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The success or failure of today’s game promotion is not only its playability, but also content marketing

The success or failure of today’s game promotion is not only its playability, but also content marketing

Earlier, a mobile game “Traveling Frog” was very popular in China, Taiwan and other places, and Hong Kong has also formed a craze, Chinese players alone have exploded more than 3.5 million downloads in a month, and many media have rushed to report.

In fact, the game content of “Traveling Frog” is very simple, the player only faces two scenes: inside the house and outside the house; The player cannot directly control or communicate with the frog, but can only guide him on his travels by equipping him with items and collecting photos and items taken during his travels.

But why does this game create so much magic and resonate so much in such a short period of time?

In addition to its own high-quality game content, another key factor is that it is heavily promoted by social platforms. In the past few days, many domestic netizens have widely spread it on Weibo and Moments, posting the latest situation of frogs. The same happened in Hong Kong, where a large number of netizens uploaded to their Facebook and Instagram, making the game very popular on social platforms.

On the other hand, many celebrities and KOLs have also blessed “Traveling Frog”, such as singer Mayday Ashin and Selina of S.H.E. who are popular all over China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Selina of S.H.E. will follow the trend to share and express their feelings about raising frogs and waiting for frogs. Their every word has the function of leading the trend, which naturally makes the communication effect more effective with half the effort.

In fact, the significance behind the success of this game is not only its playability, but more importantly, content marketing is very important for game promotion, and even one of the keys to success or failure. The traditional marketing method of “pushing” to the market and emphasizing its own advantages is far less effective than the marketing method of “sucking” to shorten the distance with potential users and let players automatically invest in it.

Another example is the hit Pokemon Go, which was a hit last year. At that time, there were also many players who shared what elves they had captured and where they became the gym owners, and the explosive promotion and promotion of the game on social platforms greatly increased the user’s engagement and retweet rate, making the game unparalleled for a while.

The biggest advantage of this promotion method is that it does not need to buy a large number of advertisements in the traditional form, but it can spread the brand to various platforms in a short period of time, and even the effect is known to everyone, which is very cost-effective.

If game companies know how to grasp the content and promote it on social platforms with low cost, high coverage and high dissemination, the effect can be maximized. In fact, there are already many leading players in the game industry, such as Tencent and NetEase, who have implemented this route, and it is believed that more and more game companies will develop in this direction in the future.

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