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7 Local Examples of Clever Use of “Olympic Pumping Post” – Common Strategies and Precautions of “Pumping Post”.


Hong Kong athletes have achieved remarkable results at this year’s Olympic Games, sparking buzz across the city. Hong Kong people’s social media has been unanimously washed by Olympics-related posts, and it is believed that there are many large and small brands that have pumped posts. The following will list the successful examples of “Pretty Pumping”, and analyze the common strategies and precautions of “Pumping Post”.

Add a sense of immersion to the context of creating products related to: Daikin, Fortress, LEGO

By placing their products in Olympic-related situations, some brands can not only resonate with the audience, but also promote the products in a gentler way.

Daikin Daikin published a Post with “Watching the Olympics and Sighing Dajin” as the Slogan:

Fortress promotes its computer products with the message of “Watching the Olympic Games on Computers”:

And LEGO drew LEGO dolls for Zhang Jialong and He Shibei:

Indirect promotion of brand messages: Competition Commission

Even if you are not a brand in the retail industry, you can promote relevant brand messages through “Pumping Post”.

The Competition Commission’s slogan of “Winning by Strength is Moving” has brought out the message of “fair competition promotes progress”:

Image source:   Competitive quotient white line

Limited time offer Post to increase sales: JHC Japantown, GNC, Nestlé

Retail and E-Shop brands have launched limited-time offers to celebrate Hong Kong athletes’ historic medals.

JHC Japantown:



The brand launches a limited-time offer with a coupon code, so that Marketers can collect data and analyze how much business the above post has generated.

3 Pumping Post Notes

Note 1: Grasp the golden opportunity for pumping


Image source:

Generally, news that arouses a high degree of attention will go through the process of “incident occurring”, “media scrambling to collect and report relevant information”, “public concern is high”, “heat/public opinion reaches a peak”, “news becomes old news”, and “the incident comes to an end”. According to David Meerman Scott, an online marketing expert and international bestselling author, the best time for brands to “pump” is after “the incident” and before “the media rushes to cover it.” The reason is that if the brand’s “pumping” strategy is successful, the brand’s “pumping” behavior itself can attract media attention and even coverage, become part of the news, and attract public attention.

Note 2: Do not forcibly “pump”

A common mistake of “Pumping Post” is that the brand’s business is obviously not related to the incident, but it forcibly “pumps” for the sake of popularity and exposure, giving people the feeling of “pumping for the sake of pumping” and far-fetched. The Olympics are a special case because they are relevant to all Hong Kong people, so brands whose business has nothing to do with sports can also share the joy of Hong Kong people without offending them.

Note 3: “Indiscriminate pumping” can easily lead to public relations disasters

Timely “Pumping Post” can be said to be one of the most effective and low-cost ways to attract brand attention, but it is not uncommon for brands to “pump indiscriminately” and cause Negative Advertising. There are a lot of news that don’t lend themselves to being newsjacked, especially when the incident involves human life. One example is the devastating disaster caused by Typhoon Sandy in 2012, when an American department store chain called Sears posted a #HurricaneSandy的產品Tweet on Twitter, causing a public relations crisis.


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SEOer們茶餘飯後總也會討論一些關於谷歌SEO排名影響因素,盡管我們都知道網站內容和網站外鏈是很重要的,但是往往會出現我們在做好網站內容和外鏈這兩者的情況下,排名還是會出現下降或者不穩定的情況,盡管谷歌SEO白皮書中我們能夠知道影響谷歌SEO排名的影響因素,但是並不是全部,今天優易化將會給大家來一一總結。 通常影響谷歌SEO的因素有以下幾點,這些因素會影響谷歌搜索引擎算法,導致最終用戶搜索的排名結果出現變化 1、搜索結果的點擊率 2、網站頁面的跳出率 3、網站頁面的停留時間 4、用戶行為及點擊率 5、網站上的流量 6、網站訪問速度 7、網站是否是響應式設計 8、內容質量、相關性、以及准確性 9、出站鏈接 10、網址長度 11、域名年齡 12、內容多寡 13、更新頻率 14、關鍵詞布局 16、反向鏈接 17、網站內鏈布局 18、網站整體架構 19、SSL/TLS證書...


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