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Apple’s iOS 15 “Email Privacy Protection” feature makes email activity untraceable

The protection of online user privacy has attracted much attention in recent years, and it has always been a competitive advantage that Apple is proud of. In a recent press conference, Apple announced that iOS 15 will soon have a new “Email Privacy Protection” feature that will hide the user’s IP address and location, and even Mail Open activity. The news came as a shock to a group of Email Marketers.

Apple’s new features, while controversial, are not unexpected. In light of the growing public concern about data privacy, Apple is committed to protecting users’ personal information and allowing them to use its products with peace of mind. You may still remember that when iOS 14 was updated, Apple introduced a feature that limited the tracking of mobile apps, allowing app developers to access app activity only with the user’s active consent. Because this feature will greatly reduce the accuracy of Facebook advertising, it has caused doubts in the industry. The current “Email Privacy Protection” feature is just the next milestone in Apple’s user privacy protection journey.

What user data is protected?

Although Apple has not yet announced the specific implementation details of “email privacy protection”, there has been a lot of speculation from the outside world. Apple has long shown that this feature can hide the activity of opening emails. Before the “email privacy protection” was in place, email senders could generally obtain personal information such as IP address, device type, location, etc., after users opened an email. In other words, a simple act of “opening the email” by the recipient can give the sender access to a lot of personal information. Apple’s action is to make it clear to Email Marketers, “Don’t assume that because someone opens your email, you have the right to their personal information!” To do this, brands must aim to increase the engagement rate, not just the open rate.

While this measure will only affect Apple’s email app, it will not affect the emails of other email service providers such as Outlook or Gmail. However, in light of the trend towards online privacy protection, there is no guarantee that these email service providers will not follow Apple’s lead in introducing similar email privacy protection features in the future.

Use engagement rate, not open rate, as a KPI

Email open rate has always been a highly important KPI for Email Marketers. We often measure the success of our headlines against open rates and find the time to send them with the highest open rates. Email automation often revolves around open rate metrics: one of the most common automation settings is to send another email with the same content but a different subject to the recipient within a specified period of time when the email has not been opened. Now, these practices have to be adjusted.

In addition to open rate, email engagement rate – including link clicks on email links – is also an important metric for measuring the effectiveness of an email. Email Marketers can use methods such as A/B Testing to test the email format, typography, and tone & manner that best fit your brand and industry to increase email engagement.

YouFind offers a full range of digital marketing solutions, including search engines, online advertising, social media, and more. We will update you with the latest marketing information on a regular basis.

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前文提及過的社媒聆聽(SocialListening)-搜尋網絡上的聲音再訂下市場策略,相信大家還有印象。在當代的消費模式,並非只有企業品牌才會「做功課」,消費者一樣會先於網絡上搜尋各大平台對於某產品的評價或討論,才決定購買與否。 究竟是企業品牌先定下市場策略,令產品擁有良好評價,加深消費者對產品的好感?還是讓消費者搜尋到企業品牌的負面訊息,從而拒絕購買?這便是企業品牌和現代消費者的一場「搜尋攻防戰」! 而這場戰爭的決勝關鍵便是「搜尋」! 自Google誕生後,GoogleSearch使用者與日俱增,「搜尋」亦早已融入大眾生活之中。根據UBSEvidenceLab於2018年的研究顯示,亞太區高達71%的消費者在釐定購買決策前,會先在網絡搜尋目標產品資訊,在網絡搜尋產品評價,甚至親身到實體店試用該產品。 「先做功課,後下決定。」是現代的消費模式,從黃頁到GoogleSearch,企業品牌必於網上建立良好的品牌和產品形象後,方能於市場上確立優勢,而為企業打好市場基礎的一大方法便是搜索引擎優化(SEO)。 SEO約在10年前在香港開始運行,相信大家對於此並不陌生。原理很簡單,消費者若能在搜尋引擎發現產品能擠進首頁愈前排的位置,便會覺得該產品愈好,購買意慾更高。SEO便是為企業產品推上搜尋引擎高位,在消費者搜索某些關鍵字時,已能帶出品牌產品訊息。 除了此之外,SEO更可配合搜尋引擎行銷(SEM),用專業的方式去增加搜尋引擎結果的能見度,進行綜合網絡行銷,把搜尋轉化成自己的武器,對消費者「做功課」的行為運籌帷幄。 不過,奠定基礎並不容易,香港很多大型企業近年才開始接觸SEO,相對外國,甚至東南亞國家更為落後。可惜的是,現今不少企業品牌還對於SEO等的網絡市場策略抱有懷疑態度。有見及此,YouFind將於10月中旬舉辦搜尋引擎優化的研討會,為企業品牌解釋疑惑外,更助您輕易攻破消費者的心理護盾,勝出這場攻防戰。



Google助理的商業模式可能從廣告轉移到交易平台 在國際消費電子展(CES)宣佈的Google助理最新功能和消息引來了一陣哄動。其中最重要的,莫過於用戶將能透過Google助理辦理聯合航空的登機手續,也可在多個連鎖式酒店進行預訂。 外國語言翻譯 同日公佈的,還有智能家居助理Google Home的外文翻譯,以及Google助理整合到Google地圖(Android與iOS版)。(這項整合早已在Google開發者大會中公佈)。 翻譯功能先會支援超過25種語言,並可在Google Home Hub和Google助理支援的第三方智能顯示器上使用,也可在原裝Google Home和Home Mini聲控藍芽喇叭上使用。 Google Home Hub進入翻譯模式後,每當有人對着顯示器說話,翻譯句子便會出現在分割畫面上。然後另一人再重覆同樣的步驟,畫面便會顯示新一段的對話內容。Google助理亦會大聲讀出該問題或語句。 (微軟在去年的三藩市大會上亦展示了類似的同步翻譯功能。) 預訂酒店和登機報到 預訂酒店的功能會先在智能手機上運作。詳細情況仍未很清楚,大概會採用多重畫面並由語音主導。Google表示他們正與多個連鎖酒店集團和網上預訂服務商洽談,包括Choice Hotels、AccorHotels和InterContinentalHotels Group、Priceline、Expedia、Mirai和Travelclick。Google指其初步工作「只是運用Google助理簡化酒店預訂的第一步」。 登機報到暫時只能用於聯合航空的航班,但Google指將會出現更多合作夥伴。 預訂酒店的實際情況仍有待觀察。有時使用人手操作或許會更容易,而Google助理可能在預訂熟悉的酒店時方便一點。相比之下,本人認為登機報到應該會被廣泛使用,因它涉及較為簡單直接的程序。...


【You Find Awards | You Find榮獲「Best Use of Digital」】

終於得咗喇!心情仍然好興奮同激動!尋晚You Find憑住 淘大 AMOY 麵醬campaign獲得《Marketing Magazine》頒發嘅「MARKies Award 2018 – Best Use of Digital」! 攞獎對其他人嚟講可能已經係例行公事,但對於You Find係一種肯定,肯定咗You Find十多年嚟由新蒲崗嘉時默默耕耘到觀塘彩虹工業,再奮鬥到觀塘聯僑,一步一步嘅成長里程碑。 我哋衷心感謝每一位路上遇到過嘅客戶、多謝每一位新舊Youfinders,無論甜酸苦辣,都係You Find成長嘅印記。今日只係一個起點,未來我哋會繼續保持創意同競爭力,提供更多專業、創新嘅市場營銷策略方案,期待同更多新舊客戶緊密合作,締造雙贏商機,一齊散發光芒!


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