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Can foreign trade website optimization get good Google rankings if it cooperates?

In 2020, with the global economic downturn, the living environment of the foreign trade industry has become more and more severe, and many foreign trade companies have actively turned to online marketing, such as starting to pay attention to the ranking of foreign trade websites in Google, paid promotion, etc.!We know that Google, as the world’s largest search engine, has covered more than 250 countries around the world, accounting for 65% of the global search engine market, so the ranking of foreign trade websites in Google is very important! Today, let’s take a look at how foreign trade websites can be optimized to get a good ranking in the Google search engine!


1、 Website architecture optimization

For users, the website architecture needs to cater to the user style of the target area as much as possible in terms of layout, and can allow users to find the corresponding services and products very clearly, and for the search engine, the website architecture needs to be clear and concise, so that the spider can find the crawling path well. It should be noted here that the website must be responsive, so that there are plus points in the process of Google ranking optimization.

2、URL level

It is best not to have more than 3 levels of the website, and the URL level is too deep for search engine spiders to crawl.

3、Keyword screening layout

In the early stage of Google ranking optimization of foreign trade websites, do not choose words with low search volume or high search volume, that is to say, it is not good to choose words that no one searches, and it is not okay to choose words that are searched by too many people, even if the former is through Google SEOThe optimization goes up, there is a ranking, but the actual help is not much, the latter is searched by too many people, it is difficult to optimize, and you will lose confidence if you don’t see the effect for a long time! It is best to choose long-tail words with search volume, which can not only produce results in a short time, but also bring a part of effective natural traffic! The most direct way to choose long-tail words is to search for Google search, Alibaba, Amazon, these platforms through the main keywords (core keywords) such as industry, products, and services, and see what are the predicted words in the drop-down box? After sorting out these words, you can choose the appropriate long-tail words from these words.

4、Website content optimization

At the beginning of the website launch, it is best to start preparing the website content (articles), write the content around keywords, and tag each article!

5、Website TDK optimization

When setting a website T(title)D(description)K (keywords), you must pay attention to the need to include keywords.

6、H tag optimization

It should be noted here that a page has only one H1 tag, and the rest can be set with H2 and H3 tags, so that search engine spiders and users can clearly understand the main information of the page.

7、Website page image optimization

Each image needs to be added with an alt tag, and when the website image can’t be loaded, the alt tag can tell the search engine what the image is.

8、404 page optimization

The website needs to set up 404 pages to maintain a good user experience while effectively reducing the bounce rate of the website.

The above points are some of the operations that must be done in the Google ranking optimization of foreign trade websites, and only by doing a good job of these websites can they get a good ranking in the Google search engine! If your company needs to customize a full set of brand overseas marketing plans, you can also contact our brand overseas marketing experts through the contact information at the bottom of the website to customize a high-quality implementation plan for you!

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早前有幸受Google邀請,參加了他們跟香港大學合辦的「Understand Digital Marketing & Analytics in a Day」講座,跟聽眾分享一下我在香港做過的一些案例,讓大家對如何活用網絡行銷及資料分析有更深入的了解。於講座上我分享了一個香港其中一個旅遊點為例子,為大家解構如何活用網絡廣告收費模式去讓行銷最大化。 網絡常見的廣告收費模式主要為CPC(Cost-per-click)CPM(Cost-per-impression/mille),前者是以每個點擊率去計算收費,而後者則是按廣告條每顯示1000次的費用去收費。而今次我們為客戶選擇了用CPA(Cost-Per-Acquisition),計費方式為廣告投放「實際」效果才收費。但甚麼是實際效果呢?以今次的例子為例,如果客人經廣告再去消費的話,那當然是一個實際效果,但如果他們經由廣告看到開放時間、門票價格等可能引導消費的實用資訊,那亦會計算一個CPA。相對於較為泛用的CPC及CPM,它們主要是用來增加網站流量,每次收費就只有一次效益。而CPA主要是提升轉換率,一次收費後可以帶來永續性的收益,而品牌亦可以最大化廣告效益。 當然,不是每一個品牌都適合用CPA去投放廣告,大家應針對廣告的目標去作不同的選擇。例如想提升品牌形象,讓更多的消費者了解自己的品牌,那CPM會是一個不錯的選擇。如果希望提活動升互動率的話,CPC就可以讓你收到更好的效益。而希望可以藉着廣告去達至實際消費效果的話,那麼CPA就應該可以幫得到你。   


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早前有幸受Google邀請,參加了他們跟香港大學合辦的「Understand Digital Marketing & Analytics in a Day」講座,跟聽眾分享一下我在香港做過的一些案例,讓大家對如何活用網絡行銷及資料分析有更深入的了解。於講座上我分享了一個香港其中一個旅遊點為例子,為大家解構如何活用網絡廣告收費模式去讓行銷最大化。 網絡常見的廣告收費模式主要為CPC(Cost-per-click)CPM(Cost-per-impression/mille),前者是以每個點擊率去計算收費,而後者則是按廣告條每顯示1000次的費用去收費。而今次我們為客戶選擇了用CPA(Cost-Per-Acquisition),計費方式為廣告投放「實際」效果才收費。但甚麼是實際效果呢?以今次的例子為例,如果客人經廣告再去消費的話,那當然是一個實際效果,但如果他們經由廣告看到開放時間、門票價格等可能引導消費的實用資訊,那亦會計算一個CPA。相對於較為泛用的CPC及CPM,它們主要是用來增加網站流量,每次收費就只有一次效益。而CPA主要是提升轉換率,一次收費後可以帶來永續性的收益,而品牌亦可以最大化廣告效益。 當然,不是每一個品牌都適合用CPA去投放廣告,大家應針對廣告的目標去作不同的選擇。例如想提升品牌形象,讓更多的消費者了解自己的品牌,那CPM會是一個不錯的選擇。如果希望提活動升互動率的話,CPC就可以讓你收到更好的效益。而希望可以藉着廣告去達至實際消費效果的話,那麼CPA就應該可以幫得到你。   


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打開搜索引擎,推廣平臺的內容足以讓你眼花繚亂。網路推廣,是電子商務人員對有形產品甚至無形服務的一種宣傳,它以網路的形式展現,用多姿多彩的圖文或者視頻內容吸引接收者,達到宣傳推廣的目的。這在某種程度上改變了傳統的從業方式,提供了更多的機會給新的社會人。但是,作為新型的行銷模式手段,有利可行,競爭也更是激烈化,呈現如火如荼的畫面。 不論對於主動選擇網路平台推廣者,還是對於被動接受網路平台的推廣者,網路推廣平臺的競爭都是有著很大的積極意義的。首先它的出現就是一個創意,創新的精神刺激著每一個關注者的神經,要生存要發展,就一定要有突出亮點。我們鼓勵良性競爭,願意以更多精力投入到五花八門的推廣平臺上,擇優而錄。這對於精神飽滿的國人不斷創新,不能停滯不前,不進則退,迎難而上正是我們所需要的,這是名族精神,也是現代精神。


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