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After Facebook, even LinkedIn is launching a “rework” of the Clubhouse feature: the three elements of a voice community marketing strategy


In just a few months, Clubhouse, a voice-based social platform, has taken the world by storm. It is reported that Facebook, Spotify and LinkedIn are also taking advantage of the social audio boom and plan to launch a voice communication function similar to Clubhouse, which shows that the competition in the voice social media market will become very fierce. There have been many articles on the Internet that debunk the reasons for Clubhouse’s rapid popularity (e.g. “hunger marketing” techniques, celebrity effect, etc.), so here are three challenges that Clubhouse is facing, as well as a few elements that Marketers should consider when designing a voice social marketing strategy.

Challenge 1: Major social media apps are vying to follow suit and seize the voice social media market

As early as the end of 2020, Twitter partially opened Twitter Spaces (a Clubhouse-like live voice chat room) to iOS users, and in March this year, a small number of Android users were the first to use it. Just like Clubhouse’s “Open Room” feature, Twitter users can open their own voice chat “Spaces” for other users to join. In addition, LinkedIn will allow users to set up multi-person chat rooms to exchange professional opinions, while Spotify plans to launch live audio conversations that will allow creators to interact with audiences, launch new albums and even perform live performances in real time.

Major social media apps have successively launched real-time voice functions comparable to Clubhouse, which has brought great challenges to Clubhouse. Currently, Clubhouse is only available for iOS users (Clubhouse is working on an Android version), but Facebook, Spotify and Twitter all have a large number of loyal users on both Android and iOS. In addition, public figures and famous Creators have amassed a large number of followers on their original Facebook or Twitter accounts. When Facebook and others launch the voice chat room function, it will easily snatch away Clubhouse’s celebrity users, making Clubhouse lose the blessing of celebrities. (Do you remember that the key to Clubhouse’s popularity in the first place was Elon Musk’s “talk” at Clubhouse?)


Challenge 2: Clubhouse’s “invitation-only system” is a double-edged sword

Clubhouse adopts an “invitation system”, allowing users to send a maximum of two invitation codes, which can be described as a “code” is hard to find. The “invitation-only system” creates a sense of mystery and a phenomenon that outstrips demand for Clubhouses, arousing people’s curiosity to find out, which is called “hunger marketing”. The invitation code has become a social symbol for individuals, as if not getting the invitation code is equivalent to their own poor popularity, so that everyone is eager to receive the invitation. However, the “invitation-only system” also limits the growth of Clubhouse users. Celebrities and content creators may consider not being able to reach a large number of users at Clubhouse and turn to platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which have huge user bases.


Challenge 3: Ephemeral content is Clubhouse’s second double-edged sword

Limited-time content is content that appears briefly and is automatically deleted within a limited time (IG Story is an example). Clubhouse does not have a recording function, and all discussions will not be “left behind” after the room is over. Under the psychology of information anxiety, people are afraid of missing any information and spend more time at Clubhouse. However, the fleeting nature of Clubhouse content not only makes it easy for users to miss out on great content, but also makes it difficult for users who join a room in the middle of the room to keep up with the discussion. In addition, Clubhouse content creators can’t build a voice content library in the same way that Youtubers build a video library, and in disguise, they have to invest more resources to keep opening rooms to expand their audience. Conversely, Clubhouse’s competitors such as Spotify and Twitter are intentionally adding a recording feature to the real-time voice exchange, allowing viewers to relive the creator’s content at any time. This is undoubtedly more appealing to both creators and audiences.

These are the challenges that Clubhouse is facing or will face. It’s worth mentioning that Clubhouse’s recent series of moves — including the launch of new features that allow users to provide financial support directly to creators, the development of an Android version of Clubhouse, and so on — indicate that Clubhouse is trying to retain creators and users and stay competitive.


Voice Community Marketing Strategy: 3 Elements to Consider for Marketers

1. Knowledge content can help a brand’s content marketing strategy

The “room” theme on Clubhouse is mainly knowledgeable, and many of the presenters and speakers are experts in their field. When designing a content marketing strategy, brands may consider inviting celebrities and experts to “talk” together to produce valuable content to build brand image. However, it’s important to note that Clubhouse content is limited-time, and your audience can only enter one room at a time, so it’s important to have a catchy room name, a celebrity guest, and a theme that is relevant to your audience’s concerns.

2. The cost of “opening a house” is low, but the return may not be high

Compared to making videos, placing ads on Facebook, etc., the cost of “opening a room” at Clubhouse is relatively low (of course, inviting KOLs or experts and preparing in advance will cost a lot of money). However, brands are currently unable to advertise their activities at Clubhouse, and it is very difficult to reach a large audience through Clubhouse alone. The level of “room” traffic depends on factors such as brand awareness, whether it is promoted through other channels (social media, email, etc.), and whether it can invite popular KOLs to participate. In addition, Clubhouse does not currently provide a recording function for brands to distribute recorded Clubhouse content on other platforms, and if the number of participants in the event is not satisfactory, it will be in vain.

3. Direct the “room” participants to other platforms to switch

Attracting a large audience by inviting celebrities to make noise is only the first step. After the “room” is over, whether you can direct guests to your social media platform and official website, and even convert them into customers. Clubhouse doesn’t allow you to insert a Call-To-Action button to direct listeners to other online platforms like Facebook posts do. To do this, you can encourage your audience to dig up more information on your brand’s social media and website during and at the end of your Clubhouse event. Also, while Clubhouse doesn’t have a recording feature, you can convert discussions into blogs, social media posts, and emails for follow-up promotion.

Social media apps are developing voice communication platforms and even adding other features (such as voice recording) to real-time voice communication. Clubhouse will continue to optimize and add new features in the face of strong competitors. It is still unknown what voice social media will look like in the future and what it will do. We will continue to update you with the latest information on voice social media.

Social media is a key part of a brand’s image and engagement with customers. YouFind’s services cover social media account management, campaign promotion, digital platform expansion, content creation, etc. If you are interested in learning more, please click on the Chatbox at the bottom right to leave a message.

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數碼營銷公司 推品牌網上監測 公關災難化危為機

數碼營銷公司 推品牌網上監測 公關災難化危為機 近年隨着愈來愈多傳統企業數碼轉型(Digital Transformation),數碼營銷亦在他們整個宣傳策略中扮演重要角色。有多年市場營銷經驗的昇華在線有限公司(You Find Limited) 董事及創辦人朱俊昌(Jeffrey) 曾協助不少客戶成功轉型,他經常提醒客戶,「在這個人人都走向數碼的年代,網絡世界對你品牌的評價就變得十分重要,值得分析和監察,亦是對業務發展的一項重要資訊。」 Jeffrey創辦YouFind逾12年,多年來因應市場走勢和數碼營銷的新發展,幫客戶打造最合適的營銷方案。當中,他見過不少因營銷策略不當而造成公關危機的例子,即近年常說的「關公災難」。令Jeffrey留下深刻印象的其中一個例子,就是一間餐廳因服務態度不佳而得罪食客,令食客在網上發佈劣評,結果一傳十,十傳百,文章在網上迅速傳開,最後餐廳生意一落千丈,倒閉收場。Jeffrey認為,「傳統公司在數碼轉型的初期,往往疏漏了在網上監測(social monitoring)這一環。」 不過,即使有些客戶意識到處理網上負評重要性,亦不知從何入手,「客最怕就是不知道別人在網上如何談論他的品牌,因而下錯決定。」Jeffrey不時以公司名義舉辦講座,講解數碼營銷的新趨勢,並解答客戶對這方面的各項疑難。客戶最常問他的,亦是最着緊的問題,就是「發生公關遭難後,網上平台的處理手法與傳統公關的處理有何分別?」Jeffrey說,首要是根據每一個平台的特性去制訂解決方案,變化萬千,這正正是他覺得從事這一行最具挑戰和最精妙的地方。 除了策略,速度亦是關鍵,天災發生後,從發現問題、通知客戶、向客戶提供解決方案、到實際行動去「拯救」一個品牌,防止事件在網上引來大量負面評論,回應時間可能只有短短數小時。所以,Jeffrey為客戶提供解決方案時,會以「快速、高透明度、誠懇和具建設性」為大原則。這亦是現今我們面對危機時,最需要學習的公關技巧,可以幫不少公司將危機轉化為商機。問題發生後,如何在網上補救固然重要,不過Jeffrey更希望網上監測可以為客戶提供其品牌的深入分析,應用在公司的業務發展上,「除了處理公關災難外,小至想知道網民對公司一個新產品的評價、大至總統大選監測民意走向,都可以利用網上監測做到。」 



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多謝大家嘅肯定!YouFind Director Mr. Jeffrey Chu上星期五(12月7日)出席由《資本才俊》及《資本企業家》合辦嘅「CEO x Entrepreneur of the Year 2018」暨「非凡品牌大獎2018」頒獎典禮,獲頒「非凡數碼市場策略品牌」大獎! 2018係YouFind踏入新里程嘅重要一年,搬到新Office之後,我哋更專注推動企業品牌嘅數碼轉型,亦開始推出自家免費講座,同業界人士分享交流行業趨勢同最新資訊,成績斐然。 今次獲獎對YouFind嚟講絕對係一個認同及激勵,我哋會不斷努力,2019年繼續為大家提供更多專業、創新、全面嘅市場營銷策略方案,再一次衷心感謝大家嘅支持!



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