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Google SEO Ranking Optimization Process How to Maintain the Stability of Google Rankings

Google SEO Ranking Optimization Process How to Maintain the Stability of Google Rankings

SEOer knows that doing Google SEO ranking optimization is not an overnight thing, but a long-term work, which needs to be continuously optimized and accumulated, and finally there will be a good ranking!


SEO rankings will change every day, because competition is everywhere, you are slack, others work hard, other people’s website rankings may surpass you, we spend a lot of time to optimize the website and improve the website’s ranking in Google, when the ranking goes up, it also has to take time to maintain these rankings to ensure their stability.

Today, Youyihua will talk to you about how to stabilize the ranking in the process of Google SEO ranking optimization, and from what aspects to stabilize the Google SEO ranking?

一、 Host detection

The stability of the website server is very important, if the website server is unstable for a long time, in addition to affecting the user experience, it will also affect the crawling of search engines, which will lead to a decline in the ranking of the entire website, or even be demoted, so it is very necessary to regularly check the stability of the website server, try to buy a server from a well-known IDC service provider, and the after-sales service is guaranteed.

二、Content inspection

If the website has been operating for a period of time, the ranking has declined, at this time you should be vigilant, on the one hand, it may be that the weight has declined, or it may be that the originality of the website content is not high, or the update frequency of the website has decreased.

三、Link Check

The URL hierarchy of each website is different, but there is a common point that it cannot be too long, it is very necessary to maintain a clear directory hierarchy and a benign website internal link structure of the website, and it is very necessary to guide the spider to crawl and increase the inclusion at the same time, if your website is very introverted and the directory level is very deep, it will lead to poor inclusion of your website, and it is even possible that a page is still isolated, which is very bad for Google SEO ranking optimization.

四、revision inspection

In many companies, website optimization is only responsible for website optimization, and the product department is responsible for the user experience of the website, sometimes there may be a partial revision of the website, resulting in a short-term decline in the ranking of the website, at this time we need to follow up in time to ensure that the old link can be 301 redirected to the new link in time, to ensure that the website will not produce too many dead links.

The above points are just a few points that need to be paid attention to in the process of Google SEO ranking optimization, and Google SEO can learn more about it.

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