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10 Must-Know Online Spending Data for Marketers on Holidays

It’s the year-end holiday season again! Every year during the Holiday Shopping season, brands of all sizes will launch special deals on holiday shopping. Which platforms do consumers go to to find new ideas for holiday gifts?What can they expect from online spending?YouFind has compiled 10 online holiday spending data that Marketers must know:

#1 – Some consumers start planning their holiday shopping lists as early as November.


Brands should capitalize on the golden period of publicity from November to early December to sell products when consumers start to buy on holiday days.

#2 – More than 7 local consumers use smart phones to search for information about daily products.


When marketing festive days, brands should also consider which channels consumers use to obtain product information. In addition to online communications such as Google or social media advertising, brands should also ensure that their websites and promotional emails are designed with Mobile-Friendly to allow potential customers to easily obtain product information.

#3 – More than 6 local consumers discover new products through YouTube and Facebook. According to local data from June to July 2020, 64% of respondents have watched live videos in the past seven days.


In recent years, more and more brands have put more resources into making videos, and live shopping has gradually become the new norm for Hong Kong consumers. A survey found that 72% of consumers prefer to learn about products through videos. If you want to know more strategies for producing and promoting live videos, you can check out our other article “2021 Live Shopping 3 Strategies: How to Effectively Increase Live Sales?”.

#4 – 76% of consumers use electronic devices to buy holiday products, while nearly half of those surveyed use smart phones to buy products.


With the development of science and technology, consumers’ expectations for using websites are getting higher and higher. Google’s research found that if the Page Load Time was increased from 1 second to 3 seconds, the chance of a website visitor leaving immediately (Bounce) increased by 32%, and increased to 5 seconds, the chance rate increased by 90%! In other words, the longer the web entry time, the more potential customers you’ll lose!

#5 – One-third of local consumers say they will give up buying products that have been added to the “shopping cart” if the check-out process is too complicated.


除了載入速度,網頁上各項功能和程序也是用戶體驗的關鍵一環。 In many cases, users are obviously interested in the product, and have even added it to the “shopping cart”, but discard the products in the “shopping cart” due to factors such as complicated payment procedures, unclear instructions, or unexpected additional charges on the bill. Brands should simplify the payment process as much as possible when designing their websites, and ensure clear instructions and transparent charges to reduce the “Abandonment Rate” of the Purchase Funnel.

#6 – Only 37% of respondents agree that electronic devices (including computers, smart phones, and tablets) provide the best customer service.


#7 – Chatbots handle 80% of general customer inquiries. In addition, the chatbot can reduce the cost of handling customer inquiries by 30%.


In recent years, chatbots have become more and more sophisticated, with a variety of automation and “script” setting dynamics, and can even remind users to check-out the products in the cart. In addition to the lower cost, the advantage of chatbots is that they answer general customer inquiries 24 hours a day, and give customers an extra service option, which can definitely provide a better service experience for websites.

#8 – More than 7 local consumers consider whether the store will be “free shipping”, “on-time delivery” and “offer multiple delivery options”.


If your online store can do all three of the above, you may want to highlight these advantages on the main page of your website and other aspects!

#9 – At the same time, consumers will also consider whether the holiday gift is an environmental or conscientious product.


Consumers, especially Gen Z’s younger consumers, are increasingly paying attention to whether a brand’s philosophy aligns with their own values, such as product sustainability, whether raw materials meet fair trade standards, and whether the manufacturing process pollutes the environment. In addition to emphasizing the price-value and quality of the product, brands should also understand what common values their target customers have through social listening, and convey the brand concept that is in line with them through product packaging, websites, social platforms, etc.

#10 – The top 3 reasons why consumers complain when shopping online are: “late delivery”, “product shortage”, and “product physical non-compliance”.


Due to various uncertainties, especially in the past two years of the pandemic, delays in delivery are sometimes unavoidable. If the store takes the initiative to inform customers about the delivery of goods, such as in the delivery period, they can improve the service experience before they first inform the product that the product is not being delivered on time. According to data, 48% of local consumers expect stores to voluntarily inform them of the status of their orders after payment. (Source: Facebook local data.))

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外貿企業及品牌怎麼才能做好海外網絡推廣?一直是外貿行業比較關心的話題!眾所周知,海外網絡推廣是外貿企業及品牌拓展海外市場的重要渠道之一,做好海外網絡推廣,可以把企業的產品及服務推廣至全球。今天優易化就和大家分享一些怎麼做海外網絡推廣的經驗。 外貿企業怎麼做好海外網絡推廣? 做好海外網絡推廣,可以大致概括為三個方面:企業官網SEO優化推廣、第三方B2B平台推廣、郵件推廣等! 一、企業官網SEO優化推廣 企業或品牌可以建立自己的官方網站,在建站之初需要注意幾點,例如:網站架構設計、網站用戶體驗、網站內容優化等方面!做好這幾個方面都是為了後續的Google SEO網站優化打好基礎,因為網站架構設計的”順眼“符合西方的用戶體驗,而且打開的速度也很快,內容也足夠吸引人,那麼用戶停留的時間越久,對你的產品了解的程度就越高,能夠促進轉化率的提升!而Google SEO優化工作,則是在網站建成之後,通過對網站的關鍵詞(品牌詞、產品詞、或者服務類的詞)進行優化,使您的網站更符合Google SEO關鍵詞優化的標准,更容易被用戶搜索到,從而提升網站的點擊率以及流量的目的!但是通常Google SEO優化出效果比較慢,大概要4-6個月的時間才能看到效果。 二、B2B平台的推廣 針對綜合性B2B平台以及地方性B2B平台進行地毯式的推廣!比如在綜合性的B2B平台Alibaba、EC21、Tradevv、Tradekey、Globalsource、Ecplaza等等!以及地方性的B2B平台印度、泰國、馬來西亞等無論是收費還是免費的平台,將你的產品信息全面覆蓋發布,讓你的產品信息很容易被買家搜索並發現,從而達到了拓展潛在的客戶目的。 三、郵件營銷推廣 相信提到郵件推廣大家都不陌生,畢竟平時或多或少的也能收到郵件推廣信息,但是那種”千篇一律“的郵件通常都是直接進垃圾箱的!今天給大家分享的就是如何避免郵件推廣石沉大海?我們可以在做郵件推廣之前,對特定的目標人群做一個細分,例如可以按年齡或者喜好等等來進行劃分,有針對性地推送郵件推廣信息,而不是群發郵件,只要做到內容簡明、主題清晰、目的明確!這樣郵件推廣信息才能夠被更多的人所接受,從而不會變成垃圾郵件。 以上就是優易化為您分享的2020年最新的谷歌海外推廣技巧,通過以上的網絡推廣技巧,無論是免費還是付費的形式,短時間內明顯提高企業或者品牌的曝光率,從搜索引擎到B2B平台全覆蓋,全面提升網站流量以及點擊率,達成交易!如果你有Google SEO 海外推廣的需求,也可以通過網站底部的聯系方式找到優易話海外營銷專家,為您定制品牌出海營銷方案。  


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