people use Baidu to know, and a well-known mantra “If you have something to do, find Du Niang” is the best proof. Nowadays, in the mainland, countless companies have long competed to do Baidu to know and promote.

High customer conversion rate, helping brand building

As one of Baidu’s most important products, “Know” is highly valued by Baidu and consumers. The brand’s entry on “Know” becomes a brand’s resume in disguise, which may bring unexpected traffic to the company’s website; In addition, many customers now believe that Baidu knows and believe that Baidu’s answers are credible, which plays a vital role in shaping the image of the company.

There is no doubt that Baidu knows that it has become one of the fastest and best ways to promote the Internet in the Internet era, and if you want to break into the inland market, taking this step is the only way to go!

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