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Promote your airline brand to mainland passengers through Xiaohongshu, one of the three most popular apps

As China and Hong Kong reopen their borders, we are seeing a strong rebound in mainland tourist arrivals to Hong Kong, which is good news for the aviation business.

Chinese travelers always use online research to choose the airline they want to fly. Xiaohongshu is a well-known social media (China’s version of Instagram) and a popular channel for airlines to promote their brands to mainland Chinese travelers. More than 200 million monthly active users mean Xiaohongshu plays an important role in users’ purchasing decisions.

YouFind’s digital marketing services for the China market can help you connect with more than 930 million Chinese internet users by optimizing your content on Xiaohongshu and other similar platforms. We have worked with a number of airlines, including Air Canada, Air China and All Nippon Airways (ANA).

Before introducing the benefits of Xiaohongshu (Red), let’s first understand this popular social media platform.

Xiaohongshu is an extremely popular social media platform in mainland China, sometimes referred to as the “Chinese version of Instagram.” It mainly shares videos and pictures on topics such as lifestyle, fashion, beauty, travel and food, and is deeply loved by young people and fashion lovers. The platform has more than 200 million monthly active users, many of whom are the younger generation with spending power and influence in purchasing decisions. Now, let’s see how Xiaohongshu can help airlines promote their brands better.

Benefits of Xiaohongshu:

  • Highly influential users

Xiaohongshu has more than 200 million monthly active users from mainland China, most of whom are young people with spending power. They often look for product and service reviews on Xiaohongshu and are recommended and influenced by other users. Therefore, airlines can attract these influential users by displaying their brands and services on Xiaohongshu.

  • Powerful brand promotion platform

Xiaohongshu is not only a social media platform, but also a powerful brand promotion platform. Airlines can increase brand awareness and credibility by publishing high-quality content on Xiaohongshu, such as travel guides, flight reviews, passenger stories, etc.

  • Accurate target audience positioning

Xiaohongshu can accurately locate target audiences through intelligent algorithms and user data analysis. Airlines can accurately deliver brand information to potential passengers through customized advertising and promotion activities, improving brand exposure and conversion rates.

How to better promote your brand on Xiaohongshu:

  1. Create engaging content

Producing interesting, engaging and valuable content is key to attracting users’ attention. Airlines can attract users’ attention and enhance their brand image by sharing travel stories, attraction recommendations, flight experiences and other content.

  1. Interact with users

Interacting with users is key to building a good brand image and loyalty. Airlines can interact with users by replying to comments, participating in discussions, holding events, etc. to strengthen the connection between the brand and users.

  1. Use advertising and collaboration

In addition to organic growth, airlines can also expand their brand reach through paid advertising and partnerships with influencers. In addition to optimization services on social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu, YouFind also provides comprehensive digital marketing solutions including search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), etc. to help customers Achieve all-round brand promotion and sales growth online and offline.

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隨着流動裝置的普及,亞太地區智能手機用戶超過10億,帶動社交媒體如Facebook、Youtube、Twitter、微博、WeChat等高速發展,這些平台的成長亦為品牌和消費者的互動提供了更多機會。 最近國際市場調查機構Kantar TNS的Connected Life研究發現,Instagram在香港滲透率達70%、Snapchat亦有46%,對比2015年有明顯增幅,從數據可見香港人對新事物的接受程 度高,兩款主打以手機直接分享生活照片、影片的社交平台越來越受歡迎,也反映港人追求富美感而真實的視覺化表達方式。 新平台的興起為品牌提供更多機遇,然而社交媒體的玩法多端,各自的目標受眾(Target audience)亦不同,所以沒有「睇到老」的一本通書,用戶人數增長未必代表有龐大的客戶群。假如品牌沒有了解每個平台的特性及發展趨勢,就盲目推出 廣告,可能會弄巧反拙、浪費金錢。 以Instagram為例,Instagram是個分享高質感照片的分享平台,香港地區用戶以年輕、擁有高購買力和學歷的在職女性為主。 Connected Life調查就提及有23%用戶會主動忽略品牌的貼文或內容,33%用戶在意被網絡廣告的訊息追蹤或打擾,更有近半數16至24歲的香港 Instagram用戶傾向於信任朋輩或不認識的用戶分享,多於品牌的廣告硬銷,所以品牌應該考慮如何針對Instagram的特性,從而提升用戶的接受 程度與互動體驗。 在這一方面,筆者覺得可口可樂香港的Instagram做得不錯,他們能因應Instagram的風格及用戶對千篇一律的產品推銷圖的抗拒,從圖片的色 調、構圖、濾鏡等方面入手,結合文案製作出繽紛、吸睛、真實而人性化的貼文,營造出一個活力繽紛、吸引人追蹤的品牌形象。 面對不斷推陳出新的社交媒體,Instagram、Snapchat的興起不代表可以取代其他原有的平台,正是由於不同社交媒體有着不同的特性,新興的社 交媒體反而增加了讓品牌有更多樣化去宣傳的渠道。所以品牌宜有策略地因應產品特點及對象去選定最合適的社交平台,為品牌賦予個性,提升品牌形象,與客戶/ 潛在客戶建立長遠而忠誠的互動關係。  


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網絡推廣的推廣方式有很多,其中免費的網站推廣就是一些討論區、SNS、交換鏈接、博客、微博、微信等等新媒體的管道方式。要進行網絡推廣其載體是互聯網,離開了互聯網的推廣就不是網絡推廣了。 網絡推廣包括四個方面,網絡行銷、網絡宣傳、網絡推廣、新聞推廣。互聯網採取的各種手段方式進行網絡宣傳推廣都可以達到提高知名度的效果。與廣告傳統相比,網絡推廣的目的都是增加自身的曝光度以及對於品牌的維護。 電子商務在香港發展已經有十多年的時間,其衍生出來的行業例如搜索引擎優化和網絡推廣仍然是一個新鮮的概念,因為國內的專業的公司以及專業的人才非常的稀少,無法滿足現有的行業的發展需求。有實力的公司往往是通過採取花錢的方式來推廣行銷的,而大多數的中小型的企業則是通過具有針對性的且低成本的網絡推廣來達到增加品牌知名度的目的。


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