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Jacobson Pharma Oncotype DX® Breast Recurrence Score Background: The Oncotype DX® is a genomic-based diagnostic test that predicts the likelihood of chemotherapy benefit and 10-year risk of distant recurrence of certain patients with early-stage breast cancer. It can guide the patient’s treatment decisions, and potentially avoid unnecessary and harmful chemotherapy treatments. The Oncotype DX® is …

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Well Synergy Background: Well Synergy International Limited is one of the leading value-added marketing and distribution company in Hong Kong with quality brand management, strong sales network coverage in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. They are proud to be the distributor of Nepia Genki, a leading international infant nappies brand, and SPLAT, a UK based …

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HKCC Background The Hong Kong Competition Commission (HKCC) is committed to promoting a competitive environment that is conducive to the free flow of trade, efficiency and innovation that brings more choices and better quality and prices of goods and services to consumers. The HKCC wants more consumers to understand their role and functionality as a …


中電智能好生活 | Facebook | Photo 【#智體驗:親子自製橙皮吸濕包????!】 【#智體驗:親子自製橙皮吸濕包????!】平時衣櫃入面一定會擺防潮珠吸濕????,但防潮珠細細粒,小朋友一個唔小心放入口就危險又麻煩!家長們不如試下同小朋友一齊自製「天然橙皮吸濕包」,將食完嘅橙皮留起循環再用,環保又方便,即刻睇下點整! ➡材料:橙皮 適量紗線袋/舊絲襪 ➡做法:將橙皮切成小塊,放入微波爐叮至水分全部流失,再放入紗布袋或舊絲襪,打個小結後就可以放入衣櫃用!不過大家見到橙皮變軟就要更換喇! #智體驗 #親子自製橙皮吸濕包 #循環再用 #環保又方便————————————————–慳電儲分換獎賞,仲幫到人,咁有意義?即刻參加「全心傳電」計劃, 一邊關愛弱勢社群,一邊慳電換多重獎賞,快啲參加啦: LINK:

School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) | Facebook | Photo 【一圖睇晒上堂座位心理學!】 【一圖睇晒上堂座位心理學!】 究竟你係一個追3爆4嘅人,抑或Free Rider?定求求其其但求畢業?一張圖睇你坐邊就你係邊類學生!快啲留言講下你會坐咩位啦! #當然仲有例外 #由細到大都知 #坐得前 #好易被人問問題 #香港學生怕是常識吧 #SHAPE #上堂座位心理學 #追3爆4 #FreeRider LINK:

MTR | Facebook | Photo 【作文題目:我的志願】 【作文題目:我的志願】大家寫「我的志願」時會寫乜嘢呢?宇宙咁大,其實適合自己嘅職業有好多㗎!最重要係趁早規劃自己嘅人生,訂立目標後裝備自己! 所謂早plan早行動,港鐵「’Train’出光輝每一程」暑期計劃每年為中學生設計獨特嘅學習旅程,包括工作體驗、生涯規劃工作坊同學習體驗營,有興趣知多啲同報名就click入!#Train出光輝每一程 #MTR #港鐵 #中學生 #暑期活動 #中三至中五 #我的志願 #實習 #jobtasting #secondarystudents #TrainForLifesJourneys What is your aspiration in life? While there are many different jobs in the world, the most important thing is to start planning your future at an early stage and pursue your goals by equipping yourself. …

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Lingnan University | Instagram | Video 【成為 #嶺大人 的你,為何而搏?】 【成為 #嶺大人 的你,為何而搏?】有人話:「要拼搏,趁後生。」你人生最「搏」嘅一次做過啲乜?咁辛苦考入大學又係「搏」乜? 而成功過關斬將、駁入Degree嘅Asso/HD同學,亦係時候好好享受大學嘅課程,嶺大開辦咗4個專為高年級入學而設嘅最新四大專修及學科組別課程,不妨click入嚟睇睇: —————————————————-嶺大最新四大專修及學科組別課程 (高年級入學):– 社會科學(榮譽)學士的心理學主修(輔導心理學專修)– 工商管理(榮譽)學士的電子商務學科組別– 社會科學(榮譽)學士的健康及社會服務管理– 社會科學(榮譽)學士的國際經濟與政治學科組別 —————————————————-[#Lingnanians! What are you striving for?]There’s a saying, “Leave no stone unturned”. What make you fight for the hardest? And why did you work so hard to get into the university? For students who try …

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Video Shooting 3D Animation

HKBU BBA | Facebook | Video 【JUPAS同學召集!BU BBA@浸大入學資訊日2018】 【JUPAS同學召集!BU BBA@浸大入學資訊日2018】想知浸大工商管理(BU BBA)嘅最新課程資訊?想了解選科同面試策略?想參觀浸大設施,感受一下大學生活?機會嚟啦!因為一年一度嘅浸大Info Day又到喇! 各位有興趣/有計劃來年入讀BU BBA嘅應屆JUPAS同學,約定你聽日(13/10)嚟浸大逸夫校園(Shaw Campus)搵我哋啲師兄師姐傾吓計! P.S. 我哋都知大家唔熟路,一齊跟住影片睇吓點行plan定屬於自己嘅路線啦! 《浸大入學資訊日2018》詳情:BBA攤位地點:李作權大道 (Li Promenade)課程簡介地點:永隆銀行商學大樓 (WLB) 1/F & 2/F課室日期:2018年10月13日時間:9:30am–5:00pm網站: #HKBU #BBA #浸大工商管理 #浸大入學資訊日2018 #HKBUinfoday2018 #聽日見 免費放盤﹒搵樓專家 | Facebook | Video ▍顛覆傳統.全新買賣租樓資訊平台經紀不似預期?經紀多勞唔多得?買賣雙方各有要求難配對?就知道之前嘅15秒版唔夠喉滿足大家嘅好奇心,full version版繼續有「講生活.講享受」嘅型爸 Jason Chan 陳智燊教路,有House101一App在手,以上所有問題通通一掃而空no problem!買賣租樓從此更舒適無憂!仲諗?Click入 下載啦! 由即日起,HOUSE101放盤服務費用全免兼享強勁宣傳帶來龐大的曝光機會,助你零成本極速配對合適的成交對象,無論樓宇買賣或物業租賃一樣快捷、方便、有效益,請立即行動! 免費放盤詳情: #HOUSE101 #APS101 #識揀一定揀APS101 #仲唔啲download #免費 #放盤 #創業 #在最舒適的空間尋找最溫馨的家

Background: Okamoto Industries Inc. was established in 1934 and is one of the famous condom manufacturers in the world. The headquarters are situated in Tokyo, Japan. Due to continuous growth, Okamoto has set-up subsidiaries in Hong Kong, China, USA, Thailand, and Vietnam in order to penetrate into the Asian and North American markets. Prior to …

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衛訊 Wilson 20周年Campaign


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