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Why should your brand do YouTube SEO well?

YouTube SEO

Website SEO is a fairly common online marketing strategy in recent years. From “unboxing” and introducing new products to testing and comparing different brands of products, videos have become one of the main channels for consumers to discover new products and learn about brands. As the most popular social media platform in Hong Kong – with a whopping 86% of internet users being YouTubers – YouTube videos allow brands to reach a large number of target customers. In addition to making videos rank higher on YouTube, they are more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results, killing two birds with one stone!

Why do you want to do YouTube SEO?

YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine – more than 4 out of 10 respondents said they had purchased new products discovered on YouTube. (Source: Think With Google) Like Google, YouTube uses algorithms to sort video search results and push videos to users that interest them. YouTube SEO makes it easier for the YouTube search engine to understand the relevance of the video to the keywords used by the user by optimizing the content and relevant information of the video, such as the title and description of the video, so as to improve the ranking and reach of the video in YouTube search results.

From YouTube rankings to Google search rankings

In recent years, Google’s search results have become more diversified, and different formats of search results will be added according to the searcher’s intentions, such as images, videos, product descriptions, etc. Google adds YouTube videos to the search results page for certain types of keywords, as shown below:


Google Search Results: Keyword – “youtube seo”

When searching for “youtube seo”, the second most popular search result is an instructional video from YouTube. And the first place in the search results for some keywords is already the movie!

例如 “生酮麵包”

Google Search Results: Keyword – “ketogenic bread”

Of course, not all Google keywords will show video search results. Google will determine whether users searching for the keyword will be interested in the video, and then decide whether to include the video in the search results. Since most people searching for “ketogenic bread” want to search for ketogenic bread recipes, and most people who search for recipes prefer to watch videos, Google puts ketogenic bread recipe videos at the top of the list.

Is YouTube SEO right for your brand?

YouTube videos have a lot of potential. To determine whether YouTube SEO is worth doing, you can consider two things: (1) the demand for industry-related videos and (2) the Google search results for industry-related keywords:

Demand for industry-related films

If there is a demand for YouTube videos related to your industry, you may want to consider doing YouTube SEO. Some popular video genres include:

● Beauty – including beauty education, beauty product unboxing, measurement and comparison, etc

● Food & Beverage – including recipes, kitchenware unboxing, measurement and comparison, restaurant tasting, etc

● Consumer electronics – including digital product unboxing, measurement and comparison, e-sports games, etc

● Travel & Hospitality – Including videos of Staycation experiences that hit the scene after the outbreak of the pandemic

If you want to know the highest number of views on industry-related videos, you can make good use of the YouTube search filter. Once you’ve entered popular keywords related to your industry, you can filter your search results by the number of views. Take the search for “staycation Hong Kong” as an example:

staycation 香港

Click on “Filters” in the top left and select “Views” in the “Sort by” section, and the YouTube search results will show the relevant videos from the highest to the lowest views:


YouTube search results: keyword – “staycation Hong Kong”; Sort by – Views

If you’re searching this way, be sure to look at the region, genre, and relevance of the video in the search results. Because if you filter by the number of views, the search results may include videos from other Chinese-speaking regions, or videos that are less relevant to the industry/product, such as song music videos.

Taking the above search results as an example, the average number of views of the top 10 most-watched videos in the YouTube search results for “staycation Hong Kong” is as high as 313,000 times, which shows that there is a huge online demand for hospitality-related videos, and the regions, genres and content of the videos are directly related to local hotels.

Google search results for industry-related keywords

As mentioned above, an added benefit of YouTube video SEO is the chance to rank on the first page of Google’s search results. If the Google search results for popular keywords related to your industry include video, YouTube SEO can help your product reach more target customers. You can search for industry/product-related keywords based on your knowledge of the industry, or use online tools such as Google Ads, SEMRush or Ahrefs to search for industry/product keywords with high search volume, and then Google to see if the search results include videos. For example, the first page of Google search results for “staycation Hong Kong” already includes YouTube videos:


Google Search Results: keyword – “staycation Hong Kong”

Other examples include “air fryers”:


Google Search Results: Keyword – “air fryer”

and “Liquid Foundation Recommendation”:


Google Search Results: Keyword – “Liquid Foundation Recommendation”

Industry-related keywords can cut across multiple categories – they could be directly related to a product or brand, or a keyword that doesn’t include a product but is related to it, and so on. If you have limited time resources, you can start with a searcher’s perspective to determine which keywords searchers will be interested in video search results, and then focus on those keywords.

YouTube SEO Tips

Finally, here are a few tips to help improve your YouTube video’s ranking:

● Optimize titles, video descriptions, and tags – Appropriately and naturally include target keywords and other directly or indirectly related keywords

● Interpolation – Subtitling a video helps YouTube understand what the video is about

● Add a timeline – The timeline is like a table of contents for a book, which not only allows the audience to see the key points of the video at a glance, improves the user experience, but also helps YouTube understand the content of the video (if you are interested, please refer to the official YouTube tutorial video)


● Improve audience engagement – In addition to content relevance and views, audience engagement is also a key factor in ranking a video. Ensuring that content is entertaining to increase watch time, adding questions or call-to-actions (e.g., Giveaways, sweepstakes, etc.) to encourage viewers to leave comments and like shares are all strategies to increase audience engagement.

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一條出眾的網絡廣告首先要做到的就是要準確的描述出廣告要傳遞的內容。要有非常明確的目標性,把這種目標通過廣告中的圖片,文字以及色彩傳遞給廣大消費者。除此之外,還應該為自己的企業品牌樹立正確的品牌形象,一個企業的形象是會影響到他的產品在消費者心中的地位的。 只要有了品牌,網絡廣告語的策劃就顯得非常有必要了。通常我們隨口都會說出一些著名的廣告語,這些都是已經深深的刻入我們的腦海中了,這種廣告語的創作一定要符合品牌的形象以及主題,同時最好非常精簡,最好控制在六到七個字之間。 網絡廣告整體可以分為策劃,設計以及發佈三個方面,每一步都要切合消費者的口味以及互聯網的特點,廣告要鮮明有特點,而且廣告發佈的時間也要合適。做到這些,才能吸引更多消費者的目光。



要想做好網站宣傳工作就要先做到知己知彼,要先以一個用戶的角度去觀察同行中比較出色的網站,瞭解和觀察他們官網的結構以及實用性,在實際應用中是不是很方便,會不會存在繁瑣的感覺,瞭解這些以後再在自己企業的網站上面做出改進。 同時還要注意網站的流覽速度,要對網站的架構做改進,因為當用戶覺得網站流覽速度太慢的話,就很難再來訪問了,同時還要好好考慮一下SEO的問題,SEO就是搜索引擎優化的意思,如果說這方面做的好,關鍵字抓的準確,在各大搜索引擎上面排名比較靠前的話,會極大的增加自己網站的流覽量。 還可以結合人氣比較旺的論壇,社交平臺,以及同類網站做交插網站宣傳,當然更可以利用郵件的方式。論壇推廣的效果還是不錯的,但是要找好人氣比較旺的論壇才行,而且還要在自己的品牌網站做好可以直通論壇的鏈接圖示,方便用戶隨時分享網站的資訊,各大社交平臺也是同理,可以合利用宣傳圖片來做網站宣傳工作。同類網站交插推廣也叫互惠推廣,可以達到互惠雙贏的效果。


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隨著商業社會的轉型,從業人員越來越多,更多的社會精英擇取了這個平臺作為自己生存立本的載體。不同的人,不同的思想,不一樣的產品和服務,不一樣的競爭局面都在促進網路行銷的多樣化。 首先,從事這個行銷模式的人要能更好地解讀消費者,不斷地對數據進行分析,優化產品呈現內容和形式,速度有效地推廣。其次,產品也要不斷改變結構模式,以新穎健康的理念吸引廣泛普遍的接受者。 再次,推廣者和產品要能有機結合,運用的載體也要多樣化,網站、討論區、聊天工具(包括qq和微信)等也要靈活運用。總而言之,三點的相互影響就更好地推動了網路行銷這個商業銷售模式。蘿蔔白菜,各有所愛。沒有任何一種產品可以滿足所有的消費者,每個人都會有所求,求而不同,這本身就要求了網路行銷要多樣經營,多樣發展。潛在的市場,潛在的客戶群體,等待著更大的挖掘。


傳統外貿數字化轉型做好這3點 客戶訂單不用愁

受疫情影響,外貿企業的線下營銷活動普遍受到影響,與客戶進行面對面溝通的機會大幅減少。當外貿企業面臨訂單取消、海外客戶大量流失、線下展會停擺的困境時,卻有一些企業抓住機遇,迅速反應,將業務快速從線下轉化為線上數字化,為自己贏得商機,並出現逆勢增長。 同處疫情期,為何提前布局了數字化營銷手段的企業幾乎不受影響,甚至在此消彼長的營銷環境中甚至還獲得了比平時更多的資源?海外營銷專家優易化資深顧問Jason帶你全面了解疫情對外貿行業的影響、外貿營銷的發展趨勢以及數據化轉型可以外貿企業帶來哪些改變: 線上突圍 傳統外貿數字化轉型 外貿企業傳統的營銷手段是通過參加展會、拜訪客戶等方式開拓市場。而全球疫情的來襲,讓我們清楚的看到傳統方式的短板。相對於傳統的營銷手段,數字化營銷是一種高效率,低成本的營銷渠道,足不出戶就能夠達成交易,成交訂單。所以疫情之下,線上突圍,數字化轉型勢在必行! 效能升級 用數字化轉型提高營銷效能 搭建自己的品牌獨立站,借助搜索引擎和社交媒體引流獲取客戶和詢盤,通過數字化手段與客戶產生緊密聯系,擴展新的商業機會,獲取新的訂單與業務發展。實現人在家中坐,客從線上來的高效營銷。 如果您還沒有建立自己的品牌站點,或者已有自己的外貿品牌企業站點但是排名效果不理想,可以看看優易化營銷專家Barry為您講解的《外貿企業品牌出海 建立獨立站點的6大要點》將助您打造更好的外貿企業站點。 搶占先機 數字化轉型提前布局海外市場 互聯網時代,我們都知道誰的覆蓋面廣,信息傳播快,誰就可能率先贏得商機。而且疫情期間大多數人都在家,這是一個非常好的宣傳自己企業品牌的時候。利用數字化提前布局,開拓海外市場,實現足不出戶,營銷全球。 三大板斧 加速數字化進程 目前對於廣大外貿企業來說,最大的問題就獲客和訂單。上期我們提到過怎樣去建立好一個品牌獨立站,在獨立站建好之後,我們就開始需要為我們的站點引流,帶來詢盤。 獲得流量的方式有很多,但究竟哪些適合外貿行業呢?招不在多,用好這三板斧,給你帶來神奇效果。 第一板斧,做好外貿企業網站SEO優化 外貿企業營銷和品牌出海的過程中,外貿企業官網谷歌SEO排名優化都是非常重要的一環,外貿企業可以通過制定關鍵字、優化網頁、增加外鏈,持續提升網站在相關關鍵詞中的搜索排名,谷歌排名做好了將是企業低成本獲客的重要渠道之一。 第二板斧,PPC付費推廣...



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