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Facebook launched a global story for groups and added emojis

Facebook launched a global story for groups and added emojis

Facebook announced on Tuesday that it will launch Stories for groups in global markets and allow group members to use emojis. Group admins have the authority to review the content of the story and the members who posted it.

Why it’s worth paying attention to

Facebook’s Groups feature provides an alternative way for brands and advertisers to reach customers without having to rely solely on News Feed ads. Now that the story is now live globally, marketers with groups will be able to enhance the interaction between their group members.

Facebook started using pop-up stories for groups at the beginning of the year, but has only recently added emojis to increase members’ reactions to posts. In October, Facebook introduced a series of monitoring methods that allow group admins to review content that posts members and stories, including:

? Members are prohibited from posting content or using the mute feature on content for a limited time.

? Members need to be approved before adding new content to their stories.

? Delete any photos or videos in your story that aren’t related to the group.

? Exclusive setting to only allow group admins to post stories in a group.

? The opt-out feature of the group time-limited activity restricts certain functions within the group.

Christine Rushing, the admin of the Milky Mommas group, told Facebook that members of her group are sharing photos of their children with each other through stories.

Christine said, “It’s a great way to get people to share their lives with each other. For admins, we like the elasticity of the story. Admins can interact directly and easily with members, or use it as an alternative tool to reach members.”

More about Facebook group stories

? Facebook group members can view the group’s stories on their phones and computers, but they can only add new content on their phones.

? Members can add content to the group’s story by clicking “Add New Story” at the top of the group’s page on their mobile phones.

? The group manager can change the posting rights and approve posts for the story through the group settings, and can use the block or mute feature directly to members through the story settings. To review stagnant and reported stories, you can do so through the “Management Tools” on your phone or the “Manage Package” on your computer.

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