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How do I create original content?

How do I create original content?


There are countless pseudo-original article tools on the Internet, and these tools are undoubtedly used to replace the words that can be replaced in an article by using the principle of synonym substitution to generate a pseudo-original article, which is a trick to create content, which can greatly save the labor cost required for original content creation, and it is often used for website updates. But the source of pseudo-original content is not the original subject matter after all, it is like a TV series that has been remade, and it is difficult to surpass the classic impression left by the original book.

When the content you create is authentic, reliable and readable or can answer the knowledge that people want to know, Google will also think that your content is valuable content, if a website has a large amount of valuable content, it can be recognized by Google, and then achieve a certain Google SEO ranking.

How to create a topic

Topics that people are interested in are the key premise of content creation, and if our product is a facial cleanser, when I want to market my product, we have to start from the consumer’s mindset and help him find a facial cleanser that can solve some of the cleansing problems he is facing. Then the content creation starts from what questions consumers will ask about cleansing, you can write some popular science knowledge, mention some advantages of your products in a suitable place, and you can also do some product evaluation content to attract readers, because shopping around is a must-do research for consumers before purchasing. Only by creating content with sincere empathy to help consumers solve problems can we arouse consumers’ sympathy, and search engines also favor popular science and answer knowledge, comparing and comparing data and analysis content. Topic discovery refers to Google’s top-ranking websites, but you can also refer to Google’s recommended related searches, drop-down menus, and People also ask.

Keyword embedding

Although our topic may be a sentence, but the word people search for will not be a complete sentence, many times you can find the answer you want by typing a few representative words, so our keywords should be careful to include the words or words that people may search for as much as possible in the title and article, and it is advisable to appear naturally many times in the article. Each topic should be guided by subheadings, and an essay should be expanded into 5-10 topics. The number of keyword occurrences and the number of words in the article can be based on the top Google ranking sites.

Other Recommended Articles

In or at the end of the article, you can recommend topics that people may also be interested in, nested in the form of internal links, so that readers can click through to other articles. This will effectively reduce the bounce rate of the website and will also lead search engines to other pages through links in a friendly manner.

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