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Google’s search characteristics

Google’s search characteristics

Google SEO translated into Chinese is Google optimization, Google optimization is for Google’s search engine search results optimization, it refers to the website ranking rules according to the Google engine website ranking rules for website planning, web page design, to ensure that the website from the content, structure, links and other aspects of the Google ranking rules as much as possible, can get a better ranking in Google’s search results, so that potential customer groups can be found faster, so as to get the best marketing effect.

When ranking a website in search engines, it is not only necessary to look at the relevance of the relevant information of the page, but also to consider the prestige of the website, such as the number of external links, the high click-through rate of the page, and so on. Therefore, websites with more content will definitely rank in front of websites with poor content.

Google’s search engine optimization is to design the search principles suitable for search engines according to the search characteristics of various search engines, so as to obtain some behaviors that are included in search engines and rank high.

The main work of Google SEO is to optimize the web page by understanding how Google crawls Internet pages, how to index and how to determine its search result ranking for a specific keyword, etc., so as to improve the ranking of Google, and then increase the number of visits to the website, and ultimately improve the sales or publicity ability of the website.

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