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AI technology combined with social media to rewrite the fate of enterprises

AI technology combined with social media to rewrite the fate of enterprises

Today, AI technology has become very common, bringing convenience to many industries, and even bringing disruptive power to the marketing industry. AI helps marketers perform their work, enhance the efficiency of their entire marketing team, and can even harness repetitive tasks to do more with the least number of people.

However, with the vast scope of artificial intelligence, what kind of AI technology can be integrated into social media to bring more profits to enterprises?

In the Hong Kong market, the more well-known AI technologies are chatbots and social listening.

In the past few years, the use of chatbots on social media platform Facebook has risen dramatically, because in the age of information explosion, users are more likely to have someone to provide information directly when searching than blindly looking for it themselves. Chatbot responds to users in real time, efficiently answers users’ repetitive and trivial questions, and continues to learn to answer deeper questions.

For example, Ricola, a well-known Swiss mint candy manufacturer, has repeatedly used Chatbot to answer user queries in real time on social media, or cooperate with social media games to conduct Q&A sessions, so as to interact more closely with users, enhance users’ goodwill towards the brand, and achieve brand promotion and attract more customers.

Social listening is also important for businesses in Hong Kong, as it is important for corporate branding and preventing PR disasters. Its principle is to observe users’ public opinions, opinions, feelings, and evaluations of their brands on the Internet and social media through keywords, and then summarize the trends of netizens.

Social Listening uses a sophisticated artificial intelligence system to automatically update network information every day, extracting valuable information from a large amount of data to analyze whether users’ impressions of a brand or company are positive or negative.

For example, Barclay, the UK’s second-largest bank, launched a mobile app called “PingIt” in its early years. But just a few days after the launch, Barclays decided to make major changes to the app.

After the launch, they used Social Listening, and after analysis, they found that there were negative reviews on various channels, and it turned out that many users were dissatisfied that the mobile app was not suitable for teenagers under the age of 18. Moreover, their parents are also unhappy that they are unable to transfer funds to them, which is likely to be a public relations disaster.

But because of Social Listening’s data analysis, Barclays was able to act quickly. The following week, Barclays re-established the age limit, successfully turning the tide and re-improving customer satisfaction, demonstrating the business value of Social Listening for businesses.


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