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Google SEO Ranking Optimization Do these 4 points well to effectively improve your website ranking

Google SEO Ranking Optimization Do these 4 points well to effectively improve your website ranking

Most foreign trade enterprises have independent sites, but Google SEO ranking optimization is not very common, just imagine if the independent site of foreign trade enterprises Google SEO ranking is good, your website page or store appears in the first page of Google search results, without advertising can get considerable traffic and achieve a certain conversion!

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We know that there are two ways to rank well in Google, which are:

1. Do Google promotion click pay, this way is more money-burning!

2. Through the adjustment and optimization of the website architecture, website code, website content and keyword layout of the enterprise website, the website is more in line with the search engine SEO standards, so as to obtain better keyword rankings in the search engine, and get good rankings and accurate traffic without spending a penny more!

So what can you do to improve your website’s ranking in the Google search engine? Here are 4 SEO points that can help you improve your website’s ranking!

1. Choose the right keywords

There is a common misunderstanding here, that is, many companies directly choose core words, such as “clothes”, “education”, and “milk powder” when choosing keywords at the beginning If you choose this kind of keyword at the beginning of Google SEO ranking optimization, not only can you spend a lot of resources to make a ranking and can’t bring traffic to the website, but also let your boss or leader question your ability! The best strategy should be the practice of “product name + core words”, such as “Abbott 1 milk powder” This kind of word, in the process of Google SEO ranking optimization, is relatively easy to do, and the traffic brought is accurate traffic, when the long-tail words have a certain ranking, we can choose some core words to do, through the traffic brought by the long-tail words to drive the ranking of the core words to improve!

To put it simply, choosing keywords requires a strategy, first choosing some long-tail words to do, and then using long-tail words to drive the ranking of core words!

Second, keyword layout

Reasonable layout of keywords on the web page, usually the layout of the keyword position includes the following points:

1. Website title

2. Website MATE meta tags Keywords, Description

3. Alt tags for images

4. H1, H2, H3 and other labels

5. Product name and product description, introduction, etc

3. Website internal link optimization

We must know that the biggest role of internal link optimization is to reduce the user’s bounce rate, increase the user’s stay time in the web page, followed by increasing the crawling depth and frequency of spiders, many people only remember one of the points, so when doing internal links, a random addition, this is obviously wrong! Avoid being too blunt and affect the reading and user experience.

Fourth, on-site interaction helps to improve rankings

If there is a message section on the site to interact with users, these are evidence of user activity and satisfaction, which can be conducive to the ranking of the website in search engines!

If you still need other overseas marketing services, or have a brand overseas plan, you can also contact our overseas marketing experts through the contact information at the bottom of the website to customize an efficient and executable marketing plan for you!

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