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Merry Christmas! YouFind Early Bird Discount Offer

Merry Christmas! YouFind Early Bird Discount Offer

Merry Christmas and we wish you all the best this coming holiday! 

This might be the busiest time of the year as your marketing team is reviewing your strategies of 2020 and getting ready for 2021. Throughout the years, many of our clients often struggle with performing a quantifiable cross-channel analysis of their digital marketing activities. We are delighted to offer you an Early Bird Discount on our Customer Lifecycle Dashboard that will help you to monitor the ROI of your digital marketing and draw better insights for your future marketing plan.

 Early Bird Discount Offer

Our Customer Lifecycle Dashboard is a data management tool that allows you to:

●  Perform cross-channel data analyses to evaluate marketing ROI and support your marketing budget

●  Compare the performances of various digital channels and identify those that are most effective in driving traffic, conversions and revenue

●  Track customer engagements with your channels throughout their whole buying journey

●  Consolidate KPIs and share your achievements and insights with a single, visualized report


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