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【Addictive to Netflix?See how Netflix creates the ultimate personalized video experience】


With 209 million subscribers worldwide (as of Q2 2021), Netflix is the undisputed best video streaming platform. Its main source of revenue is subscribers’ subscription fees, so it has become Netflix’s most important goal to continuously push titles that users are interested in to improve user retention. To do this, Netflix must give users a highly personalized viewing experience. In this regard, Netflix once said: “Netflix is not a product, but hundreds of millions of products tailored for every user. 」(“Personalization … enables us to not have just one Netflix product but hundreds of millions of products: one for each member profile.”) Here’s an analysis of how Netflix can make you want to watch it through a personalized experience!

Why is personalized experiences important?

From video platforms to social media to online stores, how to capture users’ attention is a major issue. The more time a user spends browsing content, the more ads they receive and the more products they buy. The key is to personalize the experience and capture the user’s attention by recommending content that interests them, so they can spend more time on the platform. People have very short attention spans — studies have shown that if Netflix doesn’t recommend a title within 60 to 90 seconds, users will lose interest and leave Netflix!

How personalized is the Netflix recommendation system?

From the content and arrangement of the videos on the homepage, to the details of the videos, to the emails and user notifications, Netflix uses different algorithms to provide users with information about the works they are most interested in and the videos they care about the most. Netflix’s homepage categorizes recommended titles by theme and genre in up to 40 rows. As shown in the figure below, each row is a film theme or genre, such as “Blockbuster Movie”, “Parent-Child Movie”, “Psychological TV Drama”, etc.


Image credit: Netflix

● What video themes should be included on the homepage? (For example, would the user be interested in a “psychological TV drama” or a “friendship-related award-winning show”?)

● Which topics should be at the top of the list?

● What videos should be included in each topic? How should the videos be sorted? (For example, is “Aquaman” or “Wild Speed” at the top of the “blockbuster movie” theme?)

All of the above is carefully calculated by the video recommendation system, and the purpose is to find the video they want to watch in the shortest time after logging in. And Netflix’s arrangement of movies in rows by category also has an ingenious idea. In addition to systematically categorizing videos to facilitate viewers’ selection of videos, this is also for more effective analysis of user behavior. When the user scrolls down, he is not interested in the topic on the screen, and when he scrolls left, he is interested in the topic being presented, but not in the works that rank in the topic.

A set of films, 9 posters

In addition to the homepage, the detailed information of each video is tailored to the user:

● Which version of the video introduction and highlights should be shown?

● How should the video be labeled?

● Which version of the poster should be displayed? (Netflix calls it “artwork”)

Netflix has edited a total of 10 versions of House of Cards based on the characteristics of different audiences, and Stranger Things alone has 9 posters that users are likely to see! Each poster of the film shows what makes the work unique, whether it is a close-up of the famous actors who have participated in the work, a classic scene from the work, or a scene that best expresses its essence. Which poster is shown depends on the user’s past behavior data and interests. For example, if you’ve watched action/adventure movies in the past, Netflix will choose a poster version that includes action or thrill scenes when it comes to new titles.


Image source:

Collect user behavior data in real time

To personalize the experience, Netflix needs to collect a lot of user data at any given moment. The video recommendation system continuously changes and updates the works and related materials it pushes to users based on various user usage data. The data collected by Netflix includes:

● Video content and search content that the user has clicked on in the past

● The user’s interaction with the video – including pacusing, rewatching or leaving the video, and watch time

● User’s viewing habits – including days (weekdays or weekend?) , time slot and device (phone, tablet or laptop?) wait

● Video content that the user didn’t click on (i.e. wasn’t interested).

● Behavioral data of other users who share the same interests and behaviors as you

Every seemingly small action of a user on the platform is extremely significant to Netflix! In addition, the newer the behavior data, the higher the proportion of the system calculation process.

If you click on the video, you’ll see a score below the play button that says “X% is right for you”, which is calculated by the Netflix recommendation system to match the video’s interests:


Image credit: Netflix

Even for the same video, each user’s “fit” score is unique. Because each user has different interests and viewing habits, a movie may be “91% suitable” for User A, but “71% Suitable” for User B.

Encourage user feedback to improve system accuracy

In addition to continuously collecting user behavior data, Netflix also actively encourages user feedback so that the recommendation system can better understand each user’s interests and preferences. To the right of the playback button, there’s a Thumbs Up (for “I like this video”) and a Thumbs Down (for “Not to My Taste”) buttons to let Netflix know if you’re not interested in the video and update its recommendation system.


Image credit: Netflix

Netflix’s ability to deliver the ultimate personalized viewing experience in every part and detail of the platform is based on its constantly updated user database and algorithmic algorithms. Today, 80% of Netflix users’ hours of viewing come from its movie recommendation system, which can be said to truly achieve “the right content to the right person”. Data analytics plays a crucial role in this, and Netflix has used big data to successfully buy hits around the world (such as “House of Cards”), and we will be writing a separate article to share with you in the future.

YouFind offers a full range of digital marketing solutions, including search engines, online advertising, social media, and more. We will update you with the latest marketing information on a regular basis.

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社交網絡巨頭Facebook近月指出,俄羅斯在之前的美國總統選舉中,透過Facebook買下超過3000則廣告,而Facebook估算至少有1000萬人於當時看過有關廣告。鑑於這種情況,Facebook發表聲明,稱會增聘1000名員工審查提交的廣告,防止俄國或其他政府利用同樣方式干擾他國選舉的公平性。 這種假廣告的影響力之所以如此廣泛和巨大,其中一個重要因素是由於Facebook正確判斷用戶的偏好,增加了他們對假廣告的信賴度。 Facebook的厲害之處,在於它見到你喜歡點讚、評論或分享某類型的內容,就會給你更多該類型的動態更新,例如你是「黃絲」,經常留意在Facebook上的有關資訊,它就減少為你提供關於「藍絲」的資訊。 同理,在美國大舉期間,當用戶有了某種政治取向,自然會收到更多有關這方面的廣告,也會主觀上喜歡和相信當中的內容。因此,當他們見到這些假選舉廣告,便會間接動搖了其政治判斷。 另一方面,其實Facebook早已接管了新聞媒體的生態系統,成為不少大眾接收社會資訊的主軸。在Facebook盛行之前的時代,大眾往往依賴傳統媒體接收社會資訊,但自從Facebook愈來愈盛行,大眾的依賴性早已轉移到Facebook那邊。正因為Facebook已經佔據了媒體資訊分發的主導位置,所以一旦出現大量假廣告,這便足以影響整個線下的生態。 從選舉假廣告一事看來,Facebook和整個社交媒體暴露了一個重大問題:網上媒體資訊欠缺一套嚴謹的監察及管制系統。近年我們看到不少「內容農場」的假消息和假新聞充斥於各大社交平台,正是最佳的鐵證。還記得嗎?不久之前Facebook出現了一宗假新聞,是藝人余文樂和阮小儀「公開戀情」,轟動全城,結果二人需要紛紛出來澄清事件。 事實上,自從愈來愈多失實的資訊充斥在網絡上,外國已有不少人已經回歸到像時代雜誌此類傳統媒體那邊,罷看和不相信其他網絡媒體資訊,因為前者始終有完善的內容管制,相比起來更有公信力。這無疑對社交媒體的發展造成重大衝擊。 另一邊廂,Facebook即將投放大量資源審查內容及廣告,這代表其資訊的自由度很快會收緊,影響的層面或會涉及一些真廣告及消息。在兩種情況加起來之下,社交媒體會否守住媒體資訊分發的主導角色,還是拭目以待。  



讓Google讀懂一個網站的結構是seo的基本條件之一,如何確保您的網站架構設計有良好的邏輯及層次關係呢?當Google讀完一個頁面,我們要想想該如何將它進入與之相關的其它頁面去讀取多的內容,這時你需要了解好的網站結構重要元素。 好的網站結構四個重點元素 一、導航欄 導航欄好比是一條馬路,我們修建時是要建高速公路還是羊腸小道或是乾脆一塊爛地置之不理 雖說內容為王、架構為后,但是頁面沒有好的入口,把Google拒之門外,即使再好的內容,對Google而言也是“無福消受”。所以切記網站避免用javascript或flash做導航欄,雖然酷炫但它卻不能成為入口路徑。 二、麵包屑導覽 運用麵包屑劃分頁面之間的層級和相互關系。這樣也利于瀏覽者快速找到所需頁面及追溯上級目錄找更多相似產品,也便於讓搜索引擎了解網站的邏輯關係。 三、網址結構 最佳網址目錄結構是在3級或以內,即最小化的深度。避免太深的目錄級別,如。Google在瀏覽整個網站時很可能只抓了兩三層之後,由於太浪費記憶層級就停止抓取而離開,網站路徑因為隨著深度增加就會越越窄,那麼Google會比較難進入。當我們產品頁面的分類,而無法全部放在主菜單時,我們還可以在產品頁面增加側邊欄或相關產品推薦來彌補入口路徑不足的缺點。 四、內鏈搭建 頁面與頁面若有關聯性的,可以搭建內部鏈接,可以引導瀏覽者了解更多資訊,也給其它文章增加了Google的進入的路徑。 站內鏈接的其它注意事項 一、避免跨域名鏈接 盡可能避免做跨域名鏈接,尤其是菜單欄,給其它站做鏈接就是將權重傳遞出去。出口路徑一旦給搜索引擎爬出去就是有去無回。 二、重複頁面處理 網站有些時候會有無法避免的重複頁面需要保留,這里要設置好canonical標籤,它能向Google申明重複的頁面中以哪個頁面為目標頁面。


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近月,一架國航客機險些撞山,事情不禁令人回想去年深圳航空客機幾乎撞向大佛的同類事件。面對性質相似的「關公災難」,兩大航空公司選擇不同的處理方式,最終帶來的公眾反應和衝擊也大有分別。 深航事後坦白承認過失,表示已暫定涉事機師職務,並承諾檢討和加強安全訓練,而國航則以無線電頻率繁忙為由,試圖掩飾是次出錯,但後者顯然忽略了,於如今社交媒體發達的年代,控制塔對話紀錄及客機飛行軌跡是很易被披露及廣傳。 因此,深航事件發生後,只衍生出一波的災難,無論傳媒及網絡上的輿論氣氛均在短時間內幾乎同步滑落,但國航交代事件後,先是引發傳媒的第一波災難,然後更釀成社交媒體的第二波強力反彈,讓該企業面對更沉重的聲譽受損。 此結果正好給企業一個啟示:身處這個社交媒體發達的新世代,資訊的透明度和流動性往往是極高,而且即使是小眾,只要他們廣泛掌握有關資訊及聚集輿論,其威力足以動搖一間大企業的形象與發展。 故此現今的企業處理公關營銷上,必須格外小心,不宜試圖以混淆不清、掩蓋真相的方式處理災難,以為這樣可以淡化危機,事實上這只會火上加油,更易引發另一波的網絡災難。若企業能掌握這個嶄新的營銷環境,即使面對「關公災難」,也能較易化解危機。  



2020隨著全球的經濟低迷不振,導致外貿行業生存環境愈發的嚴峻,很多的外貿企業都積極轉戰線上營銷,比如開始注重外貿網站在谷歌裏面的排名,付費推廣等!我們知道谷歌作為全球最大的搜索引擎,目前已覆蓋全球超過250個國家,在全球搜索引擎市場占比65%,所以外貿網站在谷歌中的排名是很重要的!今天我們就來一起看看外貿網站如何優化才能夠在谷歌搜索引擎中獲得好排名! 1、網站架構優化 對用戶而言網站架構從布局上需要盡量迎合目標區域用戶風格,並且可以讓用戶很清晰的找到對應的服務與產品,對搜索引擎而言網站架構需要清晰簡潔,可以讓蜘蛛很好的找到爬取路徑。這裏需要注意的是網站一定要是響應式的,這樣在谷歌排名優化的過程中是有加分的。 2、URL層級 網站層級最好是不要超過3層,URL層級太深不利於搜索引擎蜘蛛抓取。 3、關鍵詞篩選布局 外貿網站谷歌排名優化前期,切忌選擇低搜索量或高搜索量的詞,也就是說選擇沒人搜的詞不行,選擇太多人搜索的詞也不行,前者即使通過google seo優化上去了,有排名了但實際幫助不大,後者太多人搜索了,很難優化上去,長期看不到效果會失去信心!最好是選擇有搜索量的長尾詞,這樣既能短時間內產生效果,還能夠帶來一部分有效的自然流量!而選擇長尾詞的最直接的方式就是通過行業、產品、服務等主關鍵詞(核心關鍵詞)去谷歌搜索、阿裏巴巴、亞馬遜、這些平台搜索,看看下拉框裏面的預測詞是哪些詞?將這些詞整理之後再從這些詞裏面選取合適的長尾詞來做即可。 4、網站內容優化 在網站上線初期最好是就開始著手准備網站內容(文章),內容圍繞關鍵詞來寫,並給每篇文章打上標簽! 5、網站TDK優化 在定網站T(title)D(description)K(keywords)的時候一定要注意,需要包含關鍵詞。 6、H標簽優化 這裏需要注意的是一個頁面有且只有一個H1標簽,剩下的可以設置H2、H3標簽,這樣可以清晰的讓搜索引擎蜘蛛和用戶了解頁面的主要信息。 7、網站頁面圖片優化 每張圖片都需要加上alt標簽,當網站圖片加載不出來的時候alt標簽就可以很好的告訴搜索引擎這張圖片是什麼了。 8、404頁面優化 網站需要設置404頁面,保持良好的用戶體驗的同時,可以有效降低網站的跳出率。 以上幾點就是外貿網站做谷歌排名優化中必做的一些操作,只有做好了這些網站才有可能在谷歌搜索引擎中獲得好的排名!通過少量的投入獲取高額的回報,谷歌排名優化不失為外貿網站出海的最佳方案。如果您的企業需要定制全套的品牌出海營銷方案也可以通過網站底部的聯系方式,聯系我們優易化的品牌出海營銷專家,為您定制優質的執行方案!



最近萬寧因為「在清潔工婆婆誤取印花的情況下,仍然提出控告」一事,引起不少網民爭議。事後萬寧在它的Facebook專頁作出回應,指案件進入司法程序,不便評論,更表示尊重香港法治精神和相信法庭的判決,最終火上加油,引發了「關公災難」,令聲譽大受影響。 萬寧之所以出現是次災難,核心原因是它以舊式的公關處理方式應付這次危機。 在社交媒體尚未盛行的年代,大企業應對公關危機,往往是及時發出新聞稿交代事件,但如今再以這種過時的手法處理,卻很易適得其反。 以萬寧一事為例,在交代中,它以官腔的寫法交代,營造了一種以「司法程序」作為公關盾牌的感覺,旋即觸動了網民的敏感神經,加上在這個社交媒體盛行的世代,網民能瞬間傳播資訊和作出集中的評論,導致危機的爆發速度更快,釀成如今一發不可收拾的局面。 需知道,今時今日社交媒體當道,其實無論甚麼規模的企業,都必須正視和反思如何面對網絡上的公關危機,無法再以傳統的公關手段應對。 因為現今的大環境,是市場以由賣家主導變成買家主導,用家的集體意志和話語權決定了品牌的成與敗。因此,假如企業不理解這點,繼續以賣家主宰市場的方式處理營銷問題,雖然在法理上是沒錯的,但無視人情的元素,最後還是會招致像萬寧這次的公關危機。 在當今這個營銷新世代,企業要做好公關營銷、圓滑地處理公關危機,除了做好是非對錯的本分外,亦要重視人情,情理兼備,作出人性化的決策,這樣才能化危為機,守住甚至進一步提升品牌形象。  


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