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Teach you how to fight the “epidemic” at Christmas

Teach you how to fight the “epidemic” at Christmas

Affected by the epidemic, the market is sluggish this year, and the corporate brand can be said to have lost a whole year, but as the end of the year is approaching, it is better to take advantage of Christmas to engage in new ideas on the online platform, play the “epidemic” and win, and win back a city!

In 2019, Facebook commissioned market research firm YouGov to conduct a survey on holiday spending in 31 markets around the world, and 61% and 64% of respondents said they were more likely to discover new products and shop at holiday sales during the festive season.


It proves that consumers are more willing to spend on the big day of universal celebration, and you only need to pay attention to three key points to double sales:

1. Preferential Methods

– From the above survey, it can be seen that consumers will be attracted by promotional terms such as “Christmas Sale” and “Christmas Discount”, and corporate brands should launch exclusive Christmas offers, such as shipping fee reductions, limited-time special offers, limited product combinations, discounts, etc.

2. Propaganda techniques

– After the offer is introduced, it will be in vain if no one cares, so the corporate brand must be heavily promoted. According to Facebook’s survey, Hong Kong consumers are most likely to see the latest offers on their Facebook and Instagram accounts during the festive season, which shows that social media platforms are one of the important channels to promote festive offers.

3. Timing

– Think about the offer, choose the platform, and plan the time of the event. Corporate brands should divide the time into a warm-up period and a sprint period. During the warm-up period, corporate brands should make holiday promotions to create an atmosphere to attract consumers’ attention, and during the sprint period, corporate brands should seize the opportunity to launch the most attractive offers to arouse consumers’ desire to buy.

If you want to make the most of your “festive marketing”? Click on the link below, YouFind is launching exclusive Christmas marketing offers, let us help you grasp the Christmas marketing season and get more business!

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