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How does Google index a page?

How does Google index a page?

Google Index Library

Before you search on Google, Google reads, analyzes, and extracts what it understands from hundreds of billions of websites, and sorts it into indexes.

How does Google extract key information from the web?

First of all, Google will judge whether the article can best explain the searcher’s question, whether the article contains the results we want to see after the search, sometimes a question is not enough to explain our doubts, Google official engineer Matt Cutts said, Google will ask more than 200 questions to judge the value of a web page in an article. Like what:

How many times does the keyword appear on this page?

The number of occurrences of keywords is not always better, but rather the natural and smooth occurrence of keywords. We don’t like to use the number of occurrences of the top-ranking keywords as a reference.

Is the keyword in the title or URL?

Keywords need to be included in the title, as far as possible, not separated, and the keyword should be at the top of the title.

Does the article contain keyword-related or extended messages?

Questions related to keyword extension, as well as Google’s recommended people also ask, are used as the content of the page.

Are there any synonyms within the page?

With the continuous update and intelligence of Google, understand synonyms (synonyms), antonyms, and related words.

Are there links from other reliable websites?

Website pages are associated with a mesh map

If a page has a link to a reliable website, it’s like building a road so that Google has enough paths to crawl.

Although the above may seem like a complicated calculation step, it takes half a second for Google to complete all the results that match the search term and sort them by high and low scores.

Google’s index database divides keywords into different categories. As:

proper noun

When we search for a proper noun, this noun is not known to the general public, but is known by people in a certain industry, Google will determine that the person searching for this kind of term is to understand the meaning of the word and the relevant consulting of the industry, then our article must explain the meaning of the word, as well as other proper nouns related to the industry in which the word is located. For example, if someone searches for “SEO” in order to understand and learn about SEO, then our article will explain what SEO isThere should also be SEO-related academic questions in the article, such as: how to do web page optimization, what are the SEO tools, what is Page Rank, how to choose keywords?…… A litany of SEO-related search questions that lead people to understand SEO with different questions. When we were children, we liked to ask 100,000 whys, and the more questions we had, the more we learned. Before we do it, we need to assume that the questions and answers that others will ask contain the right, authoritative, high-quality, and sufficient paths for Google to crawl.

common noun

Common nouns are nouns that we are all familiar with, such as: perfume, shampoo, mask, thermos cup, etc., these common items in life. When we search for such common terms, Google determines that we want to buy them, so Google recommends search results that are based on the catalog page or listing page of the shopping site so that visitors can see a wide variety of products.

After all, these are the rules of search engine survival, Google naturally has reservations, and the disclosure of many SEO technologies has always been in the form of side-pushing and side-quoting to divide the knowledge points into a number of branches to extend, so if you want to learn SEO well, you need to continue to learn and practice.

When our newly created web page has not been indexed by Google, we can actively submit the index to Google search console, usually within 7 days after submission, it can be indexed by Google, if the web page is updated, we can also use this method to actively submit to Google.

Google has officially stated that it will never index and rank websites for a fee, so don’t believe some scam companies that claim to be related to Google, claiming to be able to push keywords to rank quickly in a short period of time.

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