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Active marketing is the key to foreign trade enterprise brands going overseas

Active marketing is the key to foreign trade enterprise brands going overseas

In recent years, with the development of the mobile Internet, Internet consumers are getting younger and younger, the situation of cross-border e-commerce is very good, the Internet has become a bridge to connect the world, so that you and customers can reach a transaction without meeting, and it is imperative for foreign trade enterprises to brand overseas marketing.

Brand overseas marketing

In such an environment, we have found that many foreign trade enterprises have begun to transform, from pure offline development to online, coupled with the impact of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, online development has become the primary promotion method this year, enterprises began to operate their own brands, and have received more comprehensive attention than before.

So let’s talk about it today, what are the main steps for foreign trade enterprises to grasp if they want to do brand overseas?

1. Precise positioning


Brand overseas marketing must first find the right positioning

Not just a brand can be prosperous, your competitors, industry conditions, target groups, countries and regions, etc., each of the above factors is related to the efficiency of the brand to go overseas, foreign trade enterprises should decide on the strategy according to these surveys. If you’re going to start an original clothing brand, how do you meet the demand for clothing design around the world?

What color do customers prefer? What style do you like? What style do you like? Finding the right positioning and applying it to the production, design, operation and service of products can effectively help enterprises capture the hearts of overseas consumers.

2. Build a brand


Brand Overseas Marketing It is important to create a good brand image

Speaking of “shaping”, there may be many friends in the eyes of only the simplest LOGO, packaging, etc., you know, there are many things that can be shaped by the brand, from LOGO packaging, product design, to the operation direction, customer cases, brand image. Shapeable content is what impresses customers.

If you think about it, many times, the first reason to buy a product is because you just need it, but secondly, if you have an interesting product story and business idea that can impress you, will you have a lot of good feelings about the brand? There are many plus points, which are worth thinking about and digging into for every company.

3. Active marketing


Learn to switch from reactive to proactive marketing

At this point, the brand is already halfway to the success of going overseas, and the next step is to consider how to increase the popularity and attention of the brand! Learn to turn passive marketing into active marketing, do a good job in Google SEO ranking optimization of your website, and increase the exposure of your website with the help of Google promotion. Under the epidemic, only relying on the website to attract traffic is the most important thing, open up convenient communication channels, let customers easily contact you, and get rid of the disadvantages of waiting for customers.

At the same time, planning professional social media marketing plans and promotions, after small videos and live broadcasts surpassed the graphic effect to become the most mainstream promotion methods, overseas video sites such as Youtube are also gathering places for large-scale traffic. Finding precise channels, continuous promotion, and gradual progress are one of the key factors for brands to succeed in going global.

If you need to know more about brand overseas marketing information, you can use our official website and official WeChat public account “gh_3d9732c6fb28”, and we will regularly launch video teaching content related to brand overseas marketing.

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