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[SEO and Digital Marketing Breakthrough] Analyzing the Latest Updates from Google and Meta to Help You Seize Market Opportunities!

Share the latest news about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEM and Social Media marketing. As you know, these are all important channels for businesses to reach their target audience and grow their online presence.

I do have more details on these trends. I’d be happy to discuss this further with you if you have any questions, just let me know.

Google is changing the way image thumbnail appears in search results.

Previously, Google would show a video thumbnail in the search results even if the video was not the main content of the page. Not anymore, with Google’s latest update, Google will only show a video thumbnail if the video is the main focus of the page.

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Google announced that it would be making a change to the way video thumbnails are displayed in search results. Previously, Google would show a video thumbnail in the search results even if the video was not the main content of the page. However, with this new update, Google will only show a video thumbnail if the video is the main focus of the page.

Google made this change to make it easier for users to understand what to expect when they click on a search result. When a user sees a video thumbnail in the search results, they may be expecting to watch a video, even if the video is not the main content of the page. This can lead to disappointment and frustration for users.

The new update will help to prevent this by only showing video thumbnails for pages where the video is the main focus. This will make it easier for users to decide whether or not they want to click on a search result, and it will also help to improve the overall quality of the search results.

Here are some examples of pages where a video thumbnail would be considered the main content:

  • A page that is dedicated to a specific video, such as a trailer or a music video.
  • A page that contains a tutorial or how-to video.
  • A page that is primarily about a product or service, and the video is used to demonstrate the product or service.

Here are some examples of pages where a video thumbnail would not be considered the main content:

  • A news article that mentions a video in passing.
  • A blog post that includes a video as a supplement to the text.
  • A website that has a variety of different content, including videos, images, and text.

If you have a page that contains a video that you want to be displayed as a thumbnail in search results, you can make sure that the video is the main focus of the page by following these tips:

  • Make sure that the video is the first thing that users see when they open the page.
  • Use a large and high-quality thumbnail image.
  • Add a descriptive title and description for the video.
  • Promote the video on social media and other channels.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your video thumbnails are displayed in search results and that users are more likely to click on them.

How to check if your video page is indexed by Google or not?

There are two ways to check if your video is indexed by Google using Google Search Console:

  1. Use the Video Indexing Report. This report shows you all of the pages on your site that contain videos, and whether or not Google has indexed the videos on those pages. To access the Video Indexing Report, go to Search Console > Indexing > Video Indexing.
  • Use the URL Inspection Tool. This tool allows you to check the indexability of any page on your site, including pages that contain videos. To use the URL Inspection Tool, go to Search Console > URL Inspection and enter the URL of the page that contains the video you want to check.

If the video is indexed, you will see a message that says “Video indexed.” If the video is not indexed, you will see a message that says “Video not indexed.”

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when checking if your video is indexed:

  • It may take some time for Google to index your video. If you have recently uploaded the video, it may not be indexed yet.
  • If the video is not embedded in a page, it will not be indexed.
  • If the video is blocked by a robots.txt file or a noindex tag, it will not be indexed.
  • If you have checked your video using both the Video Indexing Report and the URL Inspection Tool and it is still not indexed, you can try the following:

Wait a few days and check again.

If you are still having trouble getting your video indexed, you can contact us for help.

Are you frustrated when people search your brand name, but your competitors appear on top under paid results? Google’s latest update to its Search Engine Marketing (SEM) policies may be the solution

Google recently announced an upgrade to its Search Engine Marketing (SEM) policies that will make it easier for companies to protect their brands from negative SEO practices. A number of changes have been implemented in the new update to make it harder for negative SEO attacks to succeed.

Google recently announced an update to its Search Engine Marketing (SEM) policies that will make it easier for businesses to protect their brands against negative SEO practices. Negative SEO is a type of black hat SEO that involves using unethical or malicious techniques to damage a website’s search engine ranking.

The new update includes a number of changes that are designed to make it more difficult for negative SEO attacks to succeed. These changes include:

  • More stringent requirements for negative keyword listings. Previously, businesses could simply add their brand name to a negative keyword list to prevent their competitors from bidding on those keywords. However, the new update requires businesses to provide more information about the negative keywords they are adding, such as the language and country in which the keywords will be used.
  • Enhanced protections for trademarked terms. Businesses that have trademarked their terms will now be able to request that Google remove any negative keyword listings that use those terms.
  • Improved detection of negative SEO attacks. Google has improved its ability to detect negative SEO attacks, and businesses will now be notified if they are the target of an attack.

These changes are a welcome step from Google, and they should help to protect businesses from negative SEO attacks. However, it is important to note that no single measure can completely protect a business from negative SEO. Businesses should also take steps to improve their own SEO practices, such as creating high-quality content and building backlinks from authoritative websites.

Here are some additional things that businesses can do to protect their brands against negative SEO:

  • Monitor their search engine rankings regularly. This will help businesses to identify any sudden or unexplained drops in their rankings, which could be a sign of a negative SEO attack.
  • Use a website security scanner to check for vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities in a website’s code can be exploited by negative SEO attackers.
  • Keep their website’s content and backlinks up-to-date. This will help to improve the website’s overall SEO health and make it less vulnerable to negative SEO attacks.
  • Report any negative SEO attacks to Google. Google can take action against businesses that are found to be engaging in negative SEO practices.

By taking these steps, businesses can help to protect their brands against negative SEO and ensure that their websites appear at the top of the search results pages. If you want to learn more about how to protect your brand from negative keyword practice, you can speak to one of our SEM experts and we can help you to quickly set this up.

Meta Enhances AI Chatbots with Different Personalities to Boost Engagement and Customer Satisfaction

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is enhancing its AI chatbots with different personalities in an effort to boost engagement and customer satisfaction. The company is reportedly developing over 30 different personas, each with its own unique voice and style. For example, one chatbot might be designed to sound like a friendly and helpful customer service representative, while another might be more informal and conversational.

The goal of these personalized chatbots is to provide users with a more engaging and satisfying experience. By tailoring the chatbot’s personality to the individual user, Meta hopes to make it more likely that users will interact with the chatbot and provide feedback. This feedback can then be used to improve the chatbot’s performance over time.

In addition to different personalities, Meta is also enhancing its AI chatbots with more advanced natural language processing capabilities. This will allow the chatbots to better understand and respond to user queries. For example, the chatbots will be able to handle more complex questions and requests, and they will be able to generate more natural-sounding responses.

Meta believes that these enhancements will make its AI chatbots more useful and engaging for users. This could lead to increased adoption of chatbots by businesses and organizations, as well as improved customer satisfaction.

Here are some of the specific benefits of Meta’s enhanced AI chatbots:

  • More personalized communication: The chatbots can be tailored to the individual user’s personality and preferences, which can lead to more engaging and satisfying interactions.
  • Improved customer service: The chatbots can provide 24/7 customer service, which can be helpful for businesses that want to provide their customers with quick and easy support.
  • Increased sales: The chatbots can be used to generate leads and sales by answering questions about products and services, and by providing recommendations.
  • Reduced costs: The chatbots can help businesses to reduce their costs by automating customer service tasks.

Overall, Meta’s enhanced AI chatbots have the potential to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers. By providing more personalized communication, improved customer service, and increased sales, these chatbots can help businesses to improve their bottom line.

How can businesses use Meta’s enhanced AI chatbots?

Businesses of all sizes can use Meta’s enhanced AI chatbots to improve their customer experience. Here are a few specific ways that businesses can use these chatbots:

  • Customer service: Chatbots can be used to provide 24/7 customer service, which can be helpful for businesses that want to provide their customers with quick and easy support. For example, a chatbot can be used to answer questions about products and services, or to troubleshoot technical issues.
  • Sales: Chatbots can be used to generate leads and sales by answering questions about products and services, and by providing recommendations. For example, a chatbot can be used to help customers find the right product for their needs, or to offer discounts and promotions.
  • Marketing: Chatbots can be used to promote products and services, and to collect customer feedback. For example, a chatbot can be used to send out promotional messages, or to conduct surveys to learn more about customer preferences.
  • Education: Chatbots can be used to provide educational content, such as tutorials or product demonstrations. For example, a chatbot can be used to teach customers how to use a new product, or to provide information about a particular topic.

To wrap up, Meta’s enhanced AI chatbots have the potential to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers. By providing more personalized communication, improved customer service, and increased sales, these chatbots can help businesses to improve their bottom line. Businesses of all sizes can use these chatbots to improve their customer experience.

If you are interested in more details on how Meta’s enhanced AI Chatbot can help your business, feel free to speak to one of our inhouse AI and Social Media experts.

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AI科技結合社交媒體 改寫企業命運

時至今日,AI科技已十分普遍,為不少行業帶來便利,在營銷行業上,更帶來了顛覆性力量。人工智能可幫助營銷人員執行工作,加強整個營銷團隊的效率,甚至可以駕馭重複性工作,以最少的人做最多的事。 不過,人工智能範疇廣闊,到底是怎樣的AI科技,可以融入社交媒體,為企業帶來更豐厚的利潤? 在香港市場,較為耳熟能詳的AI科技分別是聊天機器人(Chatbot)及社群聆聽(Social Listening)等。 在過去幾年,聊天機器人(Chatbot)在社交媒體Facebook的使用量急劇上升,因在資訊爆炸的年代,用戶在搜索時,比起自己盲目地尋找,更希望有人可以直接提供資訊。Chatbot可即時回應用戶,有效率回答用戶重複且瑣碎的問題,亦會持續學習,使其解答更深問題。 如瑞士著名的薄荷糖製造商利口樂(Ricola),多次利用Chatbot在社交媒體上即時回答用戶查詢,或是配合社交媒體遊戲,進行問答環節,與用戶的互動更緊密,提昇用戶對品牌的好感,自己能達到品牌宣傳效果,吸引更多客戶。 社群聆聽(Social Listening)在香港也受到企業重視,它對企業品牌的推廣和防止公關災難相當重要。它的原理是透過關鍵字眼,在網絡及社交媒體上觀察用戶對其品牌的輿論、看法、感受、評價等,再總結網民的動向,如找到疑似攻擊品牌的言論,也可以率先處理。 Social Listening會使用精密的人工智能系統,每天自動地更新網絡資訊,在大量數據中,抽出有價值的資訊,以分析用戶對於某於品牌或企業的印象是正面或負面,企業得知評價後,才計劃下一步行動,可減輕人手的負擔。 例如英國第二大銀行 – 巴克萊銀行(BARCLAY),在早年推出名為「PingIt」的手機應用程式。但在發佈後的幾天,巴克萊就決定對應用程式進行重大改動。 全因在發佈後,他們使用了Social Listening,經分析後,發現各個渠道都有負面評價,原來許多用戶不滿意該手機程式不適用於18歲以下的青少年。而且,其父母也因無法向他們轉送資金而不滿,這很可能造成公關災難。 但因為Social Listening的數據分析,讓巴克萊能夠迅速採取行動。在後來一周,巴克萊重新制定年齡限制,成功扭轉局勢,重新提升客戶滿意度,顯示了Social Listening對企業的商業價值。  圖片來源


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要預防公關災難,必需採用全能警報器 -社群聆聽(Social Listening)

2018年頭的萬寧印花事件,造成的公關災難,相信大家記憶猶新。源於萬寧管轄的Facebook處理印花事件失當,加上傳媒推波助瀾,引爆巨大的品牌危機,直至萬寧CEO刊登道歉聲明,才告一段落。 不過,宣傳已久的「萬寧貓」變成網民朗朗上口的「食死貓」,以往辛苦建立的良好形象,毀於一旦。之後,企業品牌均草木皆兵,人人岌岌可危,不想成為公關災難的新一個受害者。 其實,要預防一瞬間爆發的公關災難,必需有一個警報器,先一步提醒企業品牌有危機來臨,才能有萬無一失的準備。 而社媒聆聽(Social Listening),便是在網絡上的全能警報器。它是透過關鍵字眼在網絡上獲得龐大數據,在所有社交網絡上持續地聆聽各用戶對其品牌的輿論、看法、感受、評價等,再總結網民的動向,以作為該品牌市場發展的決策參考。 而在制定網絡市場發展項目之前,企業品牌必先確保自身在網絡上維持良好的形象,否則,拍攝無數的廣告,只會換來無數的謾罵。 因此,社媒聆聽最基本的作用便是品牌保護(Brand Protection),在網民的討論當中尋找任何蛛絲馬跡,只要有任何跡象,都能率先得知,再好整以暇地處理。若不緊貼網民輿論的走勢,企業品牌亦難以應付一瞬而來的公關危機,或是先下手為強,在公關危機出現之前,把它扼殺在搖籃之中。 社媒聆聽亦有其他高效作用,如探究其他競爭對手的動向(Brand Competitor),或是行業發展(Brand Industry)。但假設公關災難不幸地發生,社群聆聽又如何幫忙呢? 品牌保護,首先需要一群敏銳的聆聽人員,即使阻止不到危機的爆發,但往往在災難發生後,便進入管理危機模式(Crisis management) 專業的聆聽人員會每隔某時段便會匯報一次最新狀況,同時迅速尋找火勢的源頭,了解網民的心態,再相討對策。此時,企業品牌需完全信賴聆聽人員的建議,才可以有效地化危為機。 曾有公司無視聆聽人員的建議,在公關災難發生後,自行魯莽地聯絡某一個網民,卻弄巧反拙,被網民截圖並且引發更多網民留意事件,令危機更一發不可收拾。幸好後來他們跟從聆聽人員的處理方式,成功令事情慢慢淡化,把對品牌的傷害降至最低。 今時今日,各種公關災難頻頻發生,但只要相信全能警報器,把危機處理得妥妥當當,便可以得到網民讚賞,扭轉整個局勢,更因禍得福,得到更多正面的關注。


外貿企業品牌出海 建立獨立站點的6大要點

外貿企業品牌出海的過程中,建立海外獨立站點是必不可少的一個環節,外貿企業一方面可以通過企業站點展示產品,一方面還可接受客戶詢盤,所以越來越多的外貿企業意識到了建立企業獨立站點的重要性,打造一個優秀的外貿企業站點,可以招攬更多的客戶,讓更多的客戶找到你的產品。 外貿企業品牌出海-建立獨立站點的6大要點 如何打造一個完美的外貿企業站點?在我們多年的網絡推廣經驗看來,一個優秀完美的外貿企業站點,外貌和實力是並存的,從設計方面到內容布局,不僅能夠吸引流量、展示企業文化以及優質的產品,還能讓人賞心悅目,所以今天優易化的運營專家Barry就來給大家分享一下,如何打造優秀的企業站點?幫助大家更快捷地構建優質獨立站,少走彎路。 (優易化運營專家Barry) 確定網站核心內容 你最想展示給客戶的是什么 整站圍繞這個核心點,去進行設計以及填充相關內容和產品信息,比如首先我們應當明確網站性質是電商網站還是品牌展示類型的網站,不同類型的網站有著不同的設計結構,只有明確建站的核心目標才能便於下一步優化。 外貿企業網站設計風格很重要 針對不用國家的客戶,可以設計出不同的風格,從字體樣式,設計方案,色調,排版設計上合乎國外客戶的審美習慣,是促成訂單產生的第一步。 內容清晰 創意文案 優質的內容 簡明扼要的介紹業務以及產品,讓客戶快速的定位想要的信息是很有必要的。如果有出色的創意文案加以點綴,將達到錦上添花的效果,真實的軟文案例可以很好的刺激客戶,引起客戶產生共鳴,進而做到效益轉化。 網站頁面整潔 突出展示核心產品 頁面整潔,凸出核心產品展示位置,提升詢盤量,因為客戶停留的時間通常不會很久,所以我們要讓客戶在最短的時間內,找到自己想要的信息,達到詢盤的目的。 全方位跟蹤網站訪客軌跡提升轉化率 如每500個IP都沒外貿詢盤的話,那就要檢查反思,是否是設計出了問題,還是內容以及產品導向有問題,在此,我們可以借助許多網站插件,例如:Google Analytics 或者相關的統計工具,來進行訪客瀏覽軌跡分析,找出問題所在。...



有沒有想過為何Facebook對用戶習慣如此瞭如指掌?因為除了通過追蹤用戶在Facebook上點擊頁面或廣告的行為,這科技巨頭似乎購買了不少用戶的敏感數據,包括用戶家庭收入、頻繁光顧的餐廳類型,甚至是錢包中有多少張信用卡。 美國獨立新聞機構的報告中指出,從去年起Facebook對外大量收集用戶的機密資料,當中包括「個人可投資資產1-24,999美元」、「家庭總收入介乎10萬到12.5萬美元」等等。報告亦道出,Facebook購買用戶線下活動的資料,可能比我們想像的更多。 雖然Facebook手握大量數據,看似不足為患,很多人對此並不介意,但事實上這象徵其監控能力十分強大,甚至比政府強大。例如在2015年,港府就曾向 Facebook索取資料70多次,協助處理各類刑事案件。 這反映出Facebook可直接或間接監控我們的生活,暗藏敏感數據被使用的隱憂。 若他們運用手上的數據,並且拼湊從第三方購入的數據一起分析,便能精準掌握我們的日常生活,其力量往往大得令人意想不到。而且除了Facebook,別忘記谷歌、蘋果、微軟及亞馬遜等科技領導者也同樣擁有這種龐大的力量。 今時今日,網絡監控已是全球焦點之一,數據保安的警號已在世界各地響起。我們在享用大數據帶來的便利時,亦要關注個人的私隱保障,以及企業怎樣收集和運用數據,避免個人資料在不知情的情況下被使用。  


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