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What are the benefits of web analytics for businesses?

What are the benefits of web analytics for businesses?

The data collected includes almost all of the data collected from website traffic reports, email response rates, direct mail campaign data, sales and customer data, user performance data such as clicks on heat maps, or other custom demand information.

Website analysis is very helpful for enterprises, the calculation of the value of website visitors is dependent on the calculation of revenue, which can be tangible cash income or intangible brand value. Enterprises can formulate corresponding marketing plans according to their own specific situations to clarify the analysis indicators of the website.

Website analysis can be divided into data analysis, website traffic analysis, and the most appropriate method is through user behavior analysis. These data can make sufficient specific data for accurate analysis, and then formulate the marketing plan of the enterprise according to the exact data analysis results, which can make the network marketing of the enterprise more efficient, and can also make the marketing results the best.

In order to make their websites excellent, some companies will optimize their websites, and the data provided by the optimized websites will be more accurate, which is also a better way to analyze websites.

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