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Google Ranking Optimization Promotion Guide: Do a good job in 3 aspects Ranking must be good

Google Ranking Optimization Promotion Guide: Do a good job in 3 aspects Ranking must be good

If you want to do Google SEO optimization to get good rankings, you don’t need to have a complete and clear SEO ranking optimization plan! Today’s Youyihua Google Ranking Optimization Guide will focus on several aspects: Google Ranking Optimization Structure Layout, Google SEO On-Site Optimization, Google SEO On-Site Promotion, etc.; We will explain how to do a good job in Google SEO ranking optimization, and provide you with practical and feasible Google SEO optimization strategies, so that you can apply this SEO technology to your personal or business website.


1. Website architecture layout of Google ranking optimization

For friends who are new to Google ranking optimization, you can refer to the “Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Beginner’s Guide” and follow the guidelines proposed in the guide to do it, and you can achieve the expected SEO goals faster! Let’s concisely explain the 8 points involved in the layout of Google’s ranking optimization architecture:

1. The website design structure is clear, and the table of contents and pages are clearly hierarchical

2. The website code is concise, clear, and standardized

3. The website link is clear, hierarchical, and has a specific meaning

4. The older the website domain name, the better, easy to enter and easy to remember!

5. The server is stable, well configured, high bandwidth, and fast access

6. Enable web code compression and CDN acceleration, which can obtain higher website access speed

7. Add SSL certification to make the website connection more secure and increase the credibility of the website.

8. Add sitemap sitemap.xml and robots.txt files

The website architecture is equivalent to the cornerstone of the website, and the website follows the above 8 standards at the beginning of the website to ensure that our website better meets the SEO standards of search citation! Provide a good foundation for subsequent Google SEO on-page optimization.


2. Google Ranking Optimization for Google On-Site SEO

When it comes to Google ranking optimization, it refers more to website SEO optimization and on-site Google SEO optimization, so what do we need to do in the process of Google ranking optimization? Let’s take a look:

1. The first thing is that the website TKD (title, keywords, description, ) puts the keywords you want to optimize into the TKD, when your website page is indexed by search engines and indexed, users search for related keywords, and your website will have a greater chance of ranking.

2. Set the H1, H2, and H3 tags of the page, be careful not to use too much, and it is the safest to eradicate the core of the page content, use H1 for important content or titles, use H2 for secondary content, and so on.

3. Set up breadcrumb navigation to provide users with a clear access path to search engines such as Google, Bing, and Baidu.

4. The content of the website should be written originally, so that the readability is high and the content quality is high, and the search engine spider also likes high-quality content. Users stay longer while browsing, so that they can better tap potential customers. Once the content is made, it will also rank better in search engines.

5. Add social media sharing buttons in appropriate locations, so that users can easily share the content he thinks is valuable to friends or share it to third-party platforms to achieve the purpose of multiple exposure.

6. Website internal link layout, the reasonable layout of website internal links can make search engine spiders afraid of every page of the channel, so that some pages will not be missed or isolated!

As long as you insist on providing high-quality content for users and search engines, and reasonably layout the internal links of the website, all pages can be included in the search engine, and when users are searching for keywords, your website content will have a chance to get a good ranking.


3. Off-page SEO optimization of Google ranking optimization

Usually what we call Google SEO off-site optimization refers to off-site promotion and off-site drainage, so how to do Google SEO off-site optimization? Let’s take a look!

1. If you have webmaster friends, you can add each other’s links on each other’s websites, or you can leave your website links on third-party authoritative platforms, which are high-quality external links, which can effectively convey authority and achieve the purpose of improving the keyword ranking of the website.

2. Attract traffic through social media, such as live broadcast or on social platforms, and display your website to achieve the purpose of drainage.

3. It is best to publish some external links on a regular basis, which can effectively increase the weight of the website.

The above three points are the tips for Google SEO off-page optimization! If you want to know more overseas network promotion skills, you can check out the following articles:

How to do overseas network promotion for foreign trade brands in 2020?

In 2020, Facebook and Instagram brands will play new ways to play online digital marketing

How to use Google SEO optimization for enterprise websites to develop overseas markets

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