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Shenghua Online Limited was awarded the Outstanding Business Partner Award for SMEs in Hong Kong

Shenghua Online Limited was awarded the Outstanding Business Partner Award for SMEs in Hong Kong

According to the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department, in March 2017, there were about 320,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong, accounting for more than 98% of the total number of commercial units in Hong Kong, and providing employment opportunities for nearly 1.3 million people, accounting for about 46% of the total employment in Hong Kong (excluding civil servants). The success of SMEs is not only due to their own creativity and efforts, but also to the partners behind them. The “Hong Kong SME Business Excellence Partner 2017” Award Presentation Ceremony “SME Business Direction and Development Opportunities” Seminar jointly organised by Hong Kong Economic Journal and Asia PR Limited for the first time aims to recognise the outstanding performance of SME business partners, and to create an ideal platform for SMEs and their business partners to exchange ideas with each other and work together to achieve great results, adding impetus to Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong SME Business Excellence Partnership 2017 Award Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 23 June to commend the outstanding performance of SME business partners. The award presentation ceremony was opened by Ip Sin Lam, Executive Director and Chief Commercial Officer of Hong Kong Economic Journal, and Cheng Yin-wah, Chief Executive Officer of Asia Public Relations, and invited Mr Leung King-kwok, JP, former Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of Hong Kong, as the guest of honour and delivered speeches. Afterwards, Executive Director and Chief Commercial Officer of Hong Kong Economic Journal, Mr Simon Yip, Managing Director of Asia Public Relations, Mr Ling Guanhua, Executive Director of Asia Public Relations, Mr Ling Yihui, and Chief Executive Officer Mr Cheng Yinhua presented certificates of appreciation to the officiating guests and the judges and award presenters.

Helping SMEs embrace every opportunity and challenge

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Simsy Yip, Executive Director and Chief Commercial Officer of Hong Kong Economic Journal, pointed out that SMEs are the mainstay and cornerstone of Hong Kong’s economic development, and that with the global economic development and technological advancement, as well as China’s national economic policies, such as the future development of the Greater Bay Area, SMEs have brought many business opportunities and challenges. Many SMEs have said that they cannot go it alone, but need the support of different partners so that they can focus on their own areas, improve their productivity and competitiveness, and strive for higher achievements.

Through the “Hong Kong SME Excellence Partnership 2017” campaign, the awardees not only set a good example, but also had a good opportunity to learn from each other and motivate SMEs to make greater contributions to Hong Kong’s economy. She looks forward to working with SMEs and helping them meet every opportunity and challenge.

It is important for SMEs to support each other

Speaking at the ceremony, Cheng Yin-wah, Chief Executive Officer of Asia PR, said that Asia PR and Hong Kong Economic Journal have co-organised the “Hong Kong SME Business Excellence Partnership 2017” for the first time.

Cheng believes that as China continues to transform and the global economy moves towards the era of big data, Hong Kong must also undergo internal transformation, and in this environment, SMEs need a lot of support and the latest information. While large enterprises support SMEs, it is also important for SMEs to support each other, and she hopes to provide more information to the industry through the flow and connection of industry information.

The Government supports SMEs in different ways

Officiating at the ceremony, former Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of Hong Kong, Mr King Kwok Leung, JP, said that there were many awards ceremonies with the theme of SMEs, but few of them focused on partners, highlighting the special significance of the award presentation ceremony.

Mr Leung pointed out that the Government has different measures to support SMEs in different aspects, with the TID providing assistance to SMEs through the Support and Consultation Centre (STR) and the HKMA providing the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SME Financing Guarantee Scheme) to the HKMA. In particular, he mentioned that the Legislative Council has approved an increase in the guarantee amount provided by the Export Credit Insurance Corporation to SMEs from $45 billion to $55 billion, providing a higher quota for SMEs. Leung King-kwok understands that there are a large number of import/export, wholesale and professional enterprises in SMEs, and such institutions and individuals will particularly benefit from the increase in quotas.

As for the PASS Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme, it helps professionals promote their services to the mainland or overseas, and even provide services to customers in the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative. Leung believes that SMEs can grow into large enterprises, especially service-oriented small businesses, which are highly flexible, for example, small businesses that have already opened offices in Myanmar and can start a new network in a new market without too much cost. In addition, SMEs can also apply for $200,000 from the Innovation and Technology Bureau to improve their IT systems and enhance their efficiency and productivity.

Supported by the Hong Kong Productivity Council and 15 chambers of commerce in Hong Kong

With the support of the Hong Kong Productivity Council and 15 chambers of commerce in Hong Kong, 16 guests attended and presented the awards, including (in no particular order) Mr Mak Tang Pik-yee, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, Mr Chan Li-wah, Vice President of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Wong Wai-ching, Vice President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Mr Tsui Ping-kwong, Vice Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Mr Yip Chung-yin, Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ and Exporters’ Association, Mr Chan Kin-nian, Vice President of the New Territories General Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Chamber Yeung Tsz-tie, Vice President of the Hong Kong Information Technology Council Yeung Chuen-shing, Honorary President of the Hong Kong Business Professional Validation Centre Chow Kin-wing, President of the Hong Kong Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises Lau Ping-kwan, President of the Hong Kong SME Economic and Trade Council Lam Wai-sang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises Tam Yiu-chuen, First Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Council, Mr Chong Yiu-kan, Vice President of the Hong Kong Council for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises, Chan Kin-hung, and Director of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises Wu Zhicong.

Congratulations to Shenghua Online Limited for winning the Hong Kong SME Business Partner Award

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