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Make good use of CPA to maximize your marketing

Make good use of CPA to maximize your marketing

I was fortunate to be invited by Google to attend the “Understand Digital Marketing & Analytics in a Day” seminar co-organised with the University of Hong Kong to share with the audience some cases I have done in Hong Kong, so that you can have a deeper understanding of how to make use of online marketing and data analysis. In the lecture, I shared an example of one of the tourist spots in Hong Kong to deconstruct how to make use of the online advertising charging model to maximize marketing.

The common advertising charging model on the Internet is mainly CPC (Cost-per-click) and CPM (Cost-per-impression/mille), the former is charged per click-through rate, while the latter is charged per 1,000 times of advertising strips. This time, we chose to use CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition) for the client, and the billing method is based on the “actual” effect of advertising before being charged. But what is the practical effect? Taking this example as an example, if the customer buys through the advertisement, it is of course a practical effect, but if they see practical information such as opening hours and ticket prices through the advertisement, which may lead to consumption, then a CPA will also be calculated. Compared with the more commonly used CPC and CPM, they are mainly used to increase website traffic, and each charge has only one benefit. CPA, on the other hand, is mainly to increase the conversion rate, which can bring sustainable benefits after a one-time fee, and the brand can also maximize the advertising effect.

Of course, not every brand is suitable for advertising with CPA, and everyone should make different choices according to the goal of advertising. For example, if you want to enhance your brand image and let more consumers know about your brand, then CPM will be a good choice. If you want to increase the engagement rate of your activities, CPC can make you receive better results. And if you hope to achieve the actual consumption effect through advertising, then CPA should be able to help you.

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