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Promote your airline brand to mainland passengers through Xiaohongshu, one of the three most popular apps

Promote your airline brand to mainland passengers through Xiaohongshu, one of the three most popular apps

As China and Hong Kong reopen their borders, we are seeing a strong rebound in mainland tourist arrivals to Hong Kong, which is good news for the aviation business.

Chinese travelers always use online research to choose the airline they want to fly. Xiaohongshu is a well-known social media (China’s version of Instagram) and a popular channel for airlines to promote their brands to mainland Chinese travelers. More than 200 million monthly active users mean Xiaohongshu plays an important role in users’ purchasing decisions.

YouFind’s digital marketing services for the China market can help you connect with more than 930 million Chinese internet users by optimizing your content on Xiaohongshu and other similar platforms. We have worked with a number of airlines, including Air Canada, Air China and All Nippon Airways (ANA).

Before introducing the benefits of Xiaohongshu (Red), let’s first understand this popular social media platform.

Xiaohongshu is an extremely popular social media platform in mainland China, sometimes referred to as the “Chinese version of Instagram.” It mainly shares videos and pictures on topics such as lifestyle, fashion, beauty, travel and food, and is deeply loved by young people and fashion lovers. The platform has more than 200 million monthly active users, many of whom are the younger generation with spending power and influence in purchasing decisions. Now, let’s see how Xiaohongshu can help airlines promote their brands better.

Benefits of Xiaohongshu:

  • Highly influential users

Xiaohongshu has more than 200 million monthly active users from mainland China, most of whom are young people with spending power. They often look for product and service reviews on Xiaohongshu and are recommended and influenced by other users. Therefore, airlines can attract these influential users by displaying their brands and services on Xiaohongshu.

  • Powerful brand promotion platform

Xiaohongshu is not only a social media platform, but also a powerful brand promotion platform. Airlines can increase brand awareness and credibility by publishing high-quality content on Xiaohongshu, such as travel guides, flight reviews, passenger stories, etc.

  • Accurate target audience positioning

Xiaohongshu can accurately locate target audiences through intelligent algorithms and user data analysis. Airlines can accurately deliver brand information to potential passengers through customized advertising and promotion activities, improving brand exposure and conversion rates.

How to better promote your brand on Xiaohongshu:

  1. Create engaging content

Producing interesting, engaging and valuable content is key to attracting users’ attention. Airlines can attract users’ attention and enhance their brand image by sharing travel stories, attraction recommendations, flight experiences and other content.

  1. Interact with users

Interacting with users is key to building a good brand image and loyalty. Airlines can interact with users by replying to comments, participating in discussions, holding events, etc. to strengthen the connection between the brand and users.

  1. Use advertising and collaboration

In addition to organic growth, airlines can also expand their brand reach through paid advertising and partnerships with influencers. In addition to optimization services on social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu, YouFind also provides comprehensive digital marketing solutions including search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), etc. to help customers Achieve all-round brand promotion and sales growth online and offline.

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