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Do you know all the 24 Google SEO Search Ranking Factors?

Do you know all the 24 Google SEO Search Ranking Factors?

SEOers will always discuss some of the influencing factors of Google SEO ranking after dinner, although we all know that website content and website external links are very important, but often we do a good job in the case of website content and external links, the ranking will still decline or be unstable, although we can know the influencing factors that affect Google SEO ranking in the Google SEO white paper, but not all, today Youyihua will give you a summary.


The factors that usually affect Google SEO are the following, and these factors affect the Google search engine algorithm, resulting in changes in the ranking results of end-user searches

1. The click-through rate of search results

2. The bounce rate of the website page

3. The length of stay on the website page

4. User behavior and click-through rate

5. Traffic on the website

6. Website access speed

7. Whether the website is responsive

8. Quality, relevance, and accuracy of content

9. Outbound links

10. The length of the URL

11. Age of the domain name

12. The amount of content

13. Update frequency

14. Keyword layout

16. Backlinks

17. Website internal link layout

18. The overall structure of the website

19. SSL/TLS certificate

20. Social information, likes, shares, comments

21. Site map

22. SERp search engine results page

23. The use of meta tags

24. User experience

The above 24 Google SEO search ranking influencing factors are often encountered in our daily work, of course, if you really want to count them, there must be more than these 24 points, in fact, in the eyes of search engines, as long as your website user experience is good enough, it is OK from the user’s point of view, Google will give priority to your website results when showing search results, sometimes you need to see the essence through the phenomenon, Google is essentially to provide users with accurate, high-quality search results, to solve the needs and problems of users, From this point of view, we will know how to make a good website.

There is no fixed method and model for Google SEO optimization, it will not work to optimize the website with a fixed model, and solving user needs is the king! Only in this way can your website have a good ranking in Google SEO search results, only in this way can you get a higher conversion rate, and users are likely to share your website content to social platforms, so that SEO can last a long time, and at the same time, you must learn from the strengths of competitors to make up for your own shortcomings, rather than blindly competing and losing your original intention in the competition!

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