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Free online customer tracking reports to help you improve ROI and plan your marketing plan for 2021

Free online customer tracking reports to help you improve ROI and plan your marketing plan for 2021

After a year of pandemic abuse, most customers have shifted their spending patterns from offline to online. To plan for 2021 and ensure that your digital solutions are up to date with the changing spending habits of your target customers, it’s important to evaluate your 2020 digital strategy.

To this end, YouFind will provide you with a free online customer journey audit to break down the online shopping journey of your target customers.


Our reports will also help you understand whether your current digital strategy is directly targeting your target customers and conveying your brand’s positive message to them. With our 10 billion database, we’ll answer the following key questions:

● What platforms and keywords do your target customers use to search for products that are right for them?

● Which platforms or websites do your target customers go to most often to compare and discuss your products, and what is your brand’s online presence?

● How effective is your website (conversion rate, user experience, etc.)?

● What are your competitors’ traffic, online brand image, and online market share?

Want to get ready for 2021?

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